Fix #862: replaced Daphne by Gunicorn/Uvicorn
Closes #862 (closed)
In addition to the advantages described in the release notes, here is a small benchmark I've run on, with both Gunicorn/Uvicorn and Daphne. Gunicorn/Uvicorn perform significantly better and faster. Note that existing instances running with Daphne will continue to work.
cc @funkwhale/reviewers-python
Benchmark setup
- Load-testing tool: Locust
- Number of requests: 30 requests par second, dispatched between
- Total requests: ~3000
- Run on a VM with 1 CPU and 4GB of memory (CPU wasn't maxed in any test)
Benchmark code
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet, task
class WebsiteTasks(TaskSet):
def artists(self):
def wellknown(self):
def nodeinfo(self):
class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust):
task_set = WebsiteTasks
min_wait = 3000
max_wait = 10000
Run with locust -f -H https://yourfunkwhale.domain
Benchmark results
Web process run with: daphne -b -p 5000 config.asgi:application --proxy-headers
Name # reqs # fails Avg Min Max | Median req/s
GET /.well-known/nodeinfo 1036 0(0.00%) 226 32 1631 | 90 7.30
GET /api/v1/artists/ 1055 0(0.00%) 565 110 3162 | 300 9.40
GET /api/v1/instance/nodeinfo/2.0/ 1070 0(0.00%) 264 36 1768 | 120 9.40
Total 3161 0(0.00%) 26.10
Percentage of the requests completed within given times
Name # reqs 50% 66% 75% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 100%
GET /.well-known/nodeinfo 1036 90 160 210 270 680 1100 1300 1500 1600
GET /api/v1/artists/ 1055 300 400 540 740 1600 2300 2600 2800 3200
GET /api/v1/instance/nodeinfo/2.0/ 1070 120 200 270 340 760 1100 1500 1600 1800
Total 3161 180 270 360 450 980 1400 2100 2500 3200
Web process run with: gunicorn config.asgi:application -w 1 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b
Name # reqs # fails Avg Min Max | Median req/s
GET /.well-known/nodeinfo 1016 0(0.00%) 88 32 375 | 61 10.10
GET /api/v1/artists/ 1030 0(0.00%) 253 107 753 | 220 10.20
GET /api/v1/instance/nodeinfo/2.0/ 940 0(0.00%) 105 36 474 | 73 10.00
Total 2986 0(0.00%) 30.30
Percentage of the requests completed within given times
Name # reqs 50% 66% 75% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 100%
GET /.well-known/nodeinfo 1016 61 85 110 120 170 230 290 330 380
GET /api/v1/artists/ 1030 220 280 320 340 420 490 560 610 750
GET /api/v1/instance/nodeinfo/2.0/ 940 73 110 140 150 210 270 320 360 470
Total 2986 120 170 210 240 320 380 480 530 750
As you can see, based on those results, Gunicorn/Uvicorn perform significantly better than Daphne:
Aggregated response time (lower is better)
Server | Median | 95% time | 99% time |
Daphne | 180ms | 1400ms | 2500ms |
Gunicorn/Uvicorn | 120ms | 380ms | 530ms |
Median response time per url (lower is better)
URL | Gunicorn/Uvicorn | Daphne |
/.well-known/nodeinfo |
71ms | 90ms |
/api/v1/artists/ |
220ms | 300ms |
/api/v1/instance/nodeinfo/2.0/ |
73ms | 120ms |
Edited by Agate