Forked from
funkwhale / funkwhale
6741 commits behind the upstream repository.
Eliot Berriot authoredVerifiedc3c0f03d
TrackImport.vue 5.62 KiB
<div class="ui stackable grid">
<div class="three wide column">
<h5 class="ui header">
{{ metadata.position }}. {{ metadata.recording.title }}
<div class="sub header">
{{ time.parse(parseInt(metadata.length) / 1000) }}
<div class="ui toggle checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="enabled" />
<i18next tag="label" path="Import this track"/>
<div class="three wide column" v-if="enabled">
<form class="ui mini form" @submit.prevent="">
<div class="field">
<i18next tag="label" path="Source"/>
<select v-model="currentBackendId">
<option v-for="backend in backends" :value="">
{{ backend.label }}
<div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
<template v-if="currentResult">
<button @click="currentResultIndex -= 1" class="ui basic tiny icon button" :disabled="currentResultIndex === 0">
<i class="left arrow icon"></i>
<i18next path="Result {%0%}/{%1%}">
{{ currentResultIndex + 1 }}
{{ results.length }}
<button @click="currentResultIndex += 1" class="ui basic tiny icon button" :disabled="currentResultIndex + 1 === results.length">
<i class="right arrow icon"></i>
<div class="four wide column" v-if="enabled">
<form class="ui mini form" @submit.prevent="">
<div class="field">
<i18next tag="label" path="Search query"/>
<input type="text" v-model="query" />
<i18next tag="label" path="Imported URL"/>
<input type="text" v-model="importedUrl" />
<div class="six wide column" v-if="enabled">
<div v-if="isLoading" class="ui vertical segment">
<div :class="['ui', 'centered', 'active', 'inline', 'loader']"></div>
<div v-if="!isLoading && currentResult" class="ui items">
<div class="item">
<div class="ui small image">
<img :src="currentResult.cover" />
<div class="content">
v-html="$options.filters.highlight(currentResult.title, warnings)"></a>
<div v-if="currentResult.channelTitle" class="meta">
{{ currentResult.channelTitle}}
import axios from 'axios'
import Vue from 'vue'
import time from '@/utils/time'
import logger from '@/logging'
import ImportMixin from './ImportMixin'
import $ from 'jquery'
Vue.filter('highlight', function (words, query) {
query.forEach(w => {
let re = new RegExp('(' + w + ')', 'gi')
words = words.replace(re, '<span class=\'highlight\'>$1</span>')
return words
export default Vue.extend({
mixins: [ImportMixin],
props: {
releaseMetadata: {type: Object, required: true}
data () {
return {
isLoading: false,
results: [],
currentResultIndex: 0,
importedUrl: '',
warnings: [
customQuery: '',
created () {
if (this.enabled) {
mounted () {
methods: {
search: function () {
let self = this
this.isLoading = true
let url = 'providers/' + this.currentBackendId + '/search/'
axios.get(url, {params: {query: this.query}}).then((response) => {
logger.default.debug('searching', self.query, 'on', self.currentBackendId)
self.results =
self.isLoading = false
}, (response) => {
logger.default.error('error while searching', self.query, 'on', self.currentBackendId)
self.isLoading = false
computed: {
type () {
return 'track'
currentResult () {
if (this.results) {
return this.results[this.currentResultIndex]
importData () {
return {
count: 1,
source: this.importedUrl
query: {
get: function () {
if (this.customQuery.length > 0) {
return this.customQuery
let queryMapping = [
['artist', this.releaseMetadata['artist-credit'][0]['artist']['name']],
['album', this.releaseMetadata['title']],
['title', this.metadata['recording']['title']]
let query = this.customQueryTemplate
queryMapping.forEach(e => {
query = query.split('$' + e[0]).join(e[1])
return query
set: function (newValue) {
this.customQuery = newValue
watch: {
query () {
currentResult (newValue) {
if (newValue) {
this.importedUrl = newValue.url
importedUrl (newValue) {
this.$emit('url-changed', this.importData, this.importedUrl)
enabled (newValue) {
if (newValue && this.results.length === 0) {
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped lang="scss">
.ui.card {
width: 100% !important;
<style lang="scss">
.highlight {
font-weight: bold !important;
background-color: yellow !important;