If you need to customize your nginx template, e.g. to work around `problems with
Docker's resolver <https://docs.funkwhale.audio/admin/external-storages.html#no-resolver-found>`_, you can mount your
custom nginx configuration into the container. Uncomment the commented volumes in the `nginx` section of your `docker-compose.yml`.
Additionally you need to update the paths in `nginx/funkwhale.template`.
Replace all occurrences of `/funkwhale` by `/usr/share/nginx/html`.
This loads the templates from your `nginx` folder and overrides the template files in the Docker container.
docker-compose up -d
- The Docker instructions now use the updated Docker compose plugin. If you previously used the ``docker-compose`` standalone installation, do the following while upgrading:
1. Download the `Docker compose plugin <https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/linux/#install-using-the-repository>`_
2. Stop your containers using the **docker-compose** syntax.
.. code-block:: sh
sudo docker-compose down
3. Bring the containers back up using the **docker compose** syntax.
.. code-block:: sh
sudo docker compose up -d
After this you can continue to use the **docker compose** syntax for all Docker management tasks.
- Upgrade Postgres to version 15. [Make sure to migrate!](https://docs.funkwhale.audio/administrator_documentation/upgrade_docs/docker.html#upgrade-the-postgres-container)
- With this update Funkwhale starts using poetry to maintain its dependencies. We therefore recommend
removing the old virtualenv by running `rm -rf /srv/funkwhale/virtualenv`.
- Add a management command to create a new library for a user
- Add Gitpod configuration and guide
- Add Sentry SDK to collect #1479
- Prepare API for the upcoming version 2
- Rewrite player to be based on Web Audio API
- Add a celery task to scan remote library (#1712)
- Add coverage report for Frontend Tests
- Add hint which serializer is used for OembedView (#1901)
- Add music visualizer (#1135)
- Add playlists radio to search page (#1968)
- Add proper serialization for TextPreviewView (#1903)
- Add Serializer for SpaManifest endpoint
- Add support for python 3.11
- Added proper serializers for the rate-limit endpoint.
- Added type hints to the API.
- All administrator documentation has been rewritten to improve clarity and update outdated information.
- Allow arbitrary length names for artists, albums and tracks
- Allow installing the funkwhale_api package
- Allow using default browser dark mode and update UI dynamically on change
- Apply migrations on API container start (!1879)
- Automatically fetch next page of tracks (#1526)
- Build frontend natively for cross-arch docker images
- Change unmaintained PyMemoize library to django-cache-memoize
to enable Python 3.10 support
- Cleaned up frontend docker container
- Cleanup Gitlab CI and Dockerfiles (!1796)
- Create the funkwhale-manage entrypoint in the api package
- Created migration guide for the deprecated all-in-one docker container.
- Don't buffer python stdout/err in docker
- Don't compile python byte code in docker
- Don't use poetry in production deployments
- Drop direct dependency on pyopenssl (#1975)
- Exclude /api/v1/oauth/authorize from the specs since its not supported yet (#1899)
- Fix openapi specs for user endpoints (#1892, #1894)
- Fix Serializer for inline channel artists (#1833)
- Fix specs for ListenViewSet (#1898)
- Handle PWA correctly and provide better cache strategy for album covers (#1721)
- Improve docker caching
- Improve specification of LibraryFollowViewSet (#1896)
- Install API python package in docker image
- Make CI always run all tests on protected branches.
- Make mutations endpoint appear in openapi specs
- Make Python 3.10 tests in CI mandatory
- Make sure ChannelViewSet always has a serializer (#1895)
- Migrate to new queue system from old localStorage keys
- Migrate to Vue 3
- Migrate to vue-i18n (#1831)
Fix locale changing (#1862)
- Migrated to sphinx-design.
- New task checking if remote instance is reachable to avoid playback latence (#1711)
- OAuth Application client secrets are now hashed before storing them to the DB. Those are only displayed once from now on!
- Parameterize the default S3 ACL when uploading objects. (#1319)
- Pin Alpine package versions in API Dockerfile (fixes part of CI build issues).
- Prefer using the funkwhale-manage entrypoint
- Prevent running two pipelines for MRs
- Random and less listened radio filter out un-owned content on library section (#2007)
- Refactor node info endpoint to use proper serializers
- Refactor SettingsView to use a proper serializer
- Remove unnecessary or wrong `is` keyword usage from backend
- Rename OpenAPI schema's operation ids for nicer API client method names.
- Replace django-channels package with web socket implementation from @vueuse/core (#1715)
- Rewrite embedded player to petite-vue
- Split DATABASE_URL into multiple configuration variables
- The ListenBrainz plugin submits the track duration
- Update Django OAuth Toolkit to version 2, ref #1944
- Update migration after django update (#1815)
- Update upload status when import fails (#1999)
- Updated the installation guides to make installation steps clearer.
- Upgrade docker base image to alpine 3.17
- Use proper serializer for Search endpoint (#1902)
- Instead of requesting the right spa content from the API using a middleware we now serve the
Frontend directly with nginx and only proxy-forward for API endpoints
- Replace django-rest-auth with dj-rest-auth (#1877)
- Allow enabling systemd funkwhale.target
- Allow playback of media from external frontend (#1937).
- Channel overview was displaying foreign tracks (#1773) (1773)
- Fix adding same track multiple times (#1933)
- Fix changing visualizer CORS error (#1934).
- Fix content form autofocus despite `autofocus` prop being set to `false` (#1924)
- Fix CSP header issues
- Fix CSP issue caused by django-channels package (#1752)
- Fix docker API image building with removing autobahn workaround version pin
- Fix docker builds on armv7
- Fix docker nginx entrypoint
- Fix editing playlist tracks (#1362)
- Fix embedded player not working on social posts (1946)
- Fix favorite button in queue
- Fix fetching pages of albums in album detail view (#1927)
- Fix global keyboard shortcuts firing when input is focused (#1876)
- Fix OAuth login (#1890)
- Fix play button in albums with multi-page volumes (#1928)
- Fix player closing when queue ends (#1931)
- Fix purging of dangling files #1929
- Fix remote search (#1857)
- Fix search by text in affected views (#1858)
- Fix timeout on spa manifest requests
- Fix track table showing all tracks and double pagination in some cases (#1923)
- Fix user requests and reports filtering (#1924)
- Fix validity issues in openapi/swagger spec files (#1171)
- Fixed an issue which caused links in Markdown forms to not render correctly. (#2023)
- Fixed login redirect (1736)
- Fixed remote subscription form in Podcast and search views (#1708)
- Fixed upload form VUE errors (#1738) (1738)
- Fixes channel page (#1729) (1729)
- Fixes development environment set-up with docker (1726)
- Fixes embed player (#1783) (1783)
- Fixes service worker (#1634)
- Fixes track listenings not being sent when tab is not focused
- Hide create custom radio to un-authenticated users (#1720)
- Remove trailing slash from reverse proxy configuration
- Remove unused Footer component (#1660)
- Remove usage of deprecated Model and Serializer fields (#1663)
- Skip refreshing local actors in celery federation.refresh_actor_data task - fixes disappearing avatars (!1873)
- Add ability to translate documentation into multiple languages
- Add restore instructions to backup docs (#1627).
- Added virtualenv upgrade instructions for Debian (#1562).
- Cleaned up documentation
- Document the new login flow of the CLI-tool (#1800)
- Documented LOGLEVEL command (#1541).
- Documented the `NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE` .env variable (#1624).
- Harden security for debian install docs
- Rewrote documentation contributor guide.
- Rewrote the architecture file (#1908)
- Rewrote the federation developer documentation (#1911)
- Rewrote the plugins documentation (#1910)
- Rewrote translators file
- Updated API developer documentation (#1912, #1909)
- Updated CONTRIBUTING guide with up-to-date documentation. Created layout in documentation hub.
- Add a CI job to check if changelog snippet is available
- Add CI broken links checker
- Add pre-commit hooks
- flake8
- black
- isort
- pyupgrade
- prettier
- codespell
- Add pre-commit to development tools
- Align the openapi spec to the actual API wherever possible
- Cache lychee checked urls for 1 day in CI
- Fix api tests warnings by renaming fixtures
- Fix permissions for build artifacts
- Fix shell scripts lint errors
- Format api pyproject.toml
- Format or fix files using pre-commit
- Upgrade code to >=python3.7
- Fix flake8 warnings
- Fix spelling errors
- Format files using black
- Format files using isort
- Format files using prettier
- Move api tools config to pyproject.toml
- Move database url composition from custom script to django settings
- Remove docker_all_in_one_release ci job
- Rename api composer/django/ dir to docker/
- Unpin asgiref in API dependencies
- Use vite for building the frontend, #1644
- This release removes support for Python 3.6. Please make sure you update your python version before