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chore(deps): pin python to 3.13.1

Open RenovateBot requested to merge renovate/pin-dependencies into main
2 files
+ 5
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+ 4
@@ -112,12 +112,10 @@ files = [
aiosignal = ">=1.1.2"
async-timeout = ">=4.0.0a3,<5.0"
asynctest = {version = "0.13.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
attrs = ">=17.3.0"
charset-normalizer = ">=2.0,<3.0"
frozenlist = ">=1.1.1"
multidict = ">=4.5,<7.0"
typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.7.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
yarl = ">=1.0,<2.0"
@@ -162,21 +160,6 @@ files = [
{file = "async_timeout-4.0.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:8ca1e4fcf50d07413d66d1a5e416e42cfdf5851c981d679a09851a6853383b3c"},
typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.6.5", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
name = "asynctest"
version = "0.13.0"
description = "Enhance the standard unittest package with features for testing asyncio libraries"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
files = [
{file = "asynctest-0.13.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:5da6118a7e6d6b54d83a8f7197769d046922a44d2a99c21382f0a6e4fadae676"},
{file = "asynctest-0.13.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:c27862842d15d83e6a34eb0b2866c323880eb3a75e4485b079ea11748fd77fac"},
name = "attrs"
version = "23.1.0"
@@ -189,9 +172,6 @@ files = [
{file = "attrs-23.1.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:6279836d581513a26f1bf235f9acd333bc9115683f14f7e8fae46c98fc50e015"},
importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
cov = ["attrs[tests]", "coverage[toml] (>=5.3)"]
dev = ["attrs[docs,tests]", "pre-commit"]
@@ -252,7 +232,6 @@ files = [
colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
name = "click-log"
@@ -389,27 +368,6 @@ files = [
{file = "idna-3.4.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:814f528e8dead7d329833b91c5faa87d60bf71824cd12a7530b5526063d02cb4"},
name = "importlib-metadata"
version = "6.7.0"
description = "Read metadata from Python packages"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
{file = "importlib_metadata-6.7.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:cb52082e659e97afc5dac71e79de97d8681de3aa07ff18578330904a9d18e5b5"},
{file = "importlib_metadata-6.7.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1aaf550d4f73e5d6783e7acb77aec43d49da8017410afae93822cc9cca98c4d4"},
typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.6.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
zipp = ">=0.5"
docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-lint"]
perf = ["ipython"]
testing = ["flufl.flake8", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)", "packaging", "pyfakefs", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.3)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "pytest-perf (>=0.9.2)", "pytest-ruff"]
name = "ipdb"
version = "0.13.13"
@@ -423,9 +381,8 @@ files = [
decorator = {version = "*", markers = "python_version > \"3.6\""}
ipython = {version = ">=7.31.1", markers = "python_version > \"3.6\""}
tomli = {version = "*", markers = "python_version > \"3.6\" and python_version < \"3.11\""}
decorator = {version = "*", markers = "python_version >= \"3.11\""}
ipython = {version = ">=7.31.1", markers = "python_version >= \"3.11\""}
name = "ipython"
@@ -685,18 +642,6 @@ docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "pygments-g
testing = ["build[virtualenv]", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "flake8-2020", "ini2toml[lite] (>=0.9)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "pip (>=19.1)", "pip-run (>=8.8)", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.3)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "pytest-perf", "pytest-ruff", "pytest-timeout", "pytest-xdist", "tomli-w (>=1.0.0)", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
testing-integration = ["build[virtualenv]", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "pytest", "pytest-enabler", "pytest-xdist", "tomli", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
name = "tomli"
version = "2.0.1"
description = "A lil' TOML parser"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
{file = "tomli-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:939de3e7a6161af0c887ef91b7d41a53e7c5a1ca976325f429cb46ea9bc30ecc"},
{file = "tomli-2.0.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:de526c12914f0c550d15924c62d72abc48d6fe7364aa87328337a31007fe8a4f"},
name = "traitlets"
version = "5.9.0"
@@ -713,18 +658,6 @@ files = [
docs = ["myst-parser", "pydata-sphinx-theme", "sphinx"]
test = ["argcomplete (>=2.0)", "pre-commit", "pytest", "pytest-mock"]
name = "typing-extensions"
version = "4.6.3"
description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.7+"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
{file = "typing_extensions-4.6.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:88a4153d8505aabbb4e13aacb7c486c2b4a33ca3b3f807914a9b4c844c471c26"},
{file = "typing_extensions-4.6.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:d91d5919357fe7f681a9f2b5b4cb2a5f1ef0a1e9f59c4d8ff0d3491e05c0ffd5"},
name = "wcwidth"
version = "0.2.6"
@@ -824,25 +757,8 @@ files = [
idna = ">=2.0"
multidict = ">=4.0"
typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.7.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
name = "zipp"
version = "3.15.0"
description = "Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
{file = "zipp-3.15.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:48904fc76a60e542af151aded95726c1a5c34ed43ab4134b597665c86d7ad556"},
{file = "zipp-3.15.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:112929ad649da941c23de50f356a2b5570c954b65150642bccdd66bf194d224b"},
docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-lint"]
testing = ["big-O", "flake8 (<5)", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.3)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)"]
lock-version = "2.0"
python-versions = "^3.7"
content-hash = "1f036dc5940995a2846673ab5b8bc9265fe5ec8933cb289e4ce2929c7fe7d5b2"
python-versions = "3.12.5"
content-hash = "88557be464ed6425e3911a37ffefb4d2347cc4fb11d9bdc4de58b56956012a83"