We offer a script to update existing ``po`` and ``pot`` files with new translations
from the source code. This action should be run regularly, and in particular before
lots of translation work is expected (e.g a few weeks before a new release), or when
the UI code changes a lot. Otherwise, translators end up translating some obsolete messages,
or not translationg new messages.
1. `Lock the translations on weblate <https://translate.funkwhale.audio/projects/funkwhale/front/#repository>`_ (``Lock`` button in the sidebar). This will prevent translators from working, and help prevent potential conflicts in the source code
2. `Commit and push changes from weblate <https://translate.funkwhale.audio/projects/funkwhale/front/#repository>`_ (``Commit`` and ``Push`` buttons in the sidebar)
3. Pull ``develop`` in your local git repository to ensure you have the latest version of the translations
4. Create a dedicated branch with ``git checkout -b translations-integration``
5. Extract the translations with ``cd front && ./scripts/i18n-extract.sh``. This will update all ``po`` files as necessary
6. Review, commit and push the changes, then open a merge request on the ``develop`` branch
7. When the MR is merged, `Unlock the translations on weblate <https://translate.funkwhale.audio/projects/funkwhale/front/#repository>`_ (``Unlock`` button in the sidebar).