- Jun 10, 2018
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Resolve "Add some issue templates" Closes #299 See merge request funkwhale/funkwhale!243
Eliot Berriot authored
Resolve "Add some linting for Python code" Closes #297 See merge request funkwhale/funkwhale!242
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
- Jun 09, 2018
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Blacked the code See merge request funkwhale/funkwhale!241
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
slight fixes to Debian install doc See merge request funkwhale/funkwhale!240
- Jun 08, 2018
JocelynDelalande authored
Seems that the extensions are per-database. Without that tweak, the install will fail at django migrations step, yelling for insuficient rights to install the accent extension itself.
JocelynDelalande authored
Which will fail if the system does not contains this locale.
JocelynDelalande authored
JocelynDelalande authored
Without that, starting from a debian « naked » system, it will fail at the `pip install wheel` stage.
JocelynDelalande authored
rmdir will fail on that non-empty dir
- Jun 07, 2018
Eliot Berriot authored
Resolve "Document that admins should never, never run makemigrations" Closes #291 See merge request funkwhale/funkwhale!239
Eliot Berriot authored
run makemigrations yourself
Eliot Berriot authored
XForwardedProto to https & covers granted See merge request funkwhale/funkwhale!237
R En authored
R En authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Resolve "Display bug in Activity" Closes #287 See merge request funkwhale/funkwhale!236
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Resolve "Relicence Funkwhale to AGPL" Closes #280 See merge request funkwhale/funkwhale!235
- Jun 06, 2018
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
0.14.1 (2018-06-06) ------------------- Upgrade instructions are available at https://docs.funkwhale.audio/upgrading.html Enhancements: - Display server version in the footer (#270) - fix_track_files will now update files with bad mimetype (and not only the one with no mimetype) (#273) - Huge performance boost (~x5 to x7) during CLI import that queries MusicBrainz (#288) - Removed alpha-state transcoding support (#271) Bugfixes: - Broken logging statement during import error (#274) - Broken search bar on library home (#278) - Do not crash when importing track with an artist that do not match the release artist (#237) - Do not crash when tag contains multiple uuids with a / separator (#267) - Ensure we do not store bad mimetypes (such as application/x-empty) (#266) - Fix broken "play all" button that played only 25 tracks (#281) - Fixed broken track download modal (overflow and wrong URL) (#239) - Removed hardcoded size limit in file upload widget (#275) Documentation: - Added warning about _protected/music location in nginx configuration (#247) Removed alpha-state transcoding (#271) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A few months ago, a basic transcoding feature was implemented. Due to the way this feature was designed, it was slow, CPU intensive on the server side, and very tightly coupled to the reverse-proxy configuration, preventing it to work Apache2, for instance. It was also not compatible with Subsonic clients. Based on that, we're currently removing support for transcoding **in its current state**. The work on a better designed transcoding feature can be tracked in https://code.eliotberriot.com/funkwhale/funkwhale/issues/272. You don't have to do anything on your side, but you may want to remove the now obsolete configuration from your reverse proxy file (nginx only):: # Remove those blocks: # transcode cache proxy_cache_path /tmp/funkwhale-transcode levels=1:2 keys_zone=transcode:10m max_size=1g inactive=7d; # Transcoding logic and caching location = /transcode-auth { include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf; # needed so we can authenticate transcode requests, but still # cache the result internal; set $query ''; # ensure we actually pass the jwt to the underlytin auth url if ($request_uri ~* "[^\?]+\?(.*)$") { set $query $1; } proxy_pass http://funkwhale-api/api/v1/trackfiles/viewable/?$query; proxy_pass_request_body off; proxy_set_header Content-Length ""; } location /api/v1/trackfiles/transcode/ { include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf; # this block deals with authenticating and caching transcoding # requests. Caching is heavily recommended as transcoding # is a CPU intensive process. auth_request /transcode-auth; if ($args ~ (.*)jwt=[^&]*(.*)) { set $cleaned_args $1$2; } proxy_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$uri$is_args$cleaned_args"; proxy_cache transcode; proxy_cache_valid 200 7d; proxy_ignore_headers "Set-Cookie"; proxy_hide_header "Set-Cookie"; add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status; proxy_pass http://funkwhale-api; } # end of transcoding logic
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Eliot Berriot authored
Resolve "Improve CLI import performance by removing duplicated MBID queries" Closes #288 and #237 See merge request funkwhale/funkwhale!234