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Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin to v1.7.10

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin (source) dependencies minor 1.5.21 -> 1.7.10

Release Notes




  • KT-52702 Invalid locals information when compiling kotlinx.collections.immutable with Kotlin 1.7.0-RC2
  • KT-52892 Disappeared specific builder inference resolution ambiguity errors
  • KT-52782 Appeared receiver type mismatch error due to ProperTypeInferenceConstraintsProcessing compiler feature
  • KT-52718 declaringClass deprecation message mentions the wrong replacement in 1.7
IDE. Configuration
  • KTIJ-21982 Cannot run/build anything with Kotlin plugin since last update
Tools. Gradle
  • KT-52777 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu:1.7.0' Gradle 7.0+ plugin variant was published with missing classes
Tools. Gradle. JS
  • KT-52856 Kotlin/JS: Upgrade NPM dependencies
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
  • KT-52955 SourceSetMetadataStorageForIde: Broken 'cleanupStaleEntries' with enabled configuration caching or isolated ClassLoaders
  • KT-52694 Kotlin 1.7.0 breaks Configuration Caching in Android projects
Tools. Incremental Compile
  • KT-52669 Full rebuild in IC exception recovery leaves corrupt IC data


File Sha256 7683f5451ef308eb773a686ee7779a76a95ed8b143c69ac247937619d7ca3a09
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.7.10.tar.gz b874373e87381b94c6a385178ea9594a5b4cfeb2fbae2bd89d3cb84c96bc3b96
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.7.10.tar.gz 4e9470c25e0c6b3b79e86a59c7eca4d79c5a28ca515e80db93504535b2332a00
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.7.10.tar.gz c02be577f541a5c73e1af75534006eea6e09cf67b3a886f323dae6f0406bcb3e 52c64c754a23da3d554d89beb9cdc322ffcb19b8d6f1e812e849e597d282b99d


Analysis API. FIR
  • KT-50864 Analysis API: ISE: "KtCallElement should always resolve to a KtCallInfo" is thrown on call resolution inside plusAssign target
  • KT-50252 Analysis API: Implement FirModuleResolveStates for libraries
  • KT-50862 Analsysis API: do not create use site subsitution override symbols
Analysis API. FIR Low Level API
  • KT-50729 Type bound is not fully resolved
  • KT-50728 Lazy resolve of extension function from 'kotlin' package breaks over unresolved type
  • KT-50271 Analysis API: get rid of using FirRefWithValidityCheck
Backend. Native. Debug
  • KT-50558 K/N Debugger. Error is not displayed in variables view for catch block
New Features
  • KT-26245 Add ability to specify generic type parameters as not-null
  • KT-45165 Remove JVM target version 1.6
  • KT-27435 Allow implementation by delegation to inlined value of inline class
  • KT-47939 Support method references to functional interface constructors
  • KT-50775 Support IR partial linkage in Kotlin/Native (disabled by default)
  • KT-51737 Kotlin/Native: Remove unnecessary safepoints on watchosArm32 and iosArm32 targets
  • KT-44249 NEW_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER with type usage in higher order function
Performance Improvements
  • KT-48233 Switching to JVM IR backend increases compilation time by more than 15%
  • KT-51699 Kotlin/Native: runtime has no LTO in debug binaries
  • KT-34466 Use optimized switch over enum only when all entries are constant enum entry expressions
  • KT-50861 FIR: Combination of array set convention and plusAssign works exponentially
  • KT-47171 For loop doesn't avoid boxing with value class iterators (JVM)
  • KT-29199 'next' calls for iterators of merged primitive progressive values are not specialized
  • KT-50585 JVM IR: Array constructor loop should use IINC
  • KT-22429 Optimize 'for' loop code generation for reversed arrays
  • KT-50074 Performance regression in String-based 'when' with single equality clause
  • KT-22334 Compiler backend could generate smaller code for loops using range such as integer..array.size -1
  • KT-35272 Unnecessary null check on unsafe cast after not-null assertion operator
  • KT-27427 Optimize nullable check introduced with 'as' cast
  • KT-46762 Finalize support for jspecify
  • KT-51499 @​file:OptIn doesn't cover override methods
  • KT-52037 FIR: add error in 1.7.0 branch if run with non-compatible plugins
  • KT-46756 Release the K2/JVM compiler in Alpha
  • KT-49715 IR: "IllegalStateException: Function has no body: FUN name:toString" during IR lowering with shadowed extension inside interface
  • KT-45508 False negative ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED on a fake override with an abstract super class member
  • KT-28078 Report error "Public property exposes its private type" for primary constructor properties instead of warning
  • KT-49017 Forbid usages of super or super if in fact it accesses an abstract member
  • KT-38078 Prohibit calling methods from Any with "super" qualifier once they are overridden as abstract in superclass
  • KT-52363 Evaluate impact of qualified this behavior change warnings
  • KT-52561 JVM: Coroutine state machine loses value after a check-induced smart cast
  • KT-52311 java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
  • KT-41124 Inconsistency of exceptions at init block for an enum entry with and without a qualifier name
  • KT-46860 Make safe calls always nullable
  • KT-52503 New green code appeared at the callable reference resolution
  • KT-51925 Native: "IllegalStateException: Symbol for kotlinx.cinterop/CStructVar|null[0] is unbound" caused by inline function
  • KT-49317 "IllegalStateException: Parent of this declaration is not a class: FUN LOCAL_FUNCTION_FOR_LAMBDA" with parameter of suspend type with the default parameter
  • KT-51844 New errors in overload resolution involving vararg extension methods
  • KT-52006 "java.lang.Throwable: Unbalanced tree Exception" on indexing kotlin project
  • KT-51223 Report warning about conflicting inherited members from deserialized dependencies
  • KT-51439 FE 1.0: implement type variance conflict deprecation on qualifier type arguments
  • KT-51433 FE 1.0: implement warnings about label resolve changes
  • KT-51317 Regression in resolution of lambdas where expected type has an extension receiver parameter
  • KT-45935 JVM IR: Add not-null assertion for explicit definitely not-null parameters
  • KT-51818 "ClassCastException: class CoroutineSingletons cannot be cast to class" with suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn and coroutines
  • KT-51718 JVM / IR: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" caused by nullable variable inside suspend function
  • KT-51927 Native: The symbol of unexpected type encountered during IR deserialization error when multiple libraries have non-conflicting declarations with the same name
  • KT-52394 JVM: Missing annotation on method with value class return type when a subclass is present in the same file in Kotlin 1.7.0-Beta
  • KT-51640 FIR: remove warning about "far from being production ready"
  • KT-45553 FIR: support hiding declaration from star import by as import
  • KT-52404 Prolong deprecation cycle for errors at contravariant usages of star projected argument from Java
  • KT-50734 TYPE_MISMATCH: NonNull parameter with a type of Nullable type argument causes compiler warning
  • KT-51235 JVM / IR: "AbstractMethodError: Receiver class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method" when property with inline class type is overridden to return Nothing?
  • KT-48935 NI: Multiple generic parameter type constraints are not applied as expected when the parameter is of function type
  • KT-49661 NI: No TYPE_INFERENCE_UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED when argument is inferred by return type
  • KT-50877 Inconsistent flexible type
  • KT-51988 "NPE: getContainingDeclaration…lDeclarationType.REGULAR) must not be null" when using @​BuilderInference with multiple type arguments
  • KT-48890 Revert Opt-In restriction "Overriding methods can only have opt-in annotations that are present on their basic declarations."
  • KT-52035 FIR: add error in 1.7.0 branch if run on JS / Native configuration
  • KT-45461 NI: False negative TYPE_INFERENCE_UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED when passing an argument to a function with generic constraints
  • KT-52146 JVM IR: "AssertionError: Primitive array expected" on vararg of SAM types with self-type and star projection
  • KT-50730 Implement error for a super class constructor call on a function interface in supertypes list
  • KT-52040 JVM: ClassFormatError Illegal method name "expectFailure$__proxy-0"
  • KT-50845 Postpone rxjava errors reporting in the strict mode till 1.8 due to found broken cases
  • KT-51979 "AssertionError: No modifier list, but modifier has been found by the analyzer" exception on incorrect Java interface override
  • KT-51759 FIR DFA: false positive "Variable must be initialized"
  • KT-50378 Unresolved reference for method in Jsoup library in a kts script file
  • KT-34919 "Visibility is unknown yet" when named parameter in a function type used in a typealias implemented by an abstract class
  • KT-51893 Duplicated [OVERRIDE_DEMRECATION] on overridden properties
  • KT-41034 K2: Change evaluation semantics for combination of safe calls and convention operators
  • KT-51843 Functional interface constructor references are incorrectly allowed in 1.6.20 without any compiler flags
  • KT-51914 False positive RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH in intellij ultimate
  • KT-51711 Compiler warning is displayed in case there is 'if' else branch used with elvis
  • KT-33517 Kotlin ScriptEngine does not respect async code when using bindings
  • KT-51850 FIR cannot resolve ambiguity with different SinceKotlin/DeprecatedSinceKotlin
  • KT-44705 Deprecate using non-exhaustive if's and when's in rhs of elvis
  • KT-44510 FIR DFA: smartcast after elvis with escaping lambda
  • KT-44879 FIR DFA: Track inc and dec operator calls in preliminary loop visitor
  • KT-51758 FIR: explicit API mode errors should not be reported for effectively internal / private entities
  • KT-51203 FIR: Inconsistent RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH and TYPE_MISMATCH reporting on functions and properties
  • KT-51624 FIR: false-positive INAPPLICABLE_LATEINIT_MODIFIER for lateinit properties with unresolved types
  • KT-51204 FIR IC: Incremental compilation fails on nested crossinline
  • KT-51798 Fix ISE from IR backend when data class inherits equals/hashCode/toString with incompatible signature
  • KT-46187 FIR: OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY on SAM-converted callable reference to List::plus
  • KT-51761 Incorrect NONE_APPLICABLE in expect class
  • KT-51756 FIR: false positive NO_VALUE_FOR_PARAMETER in expect class delegated constructor call
  • KT-49778 Support cast to DefinitelyNotNull type in Native
  • KT-51441 -Xpartial-linkage option specified in Gradle build script is not passed to Native linker
  • KT-34515 NI: "AssertionError: Base expression was not processed: POSTFIX_EXMRESSION" with double not-null assertion to brackets
  • KT-48546 PSI2IR: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi2ir.generators.ErrorExpressionException: null: KtCallExpression" with recursive property access in lazy block
  • KT-28109 "AssertionError: No setter call" for incrementing parenthesized result of indexed access convention operator
  • KT-46136 Unsubstituted return type inferred for a function returning anonymous object upcast to supertype
  • KT-51364 FIR: ambiguity due to String constructors clash
  • KT-51621 FIR: visible VS invisible qualifier conflict
  • KT-50468 FIR compilers fails with CCE when meets top-level destruction
  • KT-51557 Inline stack frame is not shown for default inline lambda
  • KT-51358 OptIn: show default warning/error message in case of empty message argument
  • KT-44152 FIR2IR fails on declarations from java stdlib if java classes are loaded from PSI instead of binaries
  • KT-50949 PSI2IR: NSEE from ArgumentsGenerationUtilsKt.createFunctionForSuspendConversion with providing lambda as argument with suspend type
  • KT-39256 ArrayStoreException with list of anonymous objects with inferred types created in reified extension function
  • KT-39883 Deprecate computing constant values of complex boolean expressions in when condition branches and conditions of loops
  • KT-36952 Exception during codegen: cannot pop operand off an empty stack (reference equality, implicit boxing, type check)
  • KT-51233 AssertionError in JavaLikeCounterLoopBuilder with Compose
  • KT-51254 Verify Error on passing null to type parameter extending inline class
  • KT-50996 [FIR] Support Int -> Long conversion for property initializers
  • KT-51000 [FIR] Support Int -> Long? conversion
  • KT-51003 [FIR] Consider Int -> Long conversion if expected type is type variable
  • KT-51018 [FIR] Wrong type inference if one of constraints is integer literal
  • KT-51446 Metadata serialization crashes with IOOBE when deserializing underlying inline class value with type table enabled
  • KT-50973 Redundant line number mapping for finally block with JVM IR
  • KT-51272 Incompatible types: KClass and callable reference Collection::class
  • KT-51274 "Expected some types" exception on when branch for when expression of erroneous type
  • KT-51229 FIR: private constructor of internal data class treated as internal and not private
  • KT-50750 [FIR] Report UNSUPPORTED on array literals not from annotation classes
  • KT-51200 False EXPOSED_PARAMETER_TYPE for internal type parameter of internal type
  • KT-51121 Inconsistent SAM behavior in multiple cases causing AbstractMethodError (Kotlin 1.6.10)
  • KT-50136 FIR: syntax error on (T & Any)
  • KT-49465 FIR2IR: support definitely not-null types
  • KT-51357 FIR: error in inference while using integer literal in expected Long position
  • KT-49925 [FIR] Incorrect builder inference (different cases)
  • KT-50542 "IllegalStateException: Type parameter descriptor is not initialized: T declared in sort" with definitely non-null type Any & T in generic constraint
  • KT-51171 FIR: class Error resolution problem
  • KT-51156 Multiplatform linkDebugFramework task throws NoSuchElementException when expect class constructors utilize nested enum constant
  • KT-51017 [FIR] Ambiguity on callable reference between two functions on generic receiver with different bounds
  • KT-51007 [FIR] False positive ILLEGAL_SUSPEND_FUNCTION_CALL if fun interface with suspend function declared in another module
  • KT-50998 [FIR] Int.inv() cal does not considered as compile time call
  • KT-51009 [FIR] Incorrect inference of lambda in position of return
  • KT-50997 [FIR] Incorrect type of typealias for suspend functional type
  • KT-49714 Compiler reports "'operator modifier is inapplicable" if expect class with increment operator is provided via type alias
  • KT-48623 Type nullability enhancement improvements
  • KT-44623 "IllegalStateException: IdSignature is allowed only for PublicApi symbols" when suspending receiver is annotated with something
  • KT-46000 JVM / IR: AssertionError on isSubtypeOfClass check in copyValueParametersToStatic with Compose
  • KT-50211 Annotation Instantiation with default arguments in Native
  • KT-49412 Controversial "type argument is not within its bounds" reported by FIR
  • KT-48044 [FIR] Investigate behavior of UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED on complex cases
  • KT-37975 Don't show deprecation of enum class itself for its own member
  • KT-50737 Inheritance from SuspendFunction leads to compiler crash
  • KT-50723 Implement a fix of reporting of uninitialized parameter in default values of parameters
  • KT-50749 Implement UNSUPPORTED reporting on array literals inside objects in annotation classes
  • KT-50753 Implement reporting errors on cycles in annotation parameter types
  • KT-50758 Fix inconsistency of exceptions at init block for an enum entry with and without a qualifier name
  • KT-50182 CONST_VAL_NOT_TOP_LEVEL_OR_OBJECT: clarify error message for const in object expression
  • KT-50183 Fix missing apostrophe escapes in compiler error messages
  • KT-50788 FIR: false unsafe call on not-null generic
  • KT-50785 FIR: inconsistent smart cast after comparison with true
  • KT-50858 [FIR LL] FIR in low level mode creates multiple symbols for same declaration
  • KT-50822 Analysis API: make declaration transformers machinery to be a thread safe
  • KT-50972 FIR doesn't report VAL_REASSIGNMENT on synthetic properties
  • KT-50969 FIR: diamond inheritance with different parameter types depends on a supertype order
  • KT-50875 FIR: no smart cast after reassignment with elvis
  • KT-50835 Inline functions with suspend lambdas break the tail-call optimization
  • KT-49485 JVM / IR: StackOverflowError with long when-expression conditions
  • KT-35684 NI: "IllegalStateException: Expected some types" from builder-inference about intersecting empty types on trivial code
  • KT-50776 FIR: ambiguity between Sequence.forEach and Iterable.forEach
  • KT-48908 Error for annotation on parameter type could have distinct ID and message referring 1.6
  • KT-48907 SUPERTYPE_IS_SUSPEND_FUNCTION_TYPE error could have message referring version 1.6
  • KT-50774 FIR2IR: NSEE in case of lambda in enum entry constructor call
  • KT-34338 Parameterless main causes duplicate JVM signature error
  • KT-50577 JVM_IR: No NPE when casting uninitialized value of non-null type to non-null type
  • KT-50476 JVM_IR: NSME when calling 'super.removeAt(Int)' implemented in Java interface as a default method
  • KT-50257 JVM_IR: Incorrect bridge delegate signature for renamed remove(I) causes SOE with Kotlin class inherited from fastutils IntArrayList
  • KT-50470 FIR: inapplicable candidate in delegate inference due to nullability
  • KT-32744 Inefficient compilation of null-safe call (extra null checks, unreachable code)
Docs & Examples
  • KT-52032 Document performance optimizations of the Kotlin/JVM compiler in 1.7.0
  • KT-49424 Update KEEP for OptIn
  • KTIJ-21735 Exception when opening a project
  • KTIJ-17414 UAST: Synthetic enum methods have null return values
  • KTIJ-17444 UAST: Synthetic enum methods are missing nullness annotations
  • KTIJ-19043 UElement#comments is empty for a Kotlin property with a getter
  • KTIJ-10031 IDE fails to suggest a project declaration import if the name clashes with internal declaration with implicit import from stdlib (ex. @​Serializable)
  • KTIJ-21515 Load JVM target 1.6 as 1.8 in Maven projects
  • KTIJ-21151 Exception about wrong read access from "Java overriding methods searcher" with Kotlin overrides
  • KTIJ-20736 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.roots.KotlinNonJvmOrderEnumerationHandler. Kotlin plugin 1.7 fails to start
  • KT-50111 Resolving into KtUltraLightMethod
  • KTIJ-21063 IDE highlighting: False positive error "Context receivers should be enabled explicitly"
  • KTIJ-20810 NoClassDefFoundError: org/jetbrains/kotlin/idea/util/SafeAnalyzeKt errors in 1.7.0-master-212 kotlin plugin on project open
  • KTIJ-19088 KotlinUFunctionCallExpression.resolve() returns null for calls to @​JvmSynthetic functions
  • KTIJ-17869 KotlinUFunctionCallExpression.resolve() returns null for instantiations of local classes with default constructors
  • KTIJ-21061 UObjectLiteralExpression.getExpressionType() returns the base class type for Kotlin object literals instead of the anonymous class type
  • KTIJ-20200 UAST: @​Deprecated(level=HIDDEN) constructors are not returning UMethod.isConstructor=true
  • KTIJ-19624 NoDescriptorForDeclarationException on iosTest.kt.vm
IDE. Code Style, Formatting
  • KTIJ-20554 Introduce some code style for definitely non-null types
IDE. Completion
  • KTIJ-14740 Multiplatform declaration actualised in an intermediate source set is shown twice in a completion popup called in the source set
IDE. Debugger
  • KTIJ-20815 MPP Debugger: Evaluation of expect function for the project with intermediate source set may fail with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
IDE. Decompiler, Indexing, Stubs
  • KTIJ-21472 "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not read file" exception on indexing invalid class file
  • KTIJ-20802 Definitely Not-Null types: "UpToDateStubIndexMismatch: PSI and index do not match" plugin error when trying to use library function with T&Any
  • KT-51248 Function and parameter names with special symbols have to backticked
  • KTIJ-20443 FIR IDE: Work in Dumb mode
  • KTIJ-21374 FIR IDE: Incorrect highlighting for operators
  • KTIJ-21013 FIR IDE: Inconsistent smartcasts highlighting
  • KTIJ-21343 FIR IDE: Navigation from explicit invoke call does not work
  • KTIJ-20852 FIR IDE: Exception when checking isInheritor on two classes in different modules
  • KTIJ-21021 FIR IDE: Completion of extension function does not work on nullable receiver
  • KTIJ-20637 FIR IDE: Strange exception while commenting-uncommenting FirReferenceResolveHelper.kt
  • KTIJ-20971 FIR IDE: "Parameter Info" shows parameters of uncallable methods
IDE. Gradle Integration
  • KTIJ-21807 Gradle to IDEA import: language and API version settings are not imported for Native facet
  • KTIJ-21692 Kotlin Import Test maintenance: 1.7.0-Beta
  • KTIJ-20567 Kotlin/JS: Gradle import into IDEA creates no proper sub-modules, source sets, facets
IDE. Hints. Inlay
  • KTIJ-20552 Support definitely non-null types in inlay hints
IDE. Inspections and Intentions
New Features
  • KTIJ-18979 Quickfix for INTEGER_OPERATOR_RESOLVE_WILL_CHANGE to add explicit conversion call
  • KTIJ-19866 Create quick-fix for effective visibility error on private-in-file interface exposing private class
  • KTIJ-19939 Provide quickfix for deprecated confusing expressions in when branches
  • KTIJ-20705 Register quickfix for NO_CONSTRUCTOR_WARNING diagnostic
  • KTIJ-21226 "Remove else branch" quick fix is not suggested
  • KTIJ-20981 Definitely non-null types: quick-fixes suggested incorrectly for LV=1.6 when Xenhance-type-parameter-types-to-def-not-null flag is set
  • KTIJ-20953 Add quickfix for OVERRIDE_DEMRECATION warning to 1.7 - 1.9 migration
  • KTIJ-20734 Replace with [@​JvmInline] value quick fix should be appliable on a whole project
  • KTIJ-21420 Add 'else' branch quick fix suggestion is displayed twice in case 'if' isn't completed
  • KTIJ-21192 "Make protected" intention is redundant for interface properties
  • KTIJ-18120 "Make public" intention does not add explicit "public" modifier when using ExplicitApi Strict mode
  • KTIJ-20493 "Create expect" quick fix doesn't warn about platform-specific annotations
IDE. Misc
IDE. Multiplatform
  • KT-49523 Improve environment setup experience for KMM projects
  • KT-50952 MPP: Commonized cinterops doesn't attach/detach to source set on configuration changes
IDE. Native
  • KT-44329 Improve UX of using Native libraries in Kotlin
  • KTIJ-21602 With Native Debugging Support plugin Gradle run configurations can't be executed from IDEA: LLDB_NATVIS_RENDERERS_ENABLED
IDE. Wizards
  • KTIJ-20919 Update ktor-html-builder dependency in kotlin wizards
  • KTIJ-20962 Wizard: Invalid Ktor imports
New Features
  • KT-51735 KJS / IR: Minimize member names in production mode
Performance Improvements
  • KT-51127 Kotlin/JS - IR generates plenty of useless Unit_getInstance()
  • KT-50212 KJS IR: Upcast should be a no-op
  • KT-16974 JS: Kotlin.charArrayOf is suboptimal due to Rhino bugs
  • KT-44319 JS IR BE: Add an ability to generate separate JS files for each module
  • KT-52518 Kotlin/JS IR: project with 1.6.21 fails to consume library built with 1.7.0-RC: ISE "Unexpected IrType kind: KIND_NOT_SET" at IrDeclarationDeserializer.deserializeIrTypeData()
  • KT-52010 K/JS IR: both flows execute when using elvis operator
  • KT-41096 KJS IR: @​JsExport should use original js name for external declarations
  • KT-52144 KJS / IR: Missing property definitions for interfaced defined properties
  • KT-52252 KJS / IR: overridden properties are undefined/null
  • KT-51973 KJS / IR overridden properties of inherited interface missing
  • KT-51125 Provide a way to use import keyword in js expressions
  • KT-40888 KJS / IR: Missing methods are no longer generated (polyfills)
  • KT-50504 KJS / IR: Transpiled JS incorrectly uses the unscrambled names of internal fields
  • KT-51853 JS compilation fails with "Uninitialized fast cache info" error
  • KT-51205 K/JS IR: external class is mapped to any
  • KT-50806 Typescript definitions contain invalid nested block comments with generic parent and type argument without @JsExport
  • KT-51841 KJS / IR: No flat hash for FUN FAKE_OVERRIDE with
  • KT-51081 KJS / IR + IC: Passing an inline function with default params as a param to a higher-order function crashes the compiler
  • KT-51084 KJS / IR + IC: Cache invalidation doesn't check generic inline functions reified qualifier
  • KT-51211 K/JS IR: JsExport: Can't export nested enum
  • KT-51438 KJS / IR: Duplicated import names for the same external names
  • KT-51238 Kotlin/JS: IR + IC: build fails after clean on compileTestDevelopmentExecutableKotlinJs task: "Failed to create MD5 hash for file '.../build/classes/kotlin/main' as it does not exist"
  • KT-50674 KJS / IR: JS code cannot modify local variable
  • KT-50953 KJS IR: Incorrect nested commenting in d.ts
  • KT-15223 JS: function that overrides external function with vararg parameter is translated incorrectly
  • KT-50657 KJS / IR 1.6.20-M1-39 - Date in Kotlin JS cannot be created from long.
Language Design
New Features
  • KT-45618 Stabilize builder inference
  • KT-30485 Underscore operator for type arguments
  • KT-49006 Support at least three previous versions of language/API
  • KT-16768 Context-sensitive resolution prototype (Resolve unqualified enum constants based on expected type)
  • KT-14663 Support having a "public" and a "private" type for the same property
  • KT-50477 Functional conversion does not work on suspending functions
  • KT-32162 Allow generics for inline classes
  • KT-12380 Support sealed (exhaustive) whens
  • KT-27750 Reverse reservation of 'yield' as keyword
  • KT-22956 Release OptIn annotations
  • KT-44866 Change behavior of private constructors of sealed classes
  • KT-49110 Prohibit access to members of companion of enum class from initializers of entries of this enum
  • KT-29405 Switch default JVM target version to 1.8
New Features
  • KT-50484 Extensions for java.util.Optional in stdlib
  • KT-50146 Reintroduce min/max(By/With) operations on collections with non-nullable return type
  • KT-46132 Specialized default time source with non-allocating time marks
  • KT-41890 Support named capture groups in Regex on Native
  • KT-48179 Introduce API to retrieve the number of CPUs the runtime has
Performance Improvements
  • KT-42178 Range and Progression should override last()
  • KT-42436 Support java.nio.Path extension in the standard library
  • KT-51470 Stabilize experimental API for 1.7
  • KT-51775 JS: Support named capture groups in Regex
  • KT-51776 Native: Support back references to groups with multi-digit index
  • KT-51082 Introduce Enum.declaringJavaClass property
  • KT-51848 Promote deepRecursiveFunction to stable API
  • KT-48924 KJS: toString in base 36 produces different results in JS compare to JVM
  • KT-50742 Regular expression is fine on jvm but throws PatternSyntaxException for native macosX64 target
  • KT-50059 Stop publishing kotlin-stdlib and kotlin-test artifacts under modular classifier
  • KT-26678 Rename buildSequence/buildIterator to sequence/iterator
  • KT-49406 Kotlin/Native: generate standalone executable for androidNative targets by default
  • KT-48595 Enable Native embeddable compiler jar in Gradle plugin by default
  • KT-51377 Native: synthetic forward declarations are preferred over commonized definitions
  • KT-49145 Kotlin/Native static library compilation fails for androidNative*
  • KT-49496 Gradle (or the KMM plugin) is caching the Xcode Command Line Tools location
  • KT-49247 gradle --offline should translate into airplaneMode for kotin-native compiler
Native. Build Infrastructure
  • KT-52259 kotlin-native releases from GitHub don't contain platform libs
Native. C and ObjC Import
  • KT-49455 Methods from Swift extensions are not resolved in Kotlin shared module
  • KT-50648 Incorrect KMM cinterop conversion
Native. ObjC Export
  • KT-50982 RuntimeAssertFailedPanic in iOS when Kotlin framework is initialized before loading
  • KT-49937 Kotlin/Native 1.5.31: 'runtime assert: Unexpected selector clash' when 'override fun toString(): String' is used
Native. Platforms
  • KT-52232 Kotlin/Native: simplify toolchain dependency override for MinGW
Native. Runtime
  • KT-52365 Kotlin/Native fails to compile projects for 32-bit targets when new memory manager is enabled
Native. Runtime. Memory
  • KT-48537 Kotlin/Native: improve GC triggers in the new MM.
  • KT-50713 Kotlin/Native: Enable Concurrent Sweep GC by default
Native. Stdlib
  • KT-50312 enhancement: kotlin native -- add alloc<TVarOf>(T)
Native. Testing
  • KT-50316 Kotlin/Native: Produce a list of available tests alongside the final artifact
  • KT-50139 Create tests for Enter/Leave frame optimization
  • KT-27598 "KotlinReflectionInternalError" when using callBy on constructor that has inline class parameters
  • KT-31141 IllegalArgumentException when reflectively accessing nullable property of inline class type
Tools. CLI
  • KT-52409 Report error when use-k2 with Multiplatform
  • KT-51717 IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected versionNeededToExtract (0) in 1.6.20-RC2 with useFir enabled
  • KT-52217 Rename 'useFir' to 'useK2'
  • KT-29974 Add a compiler option '-Xjdk-release' similar to javac's '--release' to control the target JDK version
  • KT-51673 Make language version description not in capital letters
  • KT-48833 -Xsuppress-version-warnings allows to suppress errors about unsupported versions
  • KT-51627 kotlinc fails with java.lang.RuntimeException if /tmp/build.txt file exists on the disk
  • KT-51306 Support reading language settings from an environment variable and overriding the current settings by them
  • KT-51093 "-Xopt-in=..." command line argument no longer works
Tools. Commonizer
  • KT-43309 Overwrite return type and parameter types of callable member to succeed commonization
  • KT-52050 [Commonizer] 'platform.posix.DIR' not implementing 'CPointed' when commonized for 'nativeMain' on linux or windows hosts
  • KT-51224 MPP: For optimistically commonized numbers missed kotlinx.cinterop.UnsafeNumber
  • KT-51215 MPP: Update Kdoc description for kotlinx.cinterop.UnsafeNumber
  • KT-51686 Cinterop: Overload resolution ambiguity in 1.6.20-RC2
  • KT-46636 HMPP: missed classes from platform.posix.*
  • KT-51332 Optimistic number commonization is disabled by default in KGP with enabled HMPP
Tools. Compiler Plugins
  • KT-50992 jvm-abi-gen breaks inline functions in inline classes with private constructors in Kotlin 1.6.20
Tools. Daemon
  • KT-32885 KT. Kotlin daemon compilation process is broken: java.lang.IllegalStateException Service is dying at entities generation by Kotlin.kts script
Tools. Gradle
New Features
  • KT-49227 Support Gradle plugins variants
  • KT-50869 Provide API that allow AGP to set up Kotlin compilation
  • KT-48008 Consider offering a KotlinBasePlugin
  • KT-52030 Provide experimental possibility to view internal information about Kotlin Compiler performance
Performance Improvements
  • KT-52141 Optimize Java class snapshotting for the kotlin.incremental.useClasspathSnapshot feature
  • KT-51978 Optimize classpath snapshot cache for the kotlin.incremental.useClasspathSnapshot feature
  • KT-51326 Kotlin-gradle-plugin performance issue with mass java SourceRoots
  • KT-52448 Compilation tasks are missing input/output/internal annotations on includes/excludes properties
  • KT-52239 Type based task configuration-blocks for JVM stopped working in Gradle
  • KT-52313 No recompilation in Gradle after adding or removing function parameters, removing functions (and maybe more) in dependent modules
  • KT-51854 Add Ktor to gradle performance benchmark
  • KT-52086 Rename flag 'use-fir' to 'use-k2'
  • KT-52509 Main variant published to Gradle plugin portal uses unshadowed artifact
  • KT-52392 Gradle: 1.7.0 does not support custom gradle build configuration on Windows OS
  • KT-32805 KotlinCompile inherits properties sourceCompatibility and targetCompatibility which breaks Gradle's incremental compilation
  • KT-52189 Provide Gradle Kotlin/DSL friendly deprecated classpath property in KotlinCompiler task
  • KT-51415 Confusing build failure reason is displayed in case kapt is used and different JDKs are used for compileKotlin and compileJava tasks
  • KT-52187 New IC can not be enabled in an Android project using kapt
  • KT-51898 Upgrading Kotlin/Kotlin Gradle plugin to 1.5.3 and above breaks '' plugin
  • KT-51913 Gradle plugin should not add attributes to the legacy configurations
  • KT-34862 Restoring from build cache breaks Kotlin incremental compilation
  • KT-45777 New IC in Gradle
  • KT-51360 Show performance difference in percent between releases
  • KT-51380 Add open-source project using Kotlin/JS plugin to build regression benchmarks
  • KT-51937 Toolchain usage with configuration cache prevents KotlinCompile task to be UP-TO-DATE
  • KT-48276 Remove kotlin2js and kotlin-dce-plugin
  • KT-52138 KSP could not access internal methods/properties in Kotlin Gradle Plugin
  • KT-51342 Set minimal supported Android Gradle plugin version to 3.6.4
  • KT-50494 Remove kotlin.experimental.coroutines Gradle DSL option
  • KT-49733 Bump minimal supported Gradle version to 6.7.1
  • KT-48831 Remove 'KotlinGradleSubplugin'
  • KT-47924 Remove annoying cast in toolchain extension method for Kotlin DSL
  • KT-46541 Fail Gradle builds when deprecated kotlinOptions.jdkHome is set
  • KT-51830 Gradle: deprecate kotlin.compiler.execution.strategy system property
  • KT-47763 Gradle DSL: Remove deprecated useExperimentalAnnotation and experimentalAnnotationInUse
  • KT-51374 NoSuchFileException in getOrCreateSessionFlagFile()
  • KT-51837 kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.6.20 fails xray scan on shadowed Gson 2.8.6.
  • KT-51454 KotlinJvmTest is not a cacheable task
  • KT-45745 Migrate only Kotlin Gradle Plugin tests to new JUnit5 DSL and run them separately on CI
  • KT-47318 Remove deprecated 'kotlinPluginVersion' property in `KotlinBasePluginWrapper'
  • KT-51378 Gradle 'buildSrc' compilation fails when newer version of Kotlin plugin is added to the build script classpath
  • KT-46038 Gradle: kotlin_module files are corrupted in the KotlinCompile output, and gets cached
  • KT-51064 Kotlin gradle build hangs on MetricsContainer.flush
  • KT-48779 Gradle: Could not connect to kotlin daemon
Tools. Gradle. Cocoapods
  • KT-50622 Cocoapods Plugin: cocoapods-generate does not work correctly with ruby 3.0.0 and higher
  • KT-51861 Custom binary name in CocoaPods plugin isn't respected by fatFramework task
Tools. Gradle. JS
  • KT-52221 Kotlin/JS: failed Node tests are not reported in a standard way
  • KT-51895 K/JS: Redundant technical messages during JS tests
  • KT-51414 Allow set up environment variables for JS tests
  • KT-51623 Kotlin/JS: Mocha could not failed when external module not found
  • KT-51503 Update NPM dependency versions
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
New Features
  • KT-51386 [KPM] IdeaKotlinProjectModelBuilder: Implement dependencies
  • KT-49524 Improve DSL for managing Kotlin/Native binary output
  • KT-51765 in multiplatform project without android target should not trigger warning
  • KT-38456 MPP with Android source set: allTests task does not execute Android unit tests
  • KT-44227 Common tests are not launched on local JVM for Android via allTests task in a multiplatform project
  • KT-51946 Temporarily mark HMPP tasks as notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache for Gradle 7.4
  • KT-52140 Support extensibility Kotlin Artifacts DSL by external gradle plugins
  • KT-51947 Mark HMPP tasks as notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache for Gradle 7.4 using Reflection
  • KT-50925 Could not resolve all files for configuration ':metadataCompileClasspath'
  • KT-51262 [KPM] IDEA import: Move model builder to KGP
  • KT-51220 [KPM][Android] Implement generic data storage and import pipeline
  • KT-48649 No run task generated for macosArm64 target in Gradle plugin
Tools. Gradle. Native
  • KT-47746 Allow customization of the Kotlin/Native compiler download url
  • KT-51884 Gradle Native: "A problem occurred starting process 'command 'xcodebuild''" when building assembleFooXCFramework task on Linux
Tools. Incremental Compile
  • KT-51546 FIR incremental compilation fails with assertion "Trying to inline an anonymous object which is not part of the public ABI"
  • KT-49780 IncrementalCompilerRunner bug: Outputs are deleted after successful rebuild following fallback from an exception
  • KT-44741 Incremental compilation: inspectClassesForKotlinIC doesn't determine changes with imported constant
Tools. JPS
  • KTIJ-17280 JPS: don't use as it is not working sometimes
  • KTIJ-20954 NPE at at org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.JvmProtoBufUtil.readNameResolver on compiling by JPS with LV > 1.7
Tools. Kapt
  • KT-49533 Make kapt work out of the box with latest JDKs
  • KT-52284 FIR: add error in 1.7.0 branch if run with Kapt
  • KT-51463 KAPT: Incremental compilation not working when rerunning unit tests
  • KT-51132 KAPT: Support reporting the number of generated files by each annotation processor
  • KT-30172 Kapt: Shutdown kotlinc gracefully in case of error in annotation processor
Tools. Scripts
  • KT-49173 Add support for nullable types in provided properties and other configuration-defined declarations
  • KT-52294 [Scripting] Update oudated org.eclipse.aether dependencies to new org.apache.maven.resolver
  • KT-51213 Kotlin JSR223 crashes with "ScriptException: ERROR java.lang.NullPointerException:" if bindings contain one or more null values
  • KT-48812 Script: "IllegalStateException: unknown classifier kind SCRIPT" when passing a function reference to a Flow
  • KT-50902 Scripts loaded from the compilation cache ignore the loadDependencies eval configuration property
  • KT-52186 Scripts: Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering when using symbol from a dependency inside a function
  • KT-51731 Script: jsr223 memory leak in spring-boot Fat Jar
  • KT-49258 Scripts: method 'void ()' not found with multiple evals using kotlin script JSR223
  • KT-51346 Scripts: "BackendException: Exception during IR lowering" with variable of imported script inside class



  • KT-51979 "AssertionError: No modifier list, but modifier has been found by the analyzer" exception on incorrect Java interface override
  • KT-51893 Duplicated [OVERRIDE_DEMRECATION] on overridden properties
  • KT-51927 Native: The symbol of unexpected type encountered during IR deserialization error when multiple libraries have non-conflicting declarations with the same name
  • KT-51843 Functional interface constructor references are incorrectly allowed in 1.6.20 without any compiler flags
  • KT-51672 JVM IR: Inline class mangling issue in interface default methods split across multiple modules
  • KT-51711 Compiler warning is displayed in case there is 'if' else branch used with elvis
  • KT-49317 "IllegalStateException: Parent of this declaration is not a class: FUN LOCAL_FUNCTION_FOR_LAMBDA" with parameter of suspend type with the default parameter
IDE. Native
  • KTIJ-20819 Native debugging support: "Debug is impossible without lldb binaries required by Kotlin/Native" on "Attach to process"
  • KT-52010 K/JS IR: both flows execute when using elvis operator
  • KT-51973 KJS / IR overridden properties of inherited interface missing
  • KT-50504 KJS / IR: Transpiled JS incorrectly uses the unscrambled names of internal fields
Tools. Gradle
  • KT-51837 kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.6.20 fails xray scan on shadowed Gson 2.8.6.
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
  • KT-51810 MPP / Gradle: Dependency locking fails with 1.6.20
  • KT-51765 in multiplatform project without android target should not trigger warning


File Sha256 632166fed89f3f430482f5aa07f2e20b923b72ef688c8f5a7df3aa1502c6d8ba
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.6.21.tar.gz 14e7b9bee2e9ef7bff9a69881fef44d287bbb3adaa05396e0c03e77dfc9b0d3d
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.6.21.tar.gz 61dfee00b11f3c27e349854b9a9d530ed86a882e6c8a81f77f16acecf9660eeb
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.6.21.tar.gz c2734c651e680b85805c17488f31125220d96eca8e3ba89b5b58f07c61ff5239 db8560138580038c23e88a7ceb6eb4e8a3ec7d7fd66218e82096d52402f280a8



New Features
  • KT-48217 Add an annotation JvmDefaultWithCompatibility to allow generating DefaultImpls classes if -Xjvm-default=all option is used
  • KT-49929 [FIR] Support programmatic creation of annotation class instances
  • KT-49276 Warn about potential overload resolution change if Range/Progression starts implementing Collection
  • KT-47902 Do not propagate method deprecation through overrides
  • KT-49857 Require Xcode 13 for building Kotlin/Native compiler
  • KT-47701 Support instantiation of annotation classes on Native
  • KT-46085 Support experimental parallel compilation of a single module in the JVM backend
  • KT-46603 Generate SAM-conversions to Java interfaces extending '' as serializable using java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory
Performance Improvements
  • KT-50156 HMPP: Slow frontend/ide performance in OKIO (ExpectActualDeclarationChecker)
  • KT-50073 Performance regression in adapted function references
  • KT-50076 Performance regression in super call to an interface member in $DefaultImpls
  • KT-50080 Performance regression in string template with generic property with primitive upper bound
  • KT-50084 Performance regression in concatenation with 'String?'
  • KT-50078 Performance regression in for-in-array loop
  • KT-50039 Performance regression in inner class constructor call with default parameters
  • KT-48784 An anonymous class has fields for variables that are only used in the constructor
  • KT-42010 Generate IINC instruction for postfix increment in JVM_IR
  • KT-48433 JVM_IR don't generate null check on 'this$0' parameter of inner class constructor
  • KT-48435 JVM_IR ConstForLoopBenchmark performance regression
  • KT-48507 JVM_IR ForLoopBenchmark regressions
  • KT-48640 Performance regression in 'longDownToLoop' benchmarks
  • KT-29822 Generate specialized bytecode for loops withIndex over unsigned arrays
  • KT-48669 Generate optimizable counter loop for loops over indices of unsigned arrays
  • KT-49444 Possible performance degradation with UInt downTo loop
  • KT-48944 Possible performance regression with comparison of local KFunctions
  • KT-17111 Eliminate redundant store/load instructions when the value stored is simple
  • KT-36837 Generate more compact code for for-in-range loop in JVM_IR
  • KT-48947 JVM / IR Possible performance regression with string templates
  • KT-48931 JVM / IR: Performance degradation with string concatenation
  • KT-36654 Generate more compact bytecode for safe call in JVM_IR
  • KT-24643 Prohibit using a type parameter declared for an extension property inside delegate
  • KT-51747 Make KtCallableDeclaration.getContextReceivers default to preserve compatibility
  • KT-49658 NI: False negative TYPE_MISMATCH on nullable type with when
  • KT-43493 NI: @​BuilderInference prevents compilation error of "Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'Long' and 'Int'"
  • KT-51649 Kotlin/Native: reduce binary size of watchosArm32 and iosArm32 targets by limiting inlining of runtime functions
  • KT-48626 JVM IR: incorrect behavior for captured for-loop parameter since 1.6.20-dev-723
  • KT-51036 JVM / IR: "NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null" with synchronized and companion object
  • KT-51471 Native: incorrect debug information when inheriting suspend fun invoke implementation
  • KT-51352 "ClassCastException: class ScopeCoroutine cannot be cast to class Iterable" caused by coroutines and context receivers
  • KT-51271 "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 3 out of bounds for length 3" with inlining of context function
  • KT-47084 JVM IR: "AssertionError: inconsistent parent function for CLASS LAMBDA_IMPL" with tailrec function default parameter nested inline lambda
  • KT-30616 Script: "Don't know how to generate outer expression" for top-level variable reference from static context (companion object, enum)
  • KT-50520 "NPE:…lDeclarationType.REGULAR) must not be null" with implicit type on self-referencing lambda in a builder
  • KT-51353 IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected non-static field com.soywiz.korim.color.Colors.BLACK
  • KT-48945 JVM IR: special bridge for get is not generated in a Map subclass
  • KT-48499 Interface call with an inline/value parameter generates AbstractMethodError after rebuilding the module, but NOT the file.
  • KT-49998 JVM: missing default value for annotation parameter of an unsigned type
  • KT-49793 JVM: IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected non-static field when property delegation uses receiver of another delegated property
  • KT-51302 Kotlin/Native 1.6.20-M1 compiler fails because of assertion in NativeAnnotationImplementationTransformer
  • KT-51148 "AssertionError: At this stage there should be no remaining variables with proper constraints" caused by two type parameters
  • KT-50970 Kotlin/Native: use arm instruction set instead of thumb-2 for iosArm32 and watchosArm32 targets
  • KT-50843 Kotlin/Native: LLVM constant merge pass does not work for Kotlin constants
  • KT-51157 JVM / IR: "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1" caused by interface hierarchy and UInt method parameter
  • KT-50498 Exception after analysing an erroneous lambda
  • KT-50258 equals() returns false on the same enum instances if we check it for the second time in when
  • KT-51062 Progressions resolve changing warning isn't reported for Java methods
  • KT-48544 JVM / IR: "UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown structure of ADAPTER_FOR_CALLABLE_REFERENCE" with callable reference ::arrayOf
  • KT-50978 [Native] Error while building static cache: NoSuchElementException at IrTypeInlineClassesSupport.getInlinedClassUnderlyingType(InlineClasses.kt:341)
  • KT-50977 [Native] Error while building static cache: IllegalStateException: Class CLASS ENUM_ENTRY is not found at KonanIrlinkerKt.findClass(KonanIrlinker.kt:229)
  • KT-50976 [Native] Error while building static cache: IllegalStateException: No descriptor found at DescriptorByIdSignatureFinder.findDescriptorForPublicSignature(DescriptorByIdSignatureFinder.kt:157)
  • KT-51040 Type inference fails on 1.6: "Cannot use 'CapturedType(*)' as reified type parameter" with EnumSet and elvis operator
  • KT-51080 Line number in mapping for the first instruction is lost
  • KT-49526 JVM IR: Function reference with non-denotable intersection type argument is not inlined and is incorrectly approximated
  • KT-50399 Error: unexpected variance in super type argument: out @0
  • KT-50649 JVM IR: ClassCastException when returning Result as generic type
  • KT-50617 JVM IR: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException "Empty list doesn't contain element at index 0" when class and interface have the same name and extension function is used
  • KT-50856 SAM conversion generates invalid bytecode for generics
  • KT-45693 False negative INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES with when with generic subject
  • KT-49903 JVM IR: InlineOnly optimization leads to behavior change for println with mutating System.out
  • KT-51022 Fix error messages for resolution ambiguity with stub types
  • KT-51035 PSI2IR: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi2ir.generators.ErrorExpressionException: null: KtCallExpression:" caused by recursive call of java function
  • KT-50797 Implement fix for false negative UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED with generic typealias using not all type parameters as arguments for underlying type
  • KT-50878 Usage of contextual declarations from third-party library is allowed without -Xcontext-receivers
  • KT-49829 Wrong "cast can never succeed" diagnostic with builder inference
  • KT-49828 Improve builder inference diagnostics with overload resolution ambiguity
  • KT-50989 CCE cause by EmptySubstitutor in ResolutionWithStubTypesChecker
  • KT-49729 Implement deprecation warning for private constructors of sealed classes
  • KT-49349 Implement deprecation for invalid if as expression in rhs of elvis
  • KT-46285 [SEALED_SUPERTYPE_IN_LOCAL_CLASS] Error message isn't adopted to local objects and sealed interfaces
  • KT-49002 Allow OptIn marker on override if base class has the same marker
  • KT-48899 Report warnings on overrides with wrong types nullability
  • KT-49461 Implement prohibitation of access to members of companion of enum class from initializers of entries of this enum
  • KT-49754 Kotlin/JS: @JsExport on enum class reports NON_EXPORTABLE_TYPE warning
  • KT-49598 Misleading error message "Using @​JvmRecord is only allowed with -jvm-target 15 and -Xjvm-enable-preview flag enabled"
  • KT-44133 Inline classes: class literal in annotation arguments uses underlying type
  • KT-47703 ClassCastException: Programmatically created annotation can't hold Array<KClass<*>>
  • KT-47549 JVM / IR: Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER CONTINUATION_CLASS caused by suspend function inside "fun interface" in another file
  • KT-50120 HMPP: False positive [NO_VALUE_FOR_PARAMETER] for expect function usages
  • KT-49864 JVM IR: NoSuchMethodError calling default interface method with inline class return type in -Xjvm-default=all mode
  • KT-49812 JVM / IR: "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad return type" when using Result type attribute + extension function with same name
  • KT-49936 Extension property in a data class with the same name as the constructor parameter leads to incorrect component function being resolved and generated
  • KT-48181 "ISE: Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER" on creating instance of kotlin.Metadata
  • KT-50215 VerifyError caused by missing cast after is check in when
  • KT-49977 "Parameter specified as non-null is null" when inline class implements interface method with default parameters
  • KT-50385 DUPLICATE_LABEL_IN_WHEN is reported on incorrect branches
  • KT-49092 JVM: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on compiling call with if expression and TODO() arguments
  • KT-48987 JVM / IR: Smartcast, which never succeed, crashes the compiler
  • KT-50277 Invalid bytecode generated for inline lambda in suspend function
  • KT-50219 FIR DFA/CFA: no smart cast after null check and assignment
  • KT-44561 FIR DFA: extract non-null info from comparison against variable with initial constant value
  • KT-44560 FIR DFA: propagate non-null info to original variables in not-null assertion or cast expression
  • KT-50278 FIR: accidental resolve to inaccessible value parameter
  • KT-47483 JVM IR: "NoSuchElementException: Sequence contains no element matching the predicate" on compiling Array instantiation with TODO
  • KT-50304 EXC_BAD_ACCESS at IntrinsicsNative.kt starting coroutine on object with suspend fun as supertype
  • KT-49765 JVM: ClassCastException when trying to add object to EmptyList
  • KT-46879 "AssertionError: Stack should be spilled before suspension call" with Flow and reified type
  • KT-50172 "AssertionError: Not a callable reflection type" on local function reference with the same name as local variable
  • KT-49443 JVM IR, Script: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER" with constructor call of class that has a top-level extension function call
  • KT-50193 Garbage collection is not working the same way after jvm-ir-backend change
  • KT-19424 Compilation exception for script with property delegate calling operator invoke on an object
  • KT-43995 Script: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER" if companion object initializer calls method on list
  • KT-47000 Allow graceful migration to -Xjvm-default=all-compatibility by allowing to inherit from interfaces even in the old (-Xjvm-default=disable) mode
  • KT-50180 FIR: not enough information to infer type variable for definitely not null type
  • KT-50163 FIR: ISE unsupported compile-time value BLOCK on complex annotations
  • KT-50171 JVM IR: "UninitializedPropertyAccessException: Parent not initialized: IrVariableImpl" on SAM-converted property setter reference with Double parameter inside lambda
  • KT-50140 Internal error on explicit string concatenation of generic type value with 'String' upper bound
  • KT-49992 Anonymous object should not have access to private members from supertypes
  • KT-49973 Check existing of default error message for all diagnostics
  • KT-50019 Property delegated to callable reference: "ISE: Local class should have its name computed in InventNamesForLocalClasses" with -Xno-optimized-callable-references
  • KT-49645 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Local class should have its name computed" caused by default suspend function in interface and value class
  • KT-50028 Incorrect implicit casts from Unit
  • KT-49615 JVM / IR: "Exception during IR lowering" with list of value classes with non-trivial constructor inside suspend lambda
  • KT-49127 FIR: smart cast is not performed after comparison
  • KT-48708 Incorrect cast from Unit to Int
  • KT-48376 FIR: False positive UNITIALIZED_VARIABLE after try/finally with return from try
  • KT-48113 FIR: (false) positive EQUALITY_NOT_APPLICABLE for intersection with platform type
  • KT-48305 FIR: incorrect raw type cast
  • KT-48378 FIR: synthetic accessor lowering should not attempt to modify other files
  • KT-48634 FIR: false property-setter-function resolve cycle
  • KT-48621 FIR: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files for protected JvmField
  • KT-48381 Invalid LLVM module: verification failure of createInlineClassInArgumentPosition.kt
  • KT-48527 Native: top-level properties in files with @Test functions are initialized eagerly even if lazy initialization is enabled
  • KT-48559 IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected super type argument: * @ 0 during IR lowering
  • KT-48687 IR dump mismatch after deep copy with symbols in IR text test
  • KT-44811 [FIR] Exception in body resolve of new contracts
  • KT-48363 FIR behaves differently in case of resolution between classifier and top-level property
  • KT-48801 "AssertionError: Stack should be spilled before suspension call" with Flow and crossinline
  • KT-46389 JVM / IR: "ClassCastException: class IrGetValueImpl cannot be cast to class IrConst" with inheritance of supertypes member functions with similar signatures
  • KT-47797 Regression during migration to 1.6 in compiler
  • KT-47987 Can't infer a postponed type variable based on callable reference receiver type
  • KT-48446 "IllegalStateException: IrErrorType (getErasedUpperBound)" caused by suspend function reference
  • KT-48651 Collect intermediate annotations during type expanding
  • KT-48754 JVM IR: in EnclosingMethod leads to IncompatibleClassChangeError on Android 5.0
  • KT-45034 Use the new type inference for top-level callable references
  • KT-49001 OptIn marker should spread from class to its members, taking into account real dispatch receiver type
  • KT-49038 Generics are discriminated during callable references resolution (false negative)
  • KT-48954 JVM IR: IllegalAccessError when using Java method reference in constructor
  • KT-48284 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Function has no body: FUN STATIC_INLINE_CLASS_REPLACEMENT" caused by inline member toString of value class and string interpolation
  • KT-49053 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Unbound symbols not allowed" on inheriting a protected Java method that returns a package private class from a differently-named file
  • KT-49106 JVM: infinite recursion with overridden default suspend interface method where override calls super
  • KT-45345 FIR DFA: FirDataFlowAnalyzer seems to add wrong type constraints for type parameters
  • KT-44513 FIR DFA: extract non-null info from x?.y!!
  • KT-44559 FIR DFA: propagate non-null info from not-null assertion (!!)
  • KT-46371 FIR: Investigate FunctionType -> ExtensionFunctionType coercion
  • KT-49078 FIR: false positive TYPE_VARIANCE_CONFLICT
  • KT-47135 FIR: local class references does not compile
  • KT-48600 NON_TAIL_RECURSIVE_CALL missing for calls inside lambda
  • KT-48602 NON_TAIL_RECURSIVE_CALL missing for calls with explicit dispatch receiver to a singleton
  • KT-48982 JVM / IR: KotlinNothingValueException caused by function with local object
  • KT-49087 FIR: false positive REPEATED_ANNOTATION
  • KT-48648 JVM IR: "AssertionError: Should be primitive or nullable primitive type" with @​JvmField generic property with Number upper bound
  • KT-49069 FIR: False positive INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME on getter
  • KT-49203 JVM IR: "AssertionError: Unbound symbols not allowed" with lateinit var and plusAssign operator convention call
  • KT-48993 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Validation failed in file <multi-file facade ...>" using @​JvmMultifileClass and one of the symbols in the file exposes a @​JvmInline value class
  • KT-48938 FIR: Investigate how priorities should work in case SAM-conversion + type parameters
  • KT-49076 FIR: false positive "An annotation argument must be compile-time constant" on array of imports
  • KT-49222 FIR: StackOverflow in MethodSignatureMapper
  • KT-49083 FIR erroneously requires default value parameters for override calls when imported from object
  • KT-49135 FIR: ambiguity between type alias and function
  • KT-49134 FIR makes no difference between lambda with empty parameter list and without explicit parameter list
  • KT-49301 FIR: Unresolved reference: for object inherited from inner class
  • KT-49070 FIR: ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED with type parameter / class conflict
  • KT-49133 FIR: protected java.lang.Throwable constructor is not available
  • KT-49407 JVM / IR: "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type" with "Int.mod" inside "Long.mod" and non-trivial argument
  • KT-38698 MANY_INTERFACES_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED error message: interface is called a "class"
  • KT-45001 Confusing warning message "This class can only be used with the compiler argument" for @OptIn annotation
  • KT-49411 JVM / IR: NullPointerException during IR lowering with @JvmField property in loop range
  • KT-49260 FIR: make FirBasedSymbol hierarchy to correspond FirDeclaration hierarchy
  • KT-49289 FIR: false positive "return required" for if/else with inlined return in branch
  • KT-49316 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!" caused by unreachable code which try to modify val from the other package
  • KT-45915 NoDescriptorForDeclarationException: Descriptor wasn't found for declaration FUN with circular module dependencies in JPS
  • KT-49288 FIR2IR: consider generating all fake override calls properly
  • KT-42784 FIR2IR: first create fake overrides, then bind overridden to them
  • KT-48816 Kotlin/Native Symbol for public platform.darwin/NSObject|null[100] is unbound
  • KT-49372 JVM / IR: Incorrect work of the loop optimization for mutable variable
  • KT-49356 Native: UnsupportedOperationException: RETURNABLE_BLOCK caused by nested return with boxing and inline
  • KT-49659 JVM IR: Missing value class mangling in SAM wrappers for fun interfaces from different modules
  • KT-47101 Incorrect scope for supertypes in companion objects
  • KT-49360 Invalid LLVM module: "inlinable function call in a function with debug info must have a !dbg location"
  • KT-48430 JVM: ClassCastException with inline class as generic argument for type parameter used in a function type
  • KT-49575 IllegalArgumentException: Unhandled intrinsic in ExpressionCodegen with circular module dependencies in JPS
  • KT-47669 IR inliner doesn't handle inner class functions referring outer this
  • KT-48668 JVM IR: "ISE: Value at CLASS must not be null for CLASS" for modules with a dependency cycle
  • KT-49370 JVM / IR: "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type" with "fun Long.mod" and non-trivial argument
  • KT-46744 Memory Leaks in Kotlin daemon
  • KT-48806 False-negative USED_AS_EXMRESSION for unreachable catch clauses
  • KT-45972 FIR: type is incorrectly resolved to private
  • KT-46968 Remove FirCompositeScope from type resolve
  • KT-49072 FIR: accidental resolve to private-in-file type
  • KT-34822 FIR scopes: deal with nested / inner classes and type parameter priority
  • KT-49702 Exception from RENDER_WHEN_MISSING_CASES diagnostic on malformed sealed class inheritor
  • KT-49860 [FIR] Add smartcast expression to synthetic subj access
  • KT-49836 Inference fails on lambda and adjacent function expressions with receiver
  • KT-49832 Inference fails on lambda for function types with extension parameter
  • KT-44022 Excessive diagnostics range for DECLARATION_CANT_BE_INLINED
  • KT-48690 VERSION_REQUIREMENT_DEMRECATION_ERROR message: use current compiler version instead of language version
  • KT-49609 Incorrect grammar in DATA_CLASS_NOT_MROPERTY_PARAMETER error message
  • KT-49600 Misspelled error message for non-constructor properties with backing fields in @​JvmRecord class
  • KT-49339 Warn about synchronizing on value classes
  • KT-49950 Compilation failed: An operation is not implemented: IrBasedTypeParameterDescriptor
  • KT-43604 Problem with initialization order
  • KT-23890 Default arguments are not transferred from expect generic member functions
  • KT-48811 Expect/actual class with default constructor argument values can not be instantiated from a shared source set without passing arguments (with HMPP enabled)
  • KT-48106 FIR: incorrect type inference in provideDelegate receiver
  • KT-48325 Safe call operator prevents object from being garbage collected before leaving function
  • KT-50004 Linking kotlinx.serialization crashes on Native and JS IR backends
  • KT-49311 Missing FIR checker for unresolved references in import statement
  • KT-48104 FIR does not see NotNull/Nullable annotations on type arguments
  • KT-46812 [FIR] Make FIR diagnostics not related to Diagnostics from FE 1.0
  • KT-37374 [FIR] Add CheckInfixModifier resolution stage
  • KT-38351 FIR: Support CheckOperatorModifier resolution stage
  • KT-39614 [FIR] Fix building CFG for different candidates of plus assign call
  • KT-40197 [FIR] Strange Behaviour of Type Arguments
  • KT-40362 [FIR] Match type arguments with type parameters of corresponding qualifier
  • KT-40375 FIR: No transformation implicit type -> error type for function value parameters
  • KT-40585 [FIR] Incorrect type for 1/1.0
  • KT-42525 [FIR] Incorrect IR produced for java.lang.Byte.MAX_VALUE
  • KT-43359 FIR: Check applicability type for callable reference with unbound receiver
  • KT-43378 FIR: Support or prohibit via call checker callable references to member extensions
  • KT-43289 FIR: Correctly load irrelevant override for special built-ins
  • KT-44558 Annotation arguments const expr support is missing in FIR
  • KT-45223 [FIR] Ambiguity between explicit and synthetic removeAt
  • KT-42215 FIR: callable reference resolution with type constraints at call-sites
  • KT-45520 FIR: NONE_APPLICABLE for unsafe call to function with overloads instead of UNSAFE_CALL
  • KT-46410 [FIR] Transform of FirAugmentedArraySetCall leaves erroneous nodes in control flow graph
  • KT-46421 FIR: Investigate builder-inference cases
  • KT-43948 FIR: hidden unresolved callable reference
  • KT-46558 FIR DFA: run once contract is not considered when analyzing lambda
  • KT-47125 FIR: Do not avoid trivial constraints if they aren't from upper bounds
  • KT-43691 FIR: false positive VARIABLE_INITIALIZER_IS_REDUNDANT with usage in try...finally
  • KT-37311 [FIR] Support inference of callable references with type variable as expected type
  • KT-31972 Error type encountered: org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.ErrorUtils$UninferredParameterTypeConstructor@1f5b38c2 (ErrorType).
  • KT-48761 Report NO_TAIL_CALLS_FOUND on 'tailrec' modifier, not on the whole function header
  • KT-47647 NI: Function reference to Java static method can't compile if passed directly as KFunction1 parameter
  • KT-46995 Fix setters implicit types only resolved on full body resolve
  • KT-46359 Kotlin 1.5 lambda is not Java-serializable by default
  • KT-49282 FIR: suspend conversion does not work inside suspend lambda
  • KT-38813 FIR: Report INSTANCE_ACCESS_BEFORE_SUPER_CALL diagnostic on receiver usages in secondary constructors headers
  • KT-49657 FIR: accidental override with get:JvmName
  • KT-49655 FIR: smart cast is not performed after update of var to not-null value in branch
Docs & Examples
  • KT-50866 [Docs] [Kotlin/Native] Support non-NativeActivity Android executables
  • KT-50220 [Docs] [Kotlin/JVM] New @​JvmDefaultWithCompatibility annotation and changes in -Xjvm-default arguments behavior
  • KT-50844 [Docs][K/JS] KJS / IR: Installation of NPM dependencies should be with ignore-scripts
  • KT-50831 [Docs][K/JS] Gradle, JS: Ability to persist / reuse yarn.lock
  • KT-51086 [Docs] [Build Tools] Allow to configure additional jvm arguments for 'KaptWithoutKotlincTask`
  • KT-50563 [Docs] [Build Tools] Deprecate kotlin.experimental.coroutines Gradle DSL option and kotlin.coroutines property
  • KT-50580 [Docs] [Kotlin/Native] Support instantiation of annotation classes on Native
  • KT-50874 [Docs] [Language] Add ability to specify generic type parameters as not-null
  • KT-50564 [Docs] [K/JS] Ensure that @​AfterTest is invoked after the @Test function completes for asynchronous tests
New Features
  • KTIJ-20169 Link to What's new in a notification about new Kotlin version
Performance Improvements
  • KTIJ-20568 Optimize SubpackagesIndexService#hasSubpackages
  • KTIJ-13020 New compiler settings are applied only after the project is reloaded
  • KTIJ-21154 StackOverflowError on Companion.extractPotentiallyFixableTypesForExpectedType that causes "Syntax highlighting has been temporarily turned off"
  • KTIJ-20129 Load "@NotNull T" types from libraries as definitely non-nullable if any module in project loads such types as definitely non-nullable
  • KTIJ-9793 UAST: KotlinAbstractUElement.equals fails for psi-less elements
  • KTIJ-16203 UAST: Annotating assignment expression sometimes leads to UnknownKotlinExpression
  • KTIJ-18720 UAST: @Deprecated(level=DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN) makes method visibility be dropped
  • KTIJ-18039 @Deprecated(level=HIDDEN) elements return false for isDeprecated()
  • KTIJ-18716 KotlinUMethodWithFakeLightDelegate.hasAnnotation() doesn't find annotations
  • KTIJ-20220 Kotlin plugin crashes very often
  • KTIJ-20308 Syntax highlighting is temporary suspended for file ... due to internal error
  • KTIJ-6085 Exception Incorrect CachedValue... with KtUltraLightMethodForSourceDeclaration
  • KTIJ-18977 Do not show warning Outdated bundled kotlin compiler if there are no compatible plugin with newer compiler
  • KTIJ-20253 Consider supporting special highlighting for definitely non-null types
  • KT-42194 OOME: Java heap space from incremental compilation
  • KTIJ-13019 "Add '' to module untitled1 compiler arguments" only works until the project is reloaded
IDE. Completion
  • KTIJ-20095 Optimize FilterOutKotlinSourceFilesScope#contains
  • KTIJ-16250 Completion of override with return type annotated with TYPE_USE-targeted annotation suggests two duplicate entries
IDE. Debugger
  • KTIJ-20716 JVM Debugger in common code can't get JVM-specific view on common code and fails
  • KTIJ-18562 JVM debugger: coroutineContext.job causes "Failed to generate expression: KtNameReferenceExpression"
  • KTIJ-20019 MPP Debugger: NSFE “Field not found” on accessing property with explicit getter from common code in Evaluate expression/Watcher
  • KTIJ-19990 MPP Debugger: Evaluate expression for some stdlib in common source set fails with Method threw 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException' exception.
  • KTIJ-20929 MPP Debugger: in a project with single JVM target evaluation of expect function fails with 'NoSuchMethodError' exception in common context
  • KTIJ-20956 Debugger: coroutine debugger fails to load sometimes
  • KTIJ-20775 MPP Debugger: Evaluate expression for actual typealiases in jvm source set fails with Method threw 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException' exception.
  • KTIJ-20712 MPP Debugger: evaluator fails when evaluating expect function
  • KTIJ-19344 K/N debugger shows all types as ObjHeader in variable view.
IDE. Gradle Integration
  • KTIJ-20097 HMPP+Android Project that depends on pure Android Lib fails to import in IDEA
  • KTIJ-20756 MPP targeting Android and JVM reports 'The feature "multi platform projects" is experimental and should be enabled explicitly'
  • KTIJ-20745 Gradle: NSEE “Key main is missing in the map.” on project import in AS 212 + Kotlin 1.6.20
  • KT-47570 MPP, IDE: kotlin-test-common leaks into dependencies of platform-specific source sets
  • KTIJ-19541 IDE: Kotlin Facets aren't created for Gradle projects added via includeBuild
  • KT-48882 MPP IDE import: Failing cinterop Gradle tasks shall not fail import
  • KTIJ-18135 MPP, IDE: False positive "No value passed for parameter" in CommonTest when expect declaration has default value and actual does not
IDE. Inspections and Intentions
New Features
  • KTIJ-12437 Add inspection to detect redundant (obsolete, unused) @OptIn annotations
  • KTIJ-15780 Add quickfix for migration of Experimental -> RequiresOptIn
  • KTIJ-18865 Provide quick fixes for OptIn markers on forbidden targets
  • KTIJ-18439 Make suggestions for applying opt-in quickfixes more distinct
  • KTIJ-19985 Provide quickfix for SAFE_CALL_WILL_CHANGE_NULLABILITY diagnostic
  • KTIJ-20550 False positives in "Unnecessary @OptIn annotation" inspection
  • KTIJ-20993 Quick-fix for NULLABILITY_MISMATCH_BASED_ON_JAVA_ANNOTATIONS leads to unreachable code
  • KTIJ-20557 Quick fix to add Any as an upper bound for type parameter to make it non-nullable
  • KTIJ-20827 Process type mismatch compiler warnings to provide a corresponding quick fix
  • KTIJ-12578 "Make abstract" quick fix for missing abstract members implementations could warn of potentially broken inheritance
  • KTIJ-20425 Quick fix to replace @NotNull parameter type T with a definitely non-nullable type T & Any
  • KTIJ-19997 Inspection "Possibly blocking call in non-blocking context could lead to thread starvation" suggests "Wrap call in 'withContext'" resulting in red code
  • KTIJ-18291 Quickfix "Add @OptIn() annotation" adds the annotation to primary constructor when invoked on primary constructor parameter
  • KTIJ-19512 Implement IDE support for new rules of deprecation inheritance
  • KTIJ-20156 Exception when applying 'Convert to with'
  • KTIJ-20290 Forbid "move to constructor" intention if class contains secondary constructor
  • KTIJ-20288 Forbid "move to constructor" intention for actual classes with actual constructor
  • KT-49736 Introduce import alias fails when qualifier is unresolved
  • KTIJ-18743 "Redundant nullable return type" applied on actual method doesn't change the signature of expect
  • KTIJ-12343 Inspection "Sealed sub-class has no state and no overridden equals" is applied incorrectly to expect/actual declarations of sealed classes with nested subclasses
  • KTIJ-19406 The "Add @OptIn(...)" quick fix does not shorten the annotation when adding an argument to the existing annotation
  • KTIJ-12351 generate equals & hashCode() by identity intention generates incompilable code for multiplatform project modules
  • KTIJ-13227 Forbid "move property to constructor" for actual classes with actual constructor having at least one parameter already
  • KTIJ-11328 No quick fixes are suggested for annotation from experimental API used with file target
  • KTIJ-14427 Meta-annotation value isn't updated for all the corresponding parts of a multiplatform annotation
  • KTIJ-19735 NSME org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.quickfix.KotlinSingleIntentionActionFactory org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.quickfix.RemoveModifierFix on IJ212 + Kotlin master
IDE. Navigation
IDE. Refactorings. Extract Function
  • KTIJ-10026 Refactor / Extract function: Adds unnecessary nullability annotations for parameters coming from NotNull or Nullable Java methods
  • KTIJ-15823 Refactor / Extract Function: resulted declaration gets no @OptIn from original function when necessary
IDE. Refactorings. Move
  • KTIJ-5661 [Tests] MoveRefactoring: Fix ignored incorrect tests of crossmodule declaration moving
IDE. Wizards
  • KTIJ-19232 New project wizard: delete MPP Mobile-Library and Application templates
  • KTIJ-20878 Unable to create project with Kotlin Project Wizard when JDK 17 is used.
  • KTIJ-20244 Compose MPP project from wizard requires minCompileSdk=31
  • KTIJ-20781 Update kotlin-wrappers version in wizard
JS. Tools
  • KT-47387 KJS: Support Apple Silicon for node distrib download
New Features
  • KT-44494 KJS / IR: Allow enum classes to be exported
  • KT-43224 KJS: Allow using inline classes in external types
  • KT-35100 Make Char inline class in K/JS
  • KT-42936 KJS IR: Support js-code test directives similar to legacy
  • KT-47525 KJS / IR: Support protected members in d.ts generation
  • KT-50110 KJS / IR: Enable properties lazy initialization by default
Performance Improvements
  • KT-46443 KJS / IR: Improve CharArray and Char performance
  • KT-45665 KJS / IR: equals on inline value classes is boxed
  • KT-43644 KJS / IR: Avoid creating lambda classes
  • KT-51685 KJS / IR: TypeError: collection.iterator_jk1svi_k$ regression in Kotlin 1.6.20-RC2
  • KT-51523 KJS IR: "Uncaught TypeError: a._get_length__2347802853_w7ahp7_k$ is not a function"
  • KT-51700 KJS / IR: Compiler uses wrong function with List
  • KT-51222 KJS / IR: "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded": Default function overloads marked with @​JsExport are broken
  • KT-45054 KJS: Export secondary constructors as class static methods
  • KT-37916 KJS: .d.ts generation not working for enum classes
  • KT-48199 KJS / IR: Improve error message for linkage problems
  • KT-51030 KJS / IR: internal class that implements public interface is missing getters
  • KT-45434 KJS: "WRONG_EXPORTED_DECLARATION" when using JsExport on interfaces
  • KT-50934 KJS / IR: Re-export all JS-exports from the main module for the multi-module mode
  • KT-45620 KJS / IR: Remainder of division of Int.MIN_VALUE by -1 is negative zero (-0)
  • KT-44981 KJS / IR crashes on kotlin.js.js calls with complex constexpr
  • KT-41964 KJS IR: Reference to local variable and parameter from js fun could be broken unexpectedly
  • KT-50682 Kotlin/JS: IR + IC: TypeError "Cannot read properties of undefined" when properties from different sources refer one another in initializers
  • KT-50175 Kotlin/JS, IR: with incremental compilation top level properties initialization is not lazy
  • KT-40236 KJS: IR. Invalid override for external field with @JsName
  • KT-46525 KJS / IR: Generate context-dependent names for lambdas and object expressions
  • KT-49779 KJS / IR: Exported abstract class implementing interface not export interfaces member in d.ts
  • KT-49773 KJS / IR: Exported enum implementing interface
  • KT-41912 KJS / IR: generates invalid defineProperty methods for class hierarchies
  • KT-46225 KJS IR: tailrec function with capturing lambda in default parameter value leads to UninitializedPropertyAccessException at compile time
  • KT-50528 Kotlin/JS: IR + IC: TypeError: "combined.get_icpjjy_k$ is not a function" for code calling GlobalScope.launch {}
  • KT-50512 KJS / IR: IC failed with const val in inline fun
  • KT-49738 Ensure that @​AfterTest is invoked after the @Test function completes for asynchronous tests
  • KT-45542 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" for method with default argument in expect class
  • KT-50464 KJS IR: Functions with optional parameters and stable names are exported without @JsExport
  • KT-43374 KJS / IR: "class org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.JsIf cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.JsExpressionStatement" caused by if-else expression inside when
  • KT-20791 ushr Behavior differs in Javascript and Java targets
  • KT-49844 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException: IrSimpleFunctionSymbolImpl is already bound" with callable reference
  • KT-46961 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException: Can't find name for declaration" when external object contains enum class
  • KT-43191 KJS / IR: static companion field is not static in d.ts
  • KT-39891 [KJS / IR] String interpolation and byte shift round Long value
  • KT-50040 JS IR: "Function must be an accessor of corresponding property" exception on private properties with getter in an exported class
  • KT-49878 Kotlin/JS, IR: incremental compilation fails with CCE: "class StageController cannot be cast to class WholeWorldStageController"
  • KT-46202 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" on exported value class
  • KT-42039 KJS / IR: JsQualifier annotation can cause conflicts with built-in functions
  • KT-39364 KJS: Can't export sealed class/object with subclasses inside the body to typescript definition
  • KT-47360 KJS / IR: js() function with string val
  • KT-47376 KJS / IR: Incorrect d.ts generation for sealed classes
  • KT-47767 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" with inline function with several lambda invocation declared through typealias
  • KT-47342 KJS / IR: "StackOverflowError" on InlinerTypeRemapper.remapTypeArguments
  • KT-46218 KJS / IR: Incorrect result for local tailrec function called from capturing inline lambda
  • KT-45056 KJS / IR: Inconsistent ordinal property value for enum classes
  • KT-47096 KJS / IR: Console.log introduces spaces between each character
  • KT-47516 KJS / IR: Wrong behavior when trying to access property in enum entry
  • KT-47806 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" with invocation of extension function with generic and lambda parameter on String.Companion
  • KT-49225 KJS: Default value for value class parameter is not considered
  • KT-49326 KJS / IR: Overridden properties should not be exported
  • KT-49363 KJS / IR: Nested declarations inside exported object are not exported
  • KT-49300 KJS: Source map generator leaks source files descriptors when source embedding is enabled
  • KT-40525 KJS IR: investigate issues with using kotlin-wrappers
  • KT-50197 KJS IR: using APIs in different packages but with same method name generates clashes
  • KT-45958 KJS: Line breaks are missing in js files after If-expression
  • KT-40213 KJS: fix and "unmute" cases from .../nonReifiedTypeParameters/ "muted" while fixing KT-38771
  • KT-50152 Kotlin/JS: with incremental compilation browserRun / nodeRun produce no output
  • KT-50315 Kotlin/JS: building project with some dependencies fails: IAE: "Duplicate definition"
  • KT-50203 JS IR BE: new IC for lowerings
  • KT-43250 KJS / IR: "Can't find name for declaration FUN" with Json#encodeToString as function reference
  • KT-46992 KJS / IR: Incorrect boxing of inline classes returned by crossinline suspend lambdas
  • KT-49776 KJS / IR: inliner doesn't handle inner class functions referring outer this
  • KT-49849 KJS / IR: Access of exported member properties should be by its stable name
  • KT-49850 KJS / IR: Member properties in exported class should be getter/setter in d.ts
Language Design
  • KT-19423 Script: reference from class to script top-level member is incompilable
  • KT-21197 Support cross platform common implementations
  • KT-42435 Prototype multiple receivers
  • KT-48385 Deprecate confusing grammar in when-with-subject
  • KT-49542 FIR: Smart cast may lead to inconsistent inference result
  • KT-23727 Internal declarations from other module in star imports should have lower priority than public declarations from default imports
  • KT-50251 Support language version 1.3 in Kotlin 1.6.20
  • KT-17765 Ambiguity between SAM adapters when one SAM interface is sub type of another
  • KT-10926 False overload resolution ambiguity when both vararg and collection match
  • KT-41214 JDK 17: Emit PermittedSubclasses attribute when compiling sealed classes
  • KT-44089 Java version checking doesn't work on Android
  • KT-50033 Some packages of kotlin-stdlib with public API are not exported in module-info
  • KT-48367 Using synchronized on captured object leads to slow JVM execution
  • KT-49721 KJS: Regex("\b").findAll yields infinite sequence when a zero length match is found before a surrogate pair (e.g. emoji)
New Features
  • KT-49463 --dry-run flag for llvm_builder/
  • KT-51359 Native: the compiler doesn't work on macOS 12.3 Beta
  • KT-49144 Kotlin/Native executable early segmentation fault
  • KT-49348 KONAN_NO_64BIT_ATOMIC does not guard Kotlin_AtomicLong_addAndGet
  • KT-42500 KLIB: K/N compiler cannot link with a library with incorrect symbol in the name or the path
  • KT-49395 K/N: After 1.5.20, compiling code including KSuspendFunction3 to framework leads to "Assertion failed at parametersAssociated"
  • KT-49967 Kotlin iOS regex issue
  • KT-49873 Native does not sort Strings correctly
  • KT-49347 androidNativeArm32 binaries crash when using atomic operations
  • KT-49597 Kotlin/Native: Exporting the Arrow library into the framework causes StackOverflowError in the Devirtualization phase
  • KT-49790 "Undefined symbols" error when linking project with kotest 5.0.0.RC and Kotlin 1.6
Native. Build Infrastructure
  • KT-48625 Native: distribution doesn't contain sources for kotlin.test
Native. C Export
  • KT-47828 Kotlin/Native: Kotlin exception is not filtered out on interop border when producing a dynamic library with compiler caches enabled
Native. C and ObjC Import
  • KT-35059 Better "could not build module" cinterop report
  • KT-49768 Kotlin/Native: Add -Xoverride-konan-properties to cinterop.
Native. ObjC Export
  • KT-47399 Kotlin Native - Objective-C with Swift 5.5 Async Function Needs Returning KotlinUnit
  • KT-48282 Kotlin sealed class roots and abstract classes within sealed hierarchies have their constructors exposed to Objective-C/Swift
  • KT-46866 Memory consumption / performance of Kotlin classes with String property in KMP project on iOS Swift
Native. Platform Libraries
  • KT-50045 Kotlin/Native: Re-enable disabled Hypervisor framework
  • KT-47331 Kotlin/Native: support Xcode 13 SDKs
Native. Platforms
  • KT-48078 Native: Support non-NativeActivity Android executables
Native. Runtime
  • KT-48424 Support resolving source locations using libbacktrace
  • KT-51586 SIGSEGV on worker7 test
  • KT-50491 Kotlin/Native: Deadlock in the Ktor server tests with the new memory manager
Native. Runtime. Memory
  • KT-50879 Kotlin/Native: Stabilize Concurrent Sweep GC
  • KT-50948 Kotlin/Native: Concurrent Sweep GC hangs on Windows in GCStateHolder::waitEpochFinished/waitScheduled
  • KT-49497 iOS Swift "runtime assert: Must be positive" and "runtime assert: cycle collector shall only work with single object containers"
  • KT-50026 Kotlin/Native: Make AtomicReference behave like FreezableAtomicReference with the new MM
  • KT-49013 Kotlin/Native: Correctly switch thread state to native for spin locks
Native. Testing
  • KT-48561 Test sideEffectInTopLevelInitializerMultiModule fails with new MM
  • KT-50198 Reflection: NPE from kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics.areEqual with Spock
Tools. Android Extensions
  • KT-50784 kotlin-android-extensions produces unbound symbol under _$_findViewCache
  • KT-50627 NullPointerException when using kotlin-android-extensions synthetic after updating Kotlin to 1.6.10
  • KT-50887 kotlin-android-extensions plugin breaks when package attribute missing from AndroidManifest.xml
Tools. CLI
  • KT-51309 Add JVM target bytecode version 18
  • KT-48027 "Module ... cannot be found in the module graph" with module-info in META-INF/versions
  • KT-50695 Compiling into IR backends with language version 1.3 is not rejected
  • KT-46329 Deprecated -Xjvm-default values are not reported
  • KT-51025 JVM CLI compiler takes class file from classpath instead of input java source file
  • KT-50889 AnalysisHandlerExtension multiple round execution is broken on Kotlin/MultiPlatform with expectActualLinker=true flag
  • KT-48417 CLI: boolean -X arguments accept a value after '=' which is ignored
  • KT-11164 Allow running class files with '.class' extension in 'kotlin' script
  • KT-46171 NoClassDefFoundError produced when running kotlin script
Tools. Commonizer
  • KT-48568 [Commonizer] timespec properties are not commonized in kotlinx.coroutines
  • KT-46257 MPP: Stdlib included more than once for an enabled hierarchical commonization
  • KT-49735 [Commonizer] :commonizeNativeDistribution fails for projects with two or more same native targets
  • KT-48856 MPP: Unable to resolve c-interop dependency for test compilation in an intermediate source set with the only platform
  • KT-48288 [Commonizer] platform.posix.timespec.tv_sec not commonized in OKIO
  • KT-47574 [Commonizer] TypeAliasTypeCommonization: Properly substitute underlying type arguments
  • KT-48221 MPP: Too few targets specified if platform test source set depends on main
  • KT-47100 [Commonizer] Commonize underlying type-alias types
Tools. Compiler Plugins
  • KT-50718 Unable to serialize an object with a generic field
  • KT-50764 Kotlin 1.6.10 custom serializers for a generic type receive the unit serializer on jvm
  • KT-46444 JVM IR, serialization: "AssertionError: No such value argument slot in IrConstructorCallImpl: 0" with KSerializer of ClosedRange
Tools. Daemon
  • KT-47522 Provide reasonable resolution strategy for OutOfMemoryError during compilation
  • KT-51116 OOM user-friendly message isn't displayed if there is main exception caused by out of memory
Tools. Gradle
New Features
  • KT-48620 Add build information into Gradle build scan
  • KT-41689 Support statistics for Configuration Cache
  • KT-49299 Add more flexible way for defining Kotlin compiler execution strategy
  • KT-21056 Kotlin Gradle Plugin tasks execution should be parallelized by default
Performance Improvements
  • KT-50664 Compile speed regression going from Kotlin 1.5.31 to 1.6.10 for incremental changes when Java class in a dependent child module w/ kapt is modified w/o a method/class signature change
  • KT-48884 Configuration performance regression in Kotlin Gradle plugin 1.5.30
  • KT-49782 Improve compilation task outputs snapshot performance
  • KT-51501 Gradle: 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/gradle/scan/plugin/BuildScanExtension' on 1.6.0-RC when applying Enterprise Plugin from initscript
  • KT-51588 Restoring from build cache breaks Kotlin incremental compilation
  • KT-50620 Gradle Kotlin Plugin crashes in CI due to hostname resolving issue
  • KT-49921 Setup basic release performance regression tests
  • KT-51177 After updating from KGP 1.5.30 to 1.6.10, KotlinCompile is non-incremental given an Android resource change
  • KT-48134 Debug log level causes build cache miss
  • KT-50719 Kotlin Gradle Plugin may hang on writing statistics
  • KT-48849 Cache miss due to empty directories in KotlinCompile inputs
  • KT-49014 Disable Explicit API is not possible
  • KT-48408 Build may fail with strict JVM target validation mode when project has no Kotlin sources
  • KT-49107 Configuration cache: undeclared kotlin.caching.enabled system property read
  • KT-50369 Deprecate kotlin.experimental.coroutines Gradle DSL option and kotlin.coroutines property
  • KT-48046 Gradle Throws Exception From Kotlin Plugin: destinationDir must not be null
  • KT-50037 Kotlin compile task registers more than one task action and their order of execution is counter-intuitive
  • KT-49772 Kotlin in-process compilation does not release file handles
  • KT-47215 KJS: "UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property fileHasher has not been initialized" when running kotlinNpmInstall or rootPackageJson locally
  • KT-46406 Remove '' build property
Tools. Gradle. JS
Performance Improvements
  • KT-49037 KJS / Gradle: Configuration cache usage on large projects lead to high memory consumption by Gradle daemon
  • KT-51060 KJS / IR: Incorrect order of libraries with IC
  • KT-49061 KJS / Gradle: Custom package.json handlers break configuration cache
  • KT-35640 Kotlin/JS: Gradle: DCE devMode = true setting has no effect on incremental build
  • KT-49095 KJS / Gradle: KotlinJsTest tasks increase configuration cache state size depending on number of modules in project
  • KT-49253 KJS / Gradle: Error while evaluating property 'filteredArgumentsMap' of task ':compileProductionExecutableKotlinJs'
  • KT-49902 Kotlin/JS: Gradle: with --debug it still runs yarn without --ignore-scripts
  • KT-49808 KJS / Gradle: NPE when running node.js Mocha tests with configuration cache reuse
  • KT-49530 KJS: Update Node.JS and Yarn
  • KT-50930 KJS / IR: Incremental compilation cache building not consider multiple artifacts
  • KT-50485 KJS / IR: Enable per-module by default
  • KT-49445 KJS / IR: "AssertionError: Built-in class kotlin.Unit is not found" 1.5.31 fails on consuming artifacts built with 1.6.0
  • KT-38040 Make Chrome Headless use "--no-sandbox" (configurable) - for Docker
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
  • KT-46198 [Commonizer] c-interop commonization: Support publishing libraries compiled with commonized c-interop libraries
  • KT-41641 MPP: NoSuchElementException: "Collection is empty" when android library is added but android() source set isn't
  • KT-50567 commonizeNativeDistribution fails when enableGranularSourceSetsMetadata is set to true
  • KT-50592 [Gradle][MPP] Mitigate isolated KGP classpath issues
  • KT-51176 CInteropCommonization: Warn users about disabled cinterop commonization when cinterops are present in hmpp
  • KT-49089 An annotation class annotated with @​OptionalExpectation can not be used in another module with HMPP enabled
  • KT-48818 False positive warning about used enableDependencyPropagation flag with enabled hierarchical mpp by default
  • KT-49596 Composite Metadata Jar: Read location of cinterops from KotlinProjectStructureMetadata file
  • KT-41823 Default arguments not work in iosMain metadata with enableGranularSourceSetsMetadata
  • KT-50574 Only enable cinterop metadata transformation when 'kotlin.mpp.enableCInteropCommonization' is set
Tools. Gradle. Native
New Features
  • KT-47633 Accept version when configuring cocoapods for kotlin/native
  • KT-42630 CocoaPods Gradle plugin: Allow customization of podspec properties
  • KT-48553 Kotlin/Native: use Gradle Shared Build Service to read
  • KT-47529 Read list of opt-in cacheable native targets from
  • KT-49330 commonizeNativeDistribution: "ClassCastException: KotlinJvmProjectExtension_Decorated cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinProjectExtension"
  • KT-49484 Kotlin/Native: XCFramework should include dSYM files for release artifacts
  • KT-47768 Gradle MPP plugin: K/N targets break task configuration avoidance for assemble task
  • KT-49971 Make 'embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode' task visible for users
  • KT-43815 [CocoaPods Plugin] Pod name cannot be changed
  • KT-50105 Usage of XCFramework and cocoapods plugin leads to error in prepareKotlinBuildScriptModel task
  • KT-42105 Multiplatform Cocoapod kotlin plugin doesn't support repo distribution
  • KT-48808 XCFramework task fails when using static debug frameworks
  • KT-42755 Cocoapods plugin using backslashes on Windows
Tools. JPS
  • KT-51434 Language version 1.7 is absent in Kotlin Compiler settings
  • KT-48399 Internal Error: Unknown version of LookupSymbolKeyDescriptor=-6
  • KT-49177 JPS: Kotlin compiler doesn't recompile file that references Java constant in class body
  • KT-46506 JPS: Kotlin compiler doesn't recompile file that references Java constant
  • KT-47909 UtilsKt.recordPackageLookup is slow
  • KT-47857 Class loaders clash when building kotlin project with FIR with JPS without daemon
  • KT-45773 Improve quality of JPS incremental compilation
Tools. Kapt
  • KT-41456 Kotlin compilation failure after successful kapt causes invalid incremental builds
  • KT-48402 Kapt throws "Fatal Error: Unable to find package java.lang in classpath or bootclasspath" with JDK 16 and Kotlin 1.5.30
  • KT-48617 Cache miss due to empty directories in KaptGenerateStubsTask inputs
  • KT-48450 Allow to configure additional jvm arguments for 'KaptWithoutKotlincTask`
  • KT-32596 kapt replaces class generated by annotation processor with error.NonExistentClass when the class is used as an annotation
  • KT-48826 Deprecate 'kapt.use.worker.api' property
  • KT-47002 Kapt: warning mentions non-effective property kapt.includeCompileClasspath
Tools. Maven
  • KT-50306 Configured plugin dependencies should be available in kotlin-maven-plugin scripts
Tools. Parcelize
  • KT-19853 Parcelize: CREATOR field should be available from code
Tools. REPL
  • KT-20488 REPL: java.lang.InternalError: "Enclosing constructor not found" for class reference on an anonymous object literal
Tools. Scripts
  • KT-48758 Kotlin scripting: introduce a link from evaluation configuration to the compilation one
  • KT-48414 Script: get location of the script.main.kts file
  • KT-40497 “Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 1.8 into bytecode that is being built with JVM target 1.6.” for running script without specified jvm-target
  • KT-49329 Kotlin scripts are compiled with jvmTarget 1.8 by default and in many scenarios there is no way to redefine it, which lead to inlining errors e.g. with JDK 17
Tools. Wasm
  • KT-49893 Don't publish wasm targets with org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.compiler attribute
File Sha256 daf17db1c194f4205f3af67129367a69b388f819177963dc53a7b4b2c4d8ce22
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.6.20.tar.gz d967d6fd87056177ec520b00eee23b994389a1eb486c000af39d2d2fbbfbf3be
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.6.20.tar.gz b53f93258b7ffe4b09e38cd6a5d87aed42a5d0f6f0fba6417e666e6ee12477f1
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.6.20.tar.gz 3c86d8388d986005095a57e7c58ea6237ac4915ab238feb5613c89fd9a335b6a 241f40852388c51da303931e5c7a4f4c86adca8510d0bd7479b7ac65ce86e3cc



  • KT-49798 [MPP] [Android] AGP 7.1.0+ android target publications leak 'AgpVersionAttr' attribute
Performance Improvements
  • KT-49821 Optimize LazyClassMemberScope#getContributedDescriptors: use nameFilter
  • KT-49833 java.lang.NullPointerException caused by accidental newline in package directive
  • KT-49838 Type inference fails on 1.6.0: Cannot use 'CapturedType(*)' as reified type parameter
  • KT-49752 Regression in method return type inference: "IllegalStateException: Expected some types"
  • KT-49876 Kotlin/Native: cross-compilation of Linux static library is broken in Windows in 1.6.0
  • KT-49792 Atomicfu: "standalone invocation of kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicInt::compareAndSet that was not traced to previous field load" with suspend function
  • KT-49834 Coroutine method transformer generates invalid locals table.
  • KT-49441 Support friend modules in Kotlin Native
  • KT-49248 K/N: Symbol with IrSimpleFunctionSymbolImpl is unbound after 1.5.30
  • KT-49651 Inconsistent compiler APIs for repeatable annotations
  • KT-49168 JVM IR: IndexOutOfBoundsException with fun interface + suspend function as SAM method
  • KT-49573 No annotated types, compiler emits "Annotated types are not supported in typeOf"
  • KT-47192 Build Fake Overrides for internal members of classes from friend module
  • KT-48673 IR: IllegalStateException for usage of internal member declared in a superclass in another module
  • KT-47811 KJS / IR: "ClassCastException" when using suspend function in console.log
Language Design
  • KT-49868 Support language version 1.3 in Kotlin 1.6.10
  • KT-50173 Different behavior of Regex escapeReplacement function in JVM and JS
Tools. Android Extensions
  • KT-49799 NullPointerException when using kotlin-android-extensions synthetic after update to Kotlin 1.6.0
Tools. Compiler Plugins
  • KT-50005 jvm-abi-gen plugin: do not change the declaration order in generated jars
  • KT-49726 JVM/IR: "IllegalArgumentException: Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER": Serialization with sealed class as type parameter
Tools. Gradle
  • KT-49835 Android consumers can't resolve Android debug variants of published MPP libraries published with Kotlin 1.6.0 & Gradle 7.0+
  • KT-49910 Incremental compilation speed regression in 1.6.0 for Android projects
Tools. Gradle. JS
  • KT-49109 KJS / Gradle: Configuration failed: Could not find node-14.17.0-darwin-arm64.tar.gz (org.nodejs:node:14.17.0)
  • KT-50135 KJS: Problem with Yarn install with scripts on Windows
  • KT-34014 Gradle, JS: Ability to persist / reuse yarn.lock
  • KT-49505 KJS / IR: Installation of NPM dependencies should be with ignore-scripts
Tools. Gradle. Native
  • KT-49931 Kotlin Multiplatform Fails in Windows after 1.6.0 upgrade - Cannot run program "pod"
  • KT-49771 podInstall task is not executed after adding a pod dependency to the shared module
Tools. Incremental Compile
  • KT-49822 Incremental compilation state is modified when the build fails in Kotlin 1.6
  • KT-49340 "IllegalStateException: @NotNull method org/jetbrains/kotlin/com/intellij/openapi/application/AsyncExecutionService.getService must not return null" with Anvil plugin and incremental compilation


File Sha256 432267996d0d6b4b17ca8de0f878e44d4a099b7e9f1587a98edc4d27e76c215a
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.6.10.tar.gz 9b42bd16b6accf009ea4cc8dc786dece079af55b6a637fecc1e8c1f4c0614d08
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.6.10.tar.gz 607729bbd963d35e7df85647a8d01f25ae3112b1537edaababebc399cb8d4806
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.6.10.tar.gz b4fc9e179540b4dc7de7b3a5a3548dad62b1247acc3e143305d13c4194cbca25 78b746551f58022727add4c609d7f42802b3ffc3d8163517b708a8c3355d33c1



  • KT-48019 Bundle Kotlin Tooling Metadata into apk artifacts
  • KT-47733 JVM / IR: Android Synthetic don't generate _findCachedViewById function
New Features
  • KT-47984 In-place arguments inlining for @​InlineOnly functions
  • KT-12794 Allow runtime retention repeatable annotations when compiling under Java 8
  • KT-43714 Support annotations on class type parameters (AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER)
  • KT-45949 Kotlin/Native: Improve bound check elimination
  • KT-43919 Support loading Java annotations on base classes and implementing interfaces' type arguments
  • KT-48194 Try to resolve calls where we don't have enough type information, using the builder inference despite the presence of the annotation
  • KT-47736 Support conversion from regular functional types to suspending ones in JVM IR
  • KT-39055 Support property delegate created via synthetic method instead of field
Performance Improvements
  • KT-45185 FIR2IR: get rid of IrBuiltIns usages
  • KT-47918 JVM / IR: Performance degradation with const-bound for-cycles
  • KT-33835 Bytecode including unnecessary null checks for safe calls where left-hand side is non-nullable
  • KT-41510 Compilation of kotlin html DSL is still too slow
  • KT-48211 We spend a lot of time in ExpectActual declaration checker when there is very small amount of actual/expect declaration
  • KT-39054 Optimize delegated properties which call get/set on the given KProperty instance on JVM
  • KT-46615 Don't generate nullability assertions in methods for directly invoked lambdas
  • KT-49613 JVM / IR: "Exception during IR lowering" with java fun interface and it's non-trivial usage
  • KT-49548 "ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList$Itr cannot be cast to kotlin.collections.IntIterator" with Iterable inside let
  • KT-22562 Deprecate calls to "suspend" named functions with single dangling lambda argument
  • KT-47120 JVM IR: NoClassDefFoundError when there are an extension and a regular function with the same name
  • KT-49477 Has ran into recursion problem with two interdependant delegates
  • KT-49442 ClassCastException on reporting [EXPOSED_FROM_MRIVATE_IN_FILE] Deprecation: private-in-file class should not expose 'private-in-class'
  • KT-49371 JVM / IR: "NoSuchMethodError" with multiple inheritance
  • KT-44843 PSI2IR: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi2ir.generators.ErrorExpressionException: null: KtCallExpression" with delegate who has name or parameter with the same name as a property
  • KT-49294 Turning FlowCollector into 'fun interface' leads to AbstractMethodError
  • KT-18282 Companion object referencing it's own method during construction compiles successfully but fails at runtime with VerifyError
  • KT-25289 Prohibit access to class members in the super constructor call of its companion and nested object
  • KT-32753 Prohibit @​JvmField on property in primary constructor that overrides interface property
  • KT-43433 Suspend conversion is disabled message in cases where it is not supported and quickfix to update language version is suggested
  • KT-49399 Building repeatable annotation with Container nested class fails with ISE: "Repeatable annotation class should have a container generated"
  • KT-49209 Default upper bound for type variables should be non-null
  • KT-49335 NPE in RepeatedAnnotationLowering.wrapAnnotationEntriesInContainer when using @Repeatable annotation from different file
  • KT-48876 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:
  • KT-48131 IAE "Repeatable annotation container value must be a class reference" on using Kotlin-repeatable annotation from dependency
  • KT-49322 Postpone promoting warnings to errors for ProperTypeInferenceConstraintsProcessing feature
  • KT-49285 Exception on nested builder inference calls
  • KT-49101 IllegalArgumentException: ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: Captured(out Number)
  • KT-41378 Compilation failed: Deserializer for declaration public kotlinx.coroutines/SingleThreadDispatcher|null[0] is not found
  • KT-47285 IR deserialization exception when dependency KLIB has class instead of typealias
  • KT-46697 IllegalStateException: IrTypeAliasSymbol expected: Unbound public symbol for public kotlinx.coroutines/CancellationException|null[0] compiling KMM module for Kotlin/Native with Kotlin 1.5
  • KT-36399 Gradually support TYPE_USE nullability annotations read from class-files
  • KT-11454 Load annotations on TYPE_USE/TYPE_PARAMETER positions from Java class-files
  • KT-18768 @Notnull annotation from Java does not work with varargs
  • KT-24392 Nullability of Java arrays is read incorrectly if @Nullable annotation has both targets TYPE_USE and VALUE_PARAMETER
  • KT-48157 FIR: incorrect resolve with built-in names in use
  • KT-46409 FIR: erroneous resolve to qualifier instead of extension
  • KT-44566 FirConflictsChecker do not check for conflicting overloads across multiple files
  • KT-37318 FIR: Discuss treating flexible bounded constraints in inference
  • KT-45989 FIR: wrong callable reference type inferred
  • KT-46058 [FIR] Remove state from some checkers
  • KT-45973 FIR: wrong projection type inferred
  • KT-43083 [FIR] False positive 'HIDDEN' on internal
  • KT-48794 Breaking change in 1.5.30: Builder inference lambda contains inapplicable calls so {1} cant be inferred
  • KT-46727 Report warning on contravariant usages of star projected argument from Java
  • KT-40668 FIR: Ambiguity on qualifier when having multiple different same-named objects in near scopes
  • KT-37081 [FIR] errors NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN and INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES absence
  • KT-48162 NON_VARARG_SMREAD isn't reported on *toTypedArray() call
  • KT-45118 ClassCastException caused by parent and child class in if-else
  • KT-47605 Kotlin/Native: switch to LLD linker for MinGW targets
  • KT-48912 K/N Symbol with IrSimpleFunctionSymbolImpl is unbound and JS Validation failed in file shaders.kt
  • KT-44436 Support default not null annotations to enhance T into T!!
  • KT-49190 Increase stub versions
  • KT-48261 "overload resolution ambiguity" for JSpecify+jsr305-annotated Java List implementation
  • KT-48778 -Xtype-enhancement-improvements-strict-mode not respecting @NonNull annotation for property accesses?
  • KT-48606 [1.6] Instantiated annotations do not implement hashCode correctly/consistently
  • KT-49157 Tail-call optimization miss with cast to type parameter
  • KT-46437 NI: "Throwable: Resolution error of this type shouldn't occur for resolve if as a call" caused by reflectively accessing private property inside "if/else" or "when" expression
  • KT-48590 IllegalArgumentException: ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: Captured(*) reified type class reference
  • KT-48633 Can't infer builder inference's type argument across local class
  • KT-49136 JVM IR: NPE with safe call chain and property set to null by reflection
  • KT-48570 OptIn marker should not spread from class to its members
  • KT-48928 Prohibit using old JVM backend with language version >= 1.6
  • KT-41978 NI: Kotlin fails to infer type of function argument
  • KT-48101 Smart cast on base class property is impossible if base class is from another module
  • KT-48732 JVM / IR: MalformedParameterizedTypeException is thrown when a Spring Bean of suspending function type is registered
  • KT-47841 Turning LV to 1.6 breaks some diagnostics based on jspecify annotations
  • KT-48498 JVM IR: IllegalAccessError with inline function call and property delegation from different module
  • KT-48319 JVM / IR: AssertionError: FUN caused by suspend lambda inside anonymous function
  • KT-48835 Psi2ir: vararg parameter value is lost when translating adapted function reference to base class member
  • KT-46908 JVM / IR: do not wrap fun interface implementation into another SAM adapter if it inherits from a functional type
  • KT-48927 JVM IR: "VerifyError: Bad invokespecial instruction: current class isn't assignable to reference class" when up-casting and read a base class's private property that has a custom getter in the base class's public function
  • KT-48992 Postpone migration to new operator resolution scheme for integer literals
  • KT-48290 Type bounds warning based on Java annotations not issues with language level 1.6
  • KT-47920 There is no warning on violated nullability of type parameter in accordance with java nullability annotation
  • KT-41664 Remove the "runtime JAR files in the classpath should have the same version" warning
  • KT-48851 Keep using warn mode for jspecify in 1.6
  • KT-46829 IR: NullPointerException caused by setting scoped generic extension var
  • KT-42972 Forbid protected constructor calls from public inline functions
  • KT-45378 Prohibit super calls in public-api inline functions
  • KT-48515 JSpecify: If a class has a @Nullable type-parameter bound, Kotlin should still treat unbounded wildcards like platform types
  • KT-48825 JVM IR: NPE with delegated property "by this" to base class
  • KT-47928 Prohibit declarations of repeatable annotation classes whose container annotation violates JLS
  • KT-47971 Report error on declaration of a repeatable annotation class with nested class named Container
  • KT-48478 JVM IR: Coroutines 1.5.1 + Kotlin 1.5.30 - ClassCastException: CompletedContinuation cannot be cast to DispatchedContinuation
  • KT-48523 Kotlin/Native: cross-compilation from Linux to MinGW not working when platform.posix is used
  • KT-48671 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Primitive array expected: CLASS IR_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_STUB CLASS"
  • KT-46181 JVM IR: private @​JvmStatic function is generated in the outer class instead of companion object, which breaks existing calls via JNI or reflection (e.g. JUnit @​MethodSource)
  • KT-48736 JVM IR: assert in SyntheticAccessorLowering when inline function attempts to access package-private field from Java
  • KT-48653 Warnings on non-exhaustive when statements missing in some cases with 1.6
  • KT-48394 JVM: Invalid locals caused by unboxing bytecode optimization
  • KT-20542 IllegalAccessError on calling private function with default parameters from internal inline function used in another package
  • KT-48331 JVM / IR: "VerifyError: Bad access to protected data in invokevirtual" when a sealed class uses another sealed class in its same hierarchy level as a constructor parameter
  • KT-48380 kotlin.RuntimeException: Unexpected receiver type
  • KT-47855 Kotlin/Native: compilation fails due to Escape Analysis
  • KT-48291 False positive [ACTUAL_MISSING] Declaration must be marked with 'actual' when implementing actual interface
  • KT-48445 "IAE: Top level call context should not be null to analyze coroutine-lambda" when compiling Kotlin with language version 1.6
  • KT-48618 Enable by default "suspend conversion" feature in 1.6
  • KT-47638 Drop EXPERIMENTAL_IS_NOT_ENABLED diagnostic
  • KT-48589 KotlinTypeRefiner is lost, leading to TYPE_MISMATCH and OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY issues with MPP projects
  • KT-48615 Inconsistent behavior with integer literals overflow (Implementation)
  • KT-47937 Implement deprecation of computing constant values of complex boolean expressions in when condition branches and conditions of loops
  • KT-48391 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!" caused by class which inherits interface which has default function with default argument from companion const val
  • KT-48552 Kotlin/Native: iosArm64 debug build fails in 1.6.0-M1-139
  • KT-46182 Native: prohibit using dots in identifiers
  • KT-46230 JVM IR: "IllegalArgumentException: Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER MOVED_DISPATCH_RECEIVER" with value class overriding function with default parameter
  • KT-48302 FIR: Investigate not-null assertion on generic Java method
  • KT-48350 JVM IR: NPE from LocalDeclarationsLowering on property reference with field from outer class used as receiver (1.6.0-M1 regression)
  • KT-48500 AE: "Last parameter type of suspend function must be Continuation, but it is kotlin.coroutines.experimental.Continuation" for kotlin-stdlib-common library
  • KT-48469 Problem with properties lazy initialization while using kotlinx.serialization plugin
  • KT-48432 Regression in IntRange.contains (and probably other ranges too) when used in-place
  • KT-44855 "AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files" on smart cast of protected field owner
  • KT-47542 Incorrect ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED after migration to 1.6 on class indirectly extending RuntimeException
  • KT-48166 FIR: incorrect common supertype for PSI elements hierarchy
  • KT-47499 JVM / IR: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad access to protected data in invokevirtual when trying to clone the result of lambda invocation that is "this" in an extension function
  • KT-46451 JVM Debugging: stepping on finally block end brace line before stepping into finally code
  • KT-48329 It's impossible to infer a type variables based on several builder inference lambdas
  • KT-48193 Don't use the builder inference for calls which can be resolved without it
  • KT-46450 JVM Debugging: some break statements in catch blocks have no line numbers and you cannot set breakpoints on them
  • KT-48298 FIR: incorrect deserialized annotations in back-end
  • KT-48234 FIR: false positive NON_INTERNAL_PUBLISHED_API for primary constructor property
  • KT-48174 IR interpreter: unsupported compile-time call
  • KT-48158 FIR: false positive ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH as a result of wrong type inference around callable references
  • KT-48109 FIR: incorrect type inference for generic argument of intersection type
  • KT-48161 FIR: false positive ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH for bounded type parameter VS Java not-null
  • KT-48159 FIR: erroneous scope order during type resolve of constructor return type
  • KT-48165 FIR: false positive "initializer should be a constant value" on String.length
  • KT-48175 FIR: exception for JvmField on local class property
  • KT-48164 FIR: false positive OVERRIDING_FINAL_MEMBER in enum entry
  • KT-48116 FIR: false positive NOT_A_LOOP_LABEL
  • KT-48102 FIR: false positive ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED with mapped stdlib functions
  • KT-47911 Native compiler on ios_arm64 target generates movi.2d instructions, which are mishandled by Apple hardware
  • KT-48105 FIR: generic/specific callable reference ambiguity
  • KT-14392 Repeated annotation with use site target is not detected for getter and setter
  • KT-47493 Missed frontend diagnostic in try/catch
  • KT-48058 "No type for expression" compiler exception on calls with unused lambda
  • KT-47597 JVM IR: if statement doesn't eval correctly on 1.5.20 possible nullable type differences.
  • KT-47922 False negative type mismatch on empty when as last statement of lambda
  • KT-34594 Do not generate fake debugger variables initialization for @​InlineOnly functions
  • KT-47749 Incorrect scope of a local variable inside the coroutine
  • KT-47527 JVM / IR ClassCastException: "kotlin.Unit cannot be cast to java.lang.String"
  • KT-47840 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER name: x" in nested local functions with recursive calls
  • KT-46448 JVM Debugging: Locals in finally blocks not always duplicated when the finally block is
  • KT-47716 JVM / IR: NoSuchMethodError when trying to get MAX_VALUE from ULong in non-trivial try/finally context
  • KT-47762 JVM / IR: Properties with the same signatures in inline class and its companion object crashes the compiler with NullPointerException
  • KT-47741 JVM / IR: VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack with iterator and invoking method reference to IntIterator
  • KT-43696 ClassFormatError on @​JvmStatic external fun in interface companion object
  • KT-47715 JVM / IR, R8: External getter cannot be represented in dex format
  • KT-47684 Add warning on is checks which are always false
  • KT-47685 False positive CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS on variable of intersection type
  • KT-32188 NI: False positive "This cast can never succeed"
  • KT-35687 NI: Poor cast can never succeed [CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS]
  • KT-41331 False negative USELESS_IS_CHECK with null
  • KT-47609 JVM IR: "AssertionError: Unexpected number of type arguments" when compiling an extension property with annotation and it extends a value class with a generic parameter
  • KT-47413 FIR: Rework FirDelegatedScope
  • KT-47492 Illegal use of DUP
Docs & Examples
  • KT-48534 Wrong compiler argument for RequiresOptIn
  • KT-48604 MISSING_DEPENDENCY_CLASS in test source sets with kotlin.mpp.enableGranularSourceSetsMetadata=true
IDE. Debugger
  • KT-47970 AE: "Either library or explicit name have to be provided " in IR debugger tests
IDE. Gradle Integration
  • KT-46273 MPP: Don't fail import for case of missed platform in source set structure
  • KT-48823 Improve error reporting on import when configuration phase in Gradle failed
  • KT-48504 MPP: UninitializedPropertyAccessException on import if new hierarchical mpp flag conflicts with other flags
  • KT-47463 MPP: Import fails with Task 'runCommonizer' not found in root project if Kotlin configured only in module
IDE. Multiplatform
  • KT-47604 kotlin-stdlib-common leaks into dependencies of Android-specific source sets
  • KT-43783 KJS / IR: companion object and nested objects are not exported
  • KT-47524 KJS / IR: Treat protected members as part of exported API
  • KT-48132 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" when interface methods don't have default implementation
  • KT-47700 Support instantiation of annotation classes on JS
  • KT-48317 KJS / IR: "TypeError: ... is not a function" on running code with suspend function inheritors
  • KT-48344 KJS / IR: incorrect call with vararg argument from suspend function
  • KT-47751 Kotlin/JS: IR + IC: "argument has no effect without source map" warnings on build
New Features
  • KT-46423 infix extension fun Comparable.compareTo
  • KT-47421 Stabilize collection builders
  • KT-48584 Introduce JVM readln() and readlnOrNull() top-level functions
Performance Improvements
  • KT-45438 Remove brittle ‘contains’ optimization in minus/removeAll/retainAll
  • KT-28378 Different behavior of Regex replace function in JVM and JS when replacement string contains group reference
  • KT-46785 Get rid of !! after readLine() in the standard library
  • KT-46784 Stabilize Duration API in the standard library
  • KT-46229 Bring back Duration factory extension properties
  • KT-27738 Make JS Regex.replace not inline
  • KT-48607 Stabilize experimental API for 1.6
  • KT-47304 Random#nextLong generates value outside provided range
  • KT-47706 System property that controls the brittle contains optimization
  • KT-48999 Align behavior of some JS functions with their JVM counterpart
  • KT-46243 Typography.leftGuillemete and Typography.rightGuillemete are named inconsistent with standard
  • KT-46101 Review deprecations in stdlib for 1.6
  • KT-48456 Introduce Common (multi-platform) readln() and readlnOrNull() top-level functions
  • KT-48587 Deprecate some of JS-only stdlib API
  • KT-39328 Make builder collection implementations serializable
  • KT-47676 K/JS: returns no expected next match if called after matchEntire
  • KT-39166 Nothing is silently mapped to Void in arguments of the type passed to typeOf
  • KT-39330 Migrate declarations from kotlin.dom and kotlin.browser packages to kotlinx.*
  • KT-28753 Comparing floating point values in array/list operations 'contains', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf': IEEE 754 or total order
  • KT-38854 Gradually change the return type of collection min/max functions to non-nullable
  • KT-38754 Deprecate appendln in favor of appendLine
  • KT-48807 Cinterop: cannot create bindings for a framework when Xcode 13 RC is installed
  • KT-49384 Kotlin/Native: Unexpected variance in super type argument: out @0
  • KT-47424 StackOverflowError in IR hashCode() methods compiling KMM module for Kotlin/Native with Kotlin 1.5.0+
  • KT-49234 SIGSEGV using the new memory manager in release in Kotlin 1.6.0-RC in MacosX64
  • KT-48566 ExceptionInInitializerError when configuring Gradle project with kotlin-multiplatform plugin on a host unsupported by Kotlin/Native
  • KT-48039 Native: support shaded (aka embeddable) compiler jar in Gradle plugin
  • KT-42693 Remove dependency on ncurses5 library
Native. C Export
  • KT-47209 kotlin-native fails to generate valid C header if a setter takes anonymous parameter (_)
Native. C and ObjC Import
  • KT-48074 Native: cinterop: __flexarr support
Native. ObjC Export
  • KT-47809 Kotlin/Native: ObjC-export module name usage in klib compilation
Native. Platforms
  • KT-43024 Kotlin/Native: Windows as cross-compilation target
Native. Runtime
  • KT-48452 Kotlin/Native: Support thread state switching in termination handlers for the new MM
Native. Runtime. Memory
  • KT-48143 Kotlin/Native: test fails with assert with new MM and state checker
  • KT-48364 Uninitialized top-level properties in new MM
  • KT-44283 staticCFunction with CValue parameter crashes when invoked off the main thread
Native. Stdlib
  • KT-47662 [Native, All platforms] Incorrect parsing of long strings to Float and Double
  • KT-45066 Support flexible types (nullability, mutability, raw) in typeOf
  • KT-35877 typeOf<MutableList<>> cannot be distinguished from typeOf<List<>> in Kotlin/JVM
Tools. CLI
  • KT-49007 Support three previous API versions
  • KT-48622 Introduce compiler X-flag to use the builder inference for all calls by default
  • KT-32376 “no main manifest attribute” on running the jar for cli-compiled Kotlin objects with main function
  • KT-48026 Add the compiler X-flag to enable self upper bound type inference
  • KT-47640 CLI: support -option=value format as for -Xoption=value
  • KT-47099 Add a stable compiler argument for opt-in requirements as soon as they are stable
Tools. Commonizer
New Features
  • KT-48455 [Commonizer] Optimistic number commonization
  • KT-48459 [Commonizer] Add opt-in annotation to optimistically commonized numbers
  • KT-47430 [Commonizer] 'platform.posix.DIR' not implementing 'CPointed' when commonized for "unixMain"
  • KT-48567 [Commonizer] pthread_self function is not commonized in atomicfu
  • KT-48287 [Commonizer] platform.posix.mkdir not commonized in OKIO
  • KT-48286 [Commonizer] platform.posix.ftruncate not commonized in OKIO
  • KT-47523 MPP: Unable to resolve c-interop dependency if platform is included in an intermediate source set with the only target
  • KT-48278 [Commonizer] platform.posix.usleep not commonized in sqliter
  • KT-46691 MPP: Type mismatch for hierarchically commonized typealiases
  • KT-47221 C-interop commonization fails if few targets reuse same source set
  • KT-47775 Commonizer don't run for shared native code if test source set depends on main
  • KT-47053 MPP: Unable to resolve c-interop commonized code from shared test source set
  • KT-48118 Commonized c-interop lib is not attached to common main source set
  • KT-47641 Enabled cInterop commonization triggers native compilation during Gradle sync in IDE
  • KT-47056 MPP: Change naming for folder with commonized c-interop libraries
Tools. Compiler Plugins
  • KT-48842 Compiler crash: Symbol with IrFieldSymbolImpl is unbound
  • KT-48117 Kotlin AllOpen Plugin should open private methods
  • KT-40340 jvm-abi-gen plugin: failure with Android D8 (Dexer) tool
  • KT-40133 jvm-abi-gen plugin: fails for inline function containing apply block with anonymous object
  • KT-28704 jvm-abi-gen plugin: avoid calling codegen twice per module
  • KT-48111 JVM / IR: "IllegalAccessError: tried to access method" with NoArg plugin and sealed class
Tools. Gradle
Performance Improvements
  • KT-49159 KotlinGradleBuildServices leaks Gradle instance when configuration cache is enabled
  • KT-45504 Deprecate Gradle option KotlinJvmOptions.useIR since 1.5
  • KT-49189 In Gradle, dependencies on an MPP with Android+JVM fail to resolve in pure-Java projects
  • KT-48830 Change deprecation level to 'ERROR' for 'KotlinGradleSubplugin'
  • KT-48264 Cannot write Kotlin build report unless directory exists
  • KT-48745 JVM target compatibility check should be disabled when Java sources are empty
  • KT-49066 Setting kotlinOptions.modulePath in an android project breaks incremental compilation
  • KT-48847 Remove deprecated kotlin options marked for removal after 1.5
  • KT-48245 KGP makes compileOnly configuration resolvable
  • KT-38010 Invalid warning "Runtime JAR files in the classpath should have the same version." with java-gradle-plugin
  • KT-48768 Misleading 'jdkHome' deprecation message
  • KT-46719 Remove 'kotlin.useFallbackCompilerSearch' build option
  • KT-47792 KGP should ignore ProjectDependency when customize kotlin Dependencies
  • KT-47867 Replace usages of IncrementalTaskInputs with InputChanges
  • KT-46972 Migrate Kotlin repo to use Gradle toolchain feature
Tools. Gradle. JS
  • KT-49124 KJS / Gradle: Unable to load '@​webpack-cli/serve' command
  • KT-49201 KJS / Gradle: NPM dependencies resolution may fail on parallel builds
  • KT-48241 KJS / Gradle: NPM test dependency may break Gradle configuration cache
  • KT-32071 Possibility to disable downloading of Node.js and Yarn
  • KT-48332 Make NodeJsSetupTask and YarnSetupTask not cacheable
  • KT-37895 KJS: NPM Post-install Scripts sometimes print "node: not found"
  • KT-34985 kotlin-gradle-plugin: Should align ways NodeJs and Yarn are downloaded
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
  • KT-48709 MPP: Task compileKotlinMacosX64 fails on matching native variants if ktlint presented
  • KT-48919 Gradle multiplatform plugin 1.6.0-M1 does not accept apiVersion = "1.7"
  • KT-46343 [Commonizer] Use lockfile for NativeDistributionCommonizationCache
  • KT-48427 Execution failed for task ':commonizeNativeDistribution'. > lock (No such file or directory)
  • KT-48513 Commonized platform libraries are unresolved in modules for new hierarchical MPP flag
  • KT-48138 CInteropCommonizer: Missing commonization request if test source set has different targets than associated main
  • KT-35832 Gradle: MPP plugin operates with -Xuse-experimental and not with -Xopt-in
Tools. Gradle. Native
  • KT-48729 Test-source sets receive extra unnecessary granular dependencies to more common source sets when depending on MPP-library
  • KT-37511 CocoaPods Gradle plugin: Support incremental task execution when switching between Xcode and terminal
  • KT-47362 Cocoapods plugin: add error reporting for case when pod is not installed on user machine
  • KT-37513 CocoaPods Gradle plugin: Support building tests from terminal for projects depending on pods
Tools. Kapt
  • KT-45545 Kapt is not compatible with JDK 16+
  • KT-47853 KaptWithoutKotlincTask eagerly resolves dependencies during construction/configuration and can cause deadlocks
  • KT-47934 KaptJavaLog is unable to map stub back to the kotlin source
  • KT-48195 Kapt causes dead lock in DefaultFileLockManager
Tools. Scripts
  • KT-49400 Script resolver options can't take values with special symbols (/, , $, :, .) in them
  • KT-49012 Compiling .kts script with inner class declaration fails with Backend Internal Error caused by AE: "Local class constructor can't have dispatch receiver"
  • KT-47927 Script: memory leak with new engines
  • KT-48025 JVM / IR / Script: IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER caused by method tnat returns outer function
  • KT-48303 main.kts script fails to detect vanished dependencies if run from the cache
  • KT-48177 Scripts: OutOfMemoryException with circular @file:Import
  • KT-46645 Scripts: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER" caused by get accessor


File Sha256 174c92e12a54c0901fd9f0badacf1514c28b5197a95654e4dab1775293dde1dc
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.6.0.tar.gz 64fcc58174feabec7de521053baa2edbd883419a721bce79a6e1c7bbd5c15e51
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.6.0.tar.gz 856a58b92672cd83b84c23ae5af19e59a08509d83a0de4a50b89f2259e2c7306
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.6.0.tar.gz 12b29e1763be6715fb3ecafb6ed9bbf7f9874d398654465380ceec69aa9007a2 90fbba1e309f8cac128e15f0673991b13bb07b4aa09e40188476ddaab29bc9a7



Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
  • KT-49798 [MPP] [Android] AGP 7.1.0+ android target publications leak 'AgpVersionAttr' attribute


File Sha256 2e728c43ee0bf819eae06630a4cbbc28ba2ed5b19a55ee0af96d2c0ab6b6c2a5
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.5.32.tar.gz 3b1441171951f80272d227da8673dcceff48343a3effba36ee49e5be5f55a1a3
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.5.32.tar.gz 3060512bceb7e3b0bdfe9f5af7d526192b745be1c42a317b6a455b06393513df
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.5.32.tar.gz b41322c2e7d88379d65554b70edc34eb05f49c9d72d528c16b64a60a9c2250b8 6d6a2dbaa65d3b5f07bb6b48cbd6fa92f616d2c8edd0afb4f19f1cc35566476a



  • KT-48659 JVM / IR: Referential equality returns true for different instances
  • KT-48613 Kotlin/Native fails to compile debug binaries for watchosArm64 target
  • KT-48316 "No value passed for parameter" regression with Java annotation default values with JSR-305
  • KT-48343 Mistake in an error message for uninferred type variable without unrestricted builder inference
  • KT-48543 Native compiler crashes because of bridges for $default stubs
  • KT-48349 OptIn markers are forbidden on local variable / value parameter / property getter only in presence of explicit Target annotation
  • KT-48295 JVM / IR: VerifyError: Bad access to protected data in getfield
  • KT-48551 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Inline class has no primary constructor" caused by inline class from one module and fun interface from another
  • KT-47917 JVM: "UTF8 string too large" caused by a big string
  • KT-48440 JVM IR: Missing checkcast in generated bytecode causes VerifyError in Kotlin 1.5.30
  • KT-48361 INTEGER_OPERATOR_RESOLVE_WILL_CHANGE is not reported in some positions
  • KT-48267 JVM IR: CCE on callable reference to Array constructor passed to inline function
  • KTIJ-15744 Reopening build.gradle.kts-based project reports MISSING_SCRIPT_BASE_CLASS KotlinBuildScript until re-import
  • KTIJ-19005 JDK 17: "PermittedSubclasses requires ASM9" exception multiple times per second during analysis
  • KTIJ-19504 IDE highlighting: Kotlin plugin 1.5.30 started showing some valid classes from multiplatform libraries as not existing
  • KT-48591 Kotlin/Native: Char.isHighSurrogate and Char.isLowSurrogate return wrong result for macosArm64 and iosArm64 with compiler cache enabled
  • KT-48491 CInterop broke in Kotlin 1.5.30


File Sha256 661111286f3e5ac06aaf3a9403d869d9a96a176b62b141814be626a47249fe9e
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.5.31.tar.gz 636b7e9e54eefa3fa1d284677a8ec2271d0f98b024a8a60127ef20a3badaae03
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.5.31.tar.gz fde7224a8e04a6cd934ecbf55d4d51966f8a0668104f4316a76b3f38062d1ade
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.5.31.tar.gz fbd005e360253e7d7ff1cd78b7cbbe34df0592812676deada6620a53d469d803 11c2e3378ea2e0121e9c3378e58f9813fc5f7850110c0e341739ab514f1379ca



Backend. Native. Debug
  • KT-47405 Incorrect path from inlined method in stacktrace on iOS-simulator ARM64
  • KT-47408 Incorrect line number of inlined method on iOS-simulator ARM64
New Features
  • KT-44261 Support RxJava 3 nullability annotations
  • KT-32443 Experimental declarations should be contagious even when they are not explicitly used
  • KT-45844 Forbid using experimental markers on override declarations
  • KT-45845 Forbid using experimental markers on getter
  • KT-46644 Resolve overrides for IrProperty on deserialization
  • KT-46967 Support class type parameters annotations in FIR
  • KT-47402 Native: optimize access to object declarations that have only const vals and no init blocks
  • KT-47709 Make when statements with enum, sealed, and Boolean subjects exhaustive by default
  • KT-47699 Support programmatic creation of class annotations and corresponding feature flag on JVM
Performance Improvements
  • KT-45103 Direct invoke optimization
  • KT-47785 Compilation time increased when trying to compile AssertJ DB expression in 1.5.21
  • KT-48361 INTEGER_OPERATOR_RESOLVE_WILL_CHANGE is not reported in some positions
  • KT-48180 JVM / IR: AssertionError: "Lambda with offset already exists" caused by calling inline function with default lambda parameter
  • KT-47328 JVM / IR: NoSuchFieldError with missing CHECKCAST
  • KT-48172 "IllegalStateException: Cannot serialize error type: [ERROR : ]" in 1.5.21 with java kotlin interop
  • KT-48230 JVM IR: CCE for multiple receivers case
  • KT-48262 "Inconsistent type" with JSpecify @​NullMarked
  • KT-48167 JVM / IR: If Map#entrySet is implemented in an interface, Kotlin compiler generates incorrect code for its implementation
  • KT-47988 JVM / IR: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" when invoking apply with a local method reference
  • KT-48163 JVM / IR: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" when throwing result of smartcast
  • KT-47833 False positive "Type argument is not within its bounds " with upcasting in 1.5.30-M1
  • KT-47830 Some code doesn't compile with unrestricted builder inference
  • KT-39883 Deprecate computing constant values if complex boolean expressions in when condition branches and conditions of loops
  • KT-47037 Eliminate builder inference restrictions
  • KT-46726 IR + BuilderInference: AssertionError: Unbound private symbol on usage of this in a BuilderInference lambda
  • KT-43855 Support gradual introduction of new nullability annotations
  • KT-43142 FIR: Check UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED for type alias constructors properly
  • KT-45228 Leaking builder inference type variables though callable references
  • KT-42270 NI: NEW_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER for BuilderInference with extension functions
  • KT-46029 JVM / IR: "Unbound private symbol: " when trying to save SequenceScope in property
  • KT-45258 Wrong CST between types which contain stub type
  • KT-45224 Type safety problem through leaking of the builder inference scope
  • KT-22852 Report diagnostics on implicit usages of experimental API
  • KT-22941 Experimental marker annotation with SOURCE retention is compiled without error
  • KT-24993 Inference for buildSequence/yield doesn't work for labeled lambdas
  • KT-31728 Incorrect EXPERIMENTAL_OVERRIDE_ERROR for override of experimental function in anonymous object
  • KT-33364 Kotlin/Native debugger: execution stops only at next line for breakpoint at when expression without parameter
  • KT-42139 NI: NEW_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER for emptyList / listOf (with no arguments) / emptyMap / mapOf (with no arguments) inside if block inside sequence block
  • KT-44241 NI: BuilderInference regression
  • KT-44372 FIR: KClass::java cannot be resolved as callable reference
  • KT-44547 Native: wrong RTTI when overriding functions with equal signatures but different type arguments
  • KT-44571 Segfault on unnecessary int unboxing
  • KT-45083 Problem with property reference in builder inference
  • KT-45315 Deprecate (V)::a reference resolution to companion in FE 1.0
  • KT-46393 AE: "1 trailing arguments were found in Any type" for private function with implicit anonymous return type inside generic class
  • KT-46661 FIR: Investigate inference issue with self-types and star projection
  • KT-46775 [Native] [IR] Support multiple suspend lambdas as class supertypes
  • KT-46836 Error: Invalid LLVM module on inlineClasses external tests
  • KT-46838 NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null in CollectionsKt.joinToString()
  • KT-46896 Native IR: NPE when using irBuiltIns.suspendFunction
  • KT-46996 FIR: INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER on type aliases with non-trivial expansions
  • KT-47034 KtValueArgument.getArgumentExpression could lead to StubBasedPsiElementBase.notBoundInExistingAst
  • KT-47052 BuilderInference case with flatMapTo doesn't work properly
  • KT-47082 Stub type variable is leaked (reproduces with K/N during deserialization)
  • KT-47143 ClassicTypeSystemContext couldn't handle: Captured(*) in Kotlin 1.5.0
  • KT-47148 Type mismatch: inferred type is Any? but T? was expected
  • KT-47180 Forbid using OptIn markers on local variable, value parameter or field
  • KT-47181 Forbid using OptIn markers on types or type parameters
  • KT-47183 Segfault on int unboxing
  • KT-47208 Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering: assert at IrOverridingUtilKt.buildFakeOverrideMember
  • KT-47276 Nullability annotations without target are ignored if type enhancement improvements are enabled
  • KT-47450 StackOverflowException in psi2ir with many chained binary expressions
  • KT-47462 K/N: AssertionError: Unbound private symbol (NON-PUBLIC API): deserialized class Companion
  • KT-47941 "IllegalStateException: Expected some types" on a call with several excepted type constraints
  • KT-47854 "IllegalArgumentException: Type is inconsistent" with Android's @​Nullable annotation starting in Kotlin 1.5.20
  • KT-47899 "AssertionError: Intersection type should not be marked nullable" with 1.5.21
  • KT-47846 Stack overflow when handling enhanced recursive type parameter
  • KT-47747 Introduce specific error for calls which could be resolved only with unrestricted builder inference
  • KT-47739 JVM / IR: NoSuchFieldError with generic sealed classes
  • KT-47422 -Xjspecify-annotations: If a class has a @​Nullable type-parameter bound, Kotlin should still treat some users' type arguments as platform types
  • KT-47437 Type inference failure with raw types under -Xjspecify-annotations=strict
  • KT-47396 <?> in @​NullMarked code should permit nullable types
  • KT-47729 False positive INTEGER_OPERATOR_RESOLVE_WILL_CHANGE warning: "expression will be resolved to Int in future releases"
  • KT-47333 Xcode 13: Compilation for iOS simulator fails
  • KT-47772 False negative WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET on type argument to function call
  • KT-47467 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Annotation class expected: deserialized class Array" caused by java annotation as a parameter of another annotation
  • KT-47744 UninitializedPropertyAccessException compiler exception on nested builder inference calls
  • KT-47724 Type inference: False positive "Returning type parameter has been inferred to Nothing implicitly"
  • KT-47660 JVM / IR: Mockito verification fails when named parameters are ordered differently
  • KT-47589 Using RequiresOptIn annotation on constructor property results in error even if the annotation has no VALUE_PARAMETER target
Docs & Examples
  • KT-47649 Important note about KJS IR compiler and stdlib compatibility in 1.5.30
  • KT-44643 ISE: Could not generate LightClass for some declared in on initialisation by lazy in a JVM module of a multiplatform project
  • KT-47947 Add language version 1.6 to the compiler configuration preferences
IDE. Gradle Integration
  • KT-47163 KJS / Gradle: Could not resolve <artifact> despite being resolvable & project buildable
  • KT-46548 KJS: Create an IDE plugin to help with migration to and keeping compatibility with JS IR BE
  • KT-47557 KJS: With NPM dependency IDEA import fails when performed before Gradle build
  • KT-46204 KJS / IR: Support SuspendFunctionN as super type
  • KT-38363 JS IR BE: support IC for lowerings
  • KT-41651 JS IR BE: DCE removes render method from react components passed to the kotlinx.react
  • KT-46520 KJS / IR: ISE "Can't find name for declaration FUN name:CharArray_init_Create" on callable reference to Array constructor
  • KT-45738 KJS / IR: Wrong generated code for when statement
  • KT-46551 KJS / IR: Add a basic sourcemap generation
  • KT-47477 Could not resolve kotlin-test during project import in case of multiplatform with only JVM target platform
  • KT-47675 Converting Double to Duration may expose inexactness
  • KT-47419 Remove method of the MapBuilder iterator throws IOOBE instead of IllegalStateException
  • KT-47211 Kotlin Native - AbstractMutableList.addAll (with index) does not throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if elements is empty
  • KT-23351 Regex.splitToSequence, CharSequence.splitToSequence(Regex)
  • KT-42851 kotlin.time.Duration toString() shows wrong result for seconds
  • KT-45325 Parsing Duration from String
  • KT-34021 Regex.matchAt / matchesAt
  • KT-35001 warning: linking module flags 'SDK Version': IDs have conflicting values ('[2 x i32] [i32 13, i32 2]'
  • KT-43475 Kotlin/Native compiler: Including a static C library increased cross-compilation time from 3.5minutes to 1 hour 40 minutes
  • KT-44148 Escape analysis failure: Heap space out of memory
Native. C and ObjC Import
  • KT-46711 cannot be passed by value
Native. ObjC Export
  • KT-43780 Improve Swift/Obj-C ergonomics for object and companion object
  • KT-46431 KMP accessing a property of an anonymous inner class that inherits from an abstract class causes a 'NSGenericException', reason: '[Shared_kobjcc0 ] is abstract' exception.
  • KT-47042 Kotlin/Native: Concurrency Interoperability with Objective-C (Swift 5.5)
Native. Stdlib
  • KT-47915 Kotlin/Native: Provide access to test cases generated by the compiler
Native. Platforms
  • KT-44321 Support Apple Silicon without Rosetta 2
  • KT-18277 InvalidProtocolBufferException: Stream closed on multithreaded access to built-ins data in reflection
  • KT-44977 Reflection: ClassCastException caused by annotations with "AnnotationTarget.TYPE" usage on array attributes access
  • KT-47650 KClass::nestedClasses throws ClassCastException for script classes with type aliases
Tools. CLI
  • KT-47623 Deprecate -Xuse-experimental
  • KT-30778 kotlin-compiler.jar contains shaded but not relocated kotlinx.coroutines
  • KT-40979 CLI: Executing "kotlinc.bat" at a root path, errors are not reported with a correct filepath
  • KT-40994 CLI: Add documentation for -J argument in kotlinc -help
  • KT-46764 CLI: Java record defined in a single file root is not resolved
Tools. Commonizer
  • KT-47433 [Commonizer] Commonize functions/properties with TA/Class types in signature
  • KT-47691 [Commonizer] Commonize var and val properties
  • KT-47434 [Commonizer] Commonize parameterized (type-alias + class) types
  • KT-47432 [Commonizer] Commonize (type-alias + class) types used in functions
  • KT-45992 [Commonizer] Allow commonization of TypeAlias and Class with same name
  • KT-46716 [Commonizer] Analyze leaf source sets with original platform libraries
  • KT-46957 [Commonizer] Unresolved classifier: platform/posix/ptrdiff_t for linuxMips32
  • KT-47133 Forbid cinterop commonization with hierarchical commonization turned off
  • KT-47301 [Commonizer] Associative commonization
Tools. Compiler Plugins
Tools. Daemon
  • KT-47152 Incremental Compilation with Kotlin compile daemon and JDK 17 fails with IllegalAccessException
Tools. Gradle
New Features
  • KT-45757 Add an easier way to explicitly set Kotlin daemon jvm arguments
  • KT-47940 Kotlin JVM toolchain breaks configuration cache
  • KT-46626 kotlin-android plugin with kotlin-dsl: Extension with name 'android' does not exist. Currently registered extension names: [ext, kotlin, kotlinTestRegistry]
  • KT-47754 “'compileDebugUnitTestJavaWithJavac' task (current target is 1.8)” during build android project without specified target and with jvmToolchain = JDK 11
  • KT-47520 Kotlin and Java target compatibility check produces false positive on using Gradle toolchains
  • KT-46978 Duplicate resource errors on gradle 7 with multi-module multiplatform project with withJava
  • KT-27687 Empty directories in source set causes gradle cache miss for KotlinCompile task
  • KT-47635 Kotlin version conflict on using 'noarg' Gradle plugin
  • KT-47636 Kotlin version conflict on using 'sam-with-receiver' Gradle plugin
  • KT-47354 Kotlin version conflict on using 'allopen' Gradle plugin
  • KT-45202 Kapt crashes with
  • KT-13258 Kotlin compiler doesn't respect Gradle's "sourceCompatibility" and "targetCompatibility"
  • KT-43095 Add support for Java Toolchain to the Gradle plugin
  • KT-45611 KGP should declare JDK version as input
  • KT-47185 Migrate Gradle Integration tests to use cache redirector
  • KT-48226 Kotlin toolchain does not set 'jvmTarget' for Kotlin tasks on configuration cache reuse
  • KT-44279 Kotlin-Android Gradle Plugin (KGP) should react to application of AGP rather than assume it was applied first
  • KT-44041 PersistentEnumeratorBase$CorruptedException: PersistentEnumerator storage corrupted
Tools. Gradle. JS
  • KT-47436 KJS / IR: Compiler plugins not provided to link task
  • KT-46693 KJS: Update node.js version used inside gradle to latest 14.x
  • KT-47559 KJS / Gradle: Run task created using eager API and breaks task configuration avoidance
  • KT-47176 KJS: Actualize NPM dependencies
  • KT-47154 KJS / Gradle: Compile task reads dependencies metadata from filesystem too long on large projects
  • KT-47114 KJS / IR: Could not resolve coroutines-core-js
  • KT-43379 KJS / Gradle: On windows, an invalid regex is generated for Webpack ProgressPlugin
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
  • KT-47210 [Commonizer] Avoid commonization of test source set hierarchy if possible
  • KT-46279 [Commonizer] Gradle 7.0 will emit warning for metadata compilation in multimodule builds
  • KT-47126 ios() target shortcuts should not include Apple Silicon by default
  • KT-38111 Gradle DSL: rename useExperimentalAnnotation function
  • KT-47126 ios() target shortcuts should not include Apple Silicon by default
  • KT-47612 Task :buildKotlinToolingMetadata is incompatible with Gradle configuration cache
  • KT-47611 Task :generateMetadataFileForKotlinMultiplatformPublication is incompatible with Gradle configuration cache
Tools. Gradle. Native
  • KT-42023 Kotlin Native Cocoapods plugin fails when Xcode project has custom CONFIGURATION names
  • KT-47653 Support multi arch build via embedAndSign task
  • KT-47078 Support Apple Silicon in cocoapods gradle plugin
  • KT-47077 Support Apple Silicon in embedAndSign task
Tools. Incremental Compile
  • KT-27660 JS Incremental compilation fails with java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 0
  • KT-36865 IC: "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 0"
  • KT-35532 Incremental compilation often fails on @​JVMMultifileClass
  • KT-19806 IncrementalPackagePartProvider cache corruption causes frontend exception
Tools. JPS
  • KT-47753 JPS: "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0": Rebuild triggered due to IOOBE in kotlin.incremental.LookupStorage.<init>
  • KT-46804 Slow Kotlin incremental build: LookupStorage operations
  • KT-45763 Failing tests in KotlinIDE
Tools. Maven
  • KT-45689 JDK-16: kotlin-maven-plugin fails with IllegalAccessError: class when using incremental compilation
Tools. Scripts
  • KT-43917 Gradle dependency conflict with resolutionStrategy failOnVersionConflict and kotlin 1.4
  • KT-46646 Scripts: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on an empty script running
Tools. REPL
  • KT-47783 REPL: Keywords completion appears after numeric and string literals
Tools. kapt
  • KT-47583 KaptJavaLog fails on Java 17 due to removed constructor in
  • KT-47347 KAPT: Stub generation in Gradle cache is not consistently relocatable
  • KT-46651 KAPT: "Source file or directory not found" - kaptGenerateStubsDebugKotlin task does not track source files properly with configuration cache enabled


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kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.5.30.tar.gz de7e9f9601e5f91aa44c0d8629da8779afaf60d0622287d67a61e72432277001
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.5.30.tar.gz 7c04408bb98b59b4acc1c5a2c8837350a8ef0262bc19795da42c103e6a8c6bd0 26ceb0ddc85636d459016d7824975bf82ba6e8f0526c1961604f85348a989dbf


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