Funkwhale Against Fascism is a project to fight against fascism and far right ideologie in music. We want to leverage various tools :
Funkwhale Against Fascism is a project to fight against fascism and far right ideologies in music. We want to leverage various tools :
- Maintaining a list of far right content in wikidata
- Maintaining a list of far right content in wikidata
- Maintain our own list in case wikidata fails to allow our [filter tool]( to work
- Maintain our own list in case wikidata fails to allow our [filter tool]( to work
- Report artist/labels on third party services like spotify, soundlcoud, youtube etc
- Report artist/labels on third party services like spotify, soundlcoud, youtube etc
@@ -33,7 +33,32 @@ We use [genre]( to class artists. We consi
@@ -33,7 +33,32 @@ We use [genre]( to class artists. We consi
- to report : was super nsbm, they still promotensdm artists, and they can sell stuff on discog.
- to report : was super nsbm, they still promotensdm artists, and they can sell stuff on discog.
## Promoting Leftist Music
## Promoting Leftist Music
Since we are using tools that could allow to build music recommendation and playlist, since fighting against fascism is also fight for ou rights, we can also work on tools to promote leftist music.
Since we are using tools that could allow to build music recommendation and playlist, since fighting against fascism is also fighting for our rights and our voices, we can also work on tools to promote leftist music.
Try this :
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
# Select items that are music groups, persons, musical duos, or rappers
?item wdt:P31 ?instances.
VALUES ?instances { wd:Q215380 wd:Q5 wd:Q9212979 wd:Q2252262 } # Music group / Person / Musical duo / Rapper
# Retrieve subgenres from a top genre
# Define a top-level genre (e.g., extreme right-wing music)
VALUES ?top_genre { wd:Q132531661 } # leftist music