Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 1.4.1-upgrade-release
- 1121-download
- 1218-smartplaylist_backend
- 1373-login-form-move-reset-your-password-link
- 1381-progress-bars
- 1481
- 1518-update-django-allauth
- 1645
- 1675-widget-improperly-configured-missing-resource-id
- 1675-widget-improperly-configured-missing-resource-id-2
- 1704-required-props-are-not-always-passed
- 1716-add-frontend-tests-again
- 1749-smtp-uri-configuration
- 1930-first-upload-in-a-batch-always-fails
- 1976-update-documentation-links-in-readme-files
- 2054-player-layout
- 2063-funkwhale-connection-interrupted-every-so-often-requires-network-reset-page-refresh
- 2091-iii-6-improve-visuals-layout
- 2151-refused-to-load-spa-manifest-json-2
- 2154-add-to-playlist-pop-up-hidden-by-now-playing-screen
- Tags 20
- 1.4.0 protected
- 1.4.0-rc2 protected
- 1.4.0-rc1 protected
- 1.3.4 protected
- 1.3.3 protected
- 1.3.2 protected
- 1.3.1 protected
- 1.3.0 protected
- 1.3.0-rc6 protected
- 1.3.0-rc5 protected
- 1.3.0-rc4 protected
- 1.2.10 protected
- 1.3.0-rc3 protected
- 1.3.0-rc2 protected
- 1.3.0-rc1 protected
- 1.2.9 protected
- 1.2.8 protected
- 1.2.7 protected
- 1.2.6-1 protected
- 1.2.6 protected
You can move around the graph by using the arrow keys.