Improve doc about in-place file import do not play
Steps to reproduce
- import some music with
- import some music with
- (virtualenv) funkwhale@host:~$ python api/ import_files --in-place --username jocelyn /mnt/partage/Son/Musique/some-song.mp3
Checking imported paths against settings.MUSIC_DIRECTORY_PATH
Import summary:
- 1 files found matching this pattern: /mnt/partage/Son/Musique/Pulp Fiction.mp3
- 0 files already found in database
- 1 new files
Selected options: in place
Are you sure you want to do this?
Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: yes
1/1 Importing /mnt/partage/Son/Musique/Pulp Fiction.mp3...
Successfully imported 1 tracks
For details, please refer to import batch #15
(virtualenv) funkwhale@host:~$
- The song appears in library (from web interface)
- Click « play » on it
What happens ?
It skips directly to the next song, and I can see a 404 error in my browser log on the URL of the song (I guess) :
What is expected
Enjoy the song playing, and HTTP 200 in browser console.
- using latest release 0.14.1
- Installed following strictly the Debian guide, served with nginx.
- ~funkwhale/config/.env contains:
- songs imported without
works flawlessly
I could provide more debug information (browsing log, querying db, using django ./ shell
), if told what and where to look for :-)
Edited by JocelynDelalande