| `funkwhale_database_user` | `funkwhale` | Postgresql username to login as |
| `funkwhale_env_vars` | `[]` | List of environment variables to append to the generated `.env` file. Example: `["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=myawsid", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=myawskey"]` |
| `funkwhale_external_storage_enabled` | `false` | If `true`, set up the proper configuration to use an extenal storage for media files |
| `funkwhale_disable_django_admin` | `false` | If `true`, returns a 403 (Forbidden) for `/api/admin` |
| `funkwhale_install_path` | `/srv/funkwhale` | Path were frontend, api and virtualenv files should be stored (**no trailing slash**) |
| `funkwhale_letsencrypt_certbot_flags` | `null` | Additional flags to pass to `certbot` |
| `funkwhale_letsencrypt_enabled` | `true` | If `true`, will configure SSL with certbot and Let's Encrypt |