Resolve "Update Channels"
Closes #1514 (closed)
Merge request reports
As far as I can tell, you likely need to change this: to use the
method call.You'll also need to update the failing tests to use
consumer = consumers.JsonAuthConsumer.as_view()(scope=scope)
instead ofconsumer = consumers.JsonAuthConsumer(scope=scope)
, as far as I can tell.Middlewares should be okay since Funkwhale's already under Django 3, so async ready, but I'm not 100% sure.
Edited by Agateadded 3 commits
5b06d497...c29f6778 - 2 commits from branch
- c6b9a891 - Update channels
5b06d497...c29f6778 - 2 commits from branch
@agate thanks for the hints, but this doesnt fully solve the issues. Sadly JsonAuthConsumer does not provide an as_view functionality.
I think I'd need to dive into this guide:
added 1 commit
- 5840e53c - Use suggested way to test django channels since version 3
added 2 commits
changed milestone to %1.2.0