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Forked from funkwhale / funkwhale
7391 commits behind the upstream repository.
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A self-hosted tribute to


Getting help

We offer various rooms to discuss about funkwhale:

Please join those rooms if you have any questions!

Running the development version

If you want to fix a bug or implement a feature, you'll need to run a local, development copy of funkwhale.

We provide a docker based development environment, which should be both easy to setup and work similarly regardless of your development machine setup.

Instructions for bare-metal setup will come in the future (Merge requests are welcome).

Installing docker and docker-compose

This is already cover in the relevant documentations:

Cloning the project

Visit and clone the repository using SSH or HTTPS. Exemple using SSH:

git clone ssh://
cd funkwhale

A note about branches

Next release development occurs on the "develop" branch, and releases are made on the "master" branch. Therefor, when submitting Merge Requests, ensure you are merging on the develop branch.

Working with docker

In developpement, we use the docker-compose file named dev.yml, and this is why all our docker-compose commands will look like this:

docker-compose -f dev.yml logs

If you do not want to add the -f dev.yml snippet everytime, you can run this command before starting your work:

export COMPOSE_FILE=dev.yml

Building the containers

On your initial clone, or if there have been some changes in the app dependencies, you will have to rebuild your containers. This is done via the following command:

docker-compose -f dev.yml build

Creating your env file

We provide a working configuration file that is suitable for development. However, to enable customization on your machine, you should also create a .env file that will hold your personal environment variables (those will not be commited to the project).

Create it like this:

touch .env

Database management

To setup funkwhale's database schema, run this:

docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api python migrate

This will create all the tables needed for the API to run proprely. You will also need to run this whenever changes are made on the database schema.

It is safe to run this command multiple times, so you can run it whenever you fetch develop.

Development data

You'll need at least an admin user and some artists/tracks/albums to work locally.

Create an admin user with the following command:

docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api python createsuperuser

Injecting fake data is done by running the fllowing script:

command="from import fake_data; fake_data.create_data($artists)"
echo $command | docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api python shell -i python

The previous command will create 25 artists with random albums, tracks and metadata.

Launch all services

Then you can run everything with:

docker-compose -f dev.yml up

This will launch all services, and output the logs in your current terminal window. If you prefer to launch them in the background instead, use the -d flag, and access the logs when you need it via docker-compose -f dev.yml logs --tail=50 --follow.

Once everything is up, you can access the various funkwhale's components:

Running API tests

To run the pytest test suite, use the following command:

docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api pytest

This is regular pytest, so you can use any arguments/options that pytest usually accept:

# get some help
docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api pytest -h
# Stop on first failure
docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api pytest -x
# Run a specific test file
docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api pytest tests/

Running front-end tests

To run the front-end test suite, use the following command:

docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm front yarn run unit

We also support a "watch and test" mode were we continually relaunch tests when changes are recorded on the file system:

docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm front yarn run unit-watch

The latter is especially useful when you are debugging failing tests.


The front-end test suite coverage is still pretty low

Stopping everything

Once you're down with your work, you can stop running containers, if any, with:

docker-compose -f dev.yml stop

Removing everything

If you want to wipe your development environment completely (e.g. if you want to start over from scratch), just run:

docker-compose -f dev.yml down -v

This will wipe your containers and data, so please be careful before running it.

You can keep your data by removing the -v flag.

Typical workflow for a merge request

  1. Fork the project if you did not already or if you do not have access to the main repository
  2. Checkout the development branch and pull most recent changes: git checkout develop && git pull
  3. Create a dedicated branch for your work 42-awesome-fix. It is good practice to prefix your branch name with the ID of the issue you are solving.
  4. Work on your stuff
  5. Commit small, atomic changes to make it easier to review your contribution
  6. Add a changelog fragment to summarize your changes: echo "Implemented awesome stuff (#42)" > changes/changelog.d/42.feature"
  7. Push your branch
  8. Create your merge request
  9. Take a step back and enjoy, we're really grateful you did all of this and took the time to contribute!