diff --git a/front/src/audio/index.js b/front/src/audio/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4896b83b0f895c8bca9269aebf9141d16ab53087..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/front/src/audio/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-import logger from '@/logging'
-import time from '@/utils/time'
-const Cov = {
-  on (el, type, func) {
-    el.addEventListener(type, func)
-  },
-  off (el, type, func) {
-    el.removeEventListener(type, func)
-  }
-class Audio {
-  constructor (src, options = {}) {
-    let preload = true
-    if (options.preload !== undefined && options.preload === false) {
-      preload = false
-    }
-    this.tmp = {
-      src: src,
-      options: options
-    }
-    this.onEnded = function (e) {
-      logger.default.info('track ended')
-    }
-    if (options.onEnded) {
-      this.onEnded = options.onEnded
-    }
-    this.onError = options.onError
-    this.state = {
-      preload: preload,
-      startLoad: false,
-      failed: false,
-      try: 3,
-      tried: 0,
-      playing: false,
-      paused: false,
-      playbackRate: 1.0,
-      progress: 0,
-      currentTime: 0,
-      volume: 0.5,
-      duration: 0,
-      loaded: '0',
-      durationTimerFormat: '00:00',
-      currentTimeFormat: '00:00',
-      lastTimeFormat: '00:00'
-    }
-    if (options.volume !== undefined) {
-      this.state.volume = options.volume
-    }
-    this.hook = {
-      playState: [],
-      loadState: []
-    }
-    if (preload) {
-      this.init(src, options)
-    }
-  }
-  init (src, options = {}) {
-    if (!src) throw Error('src must be required')
-    this.state.startLoad = true
-    if (this.state.tried >= this.state.try) {
-      this.state.failed = true
-      logger.default.error('Cannot fetch audio', src)
-      if (this.onError) {
-        this.onError(src)
-      }
-      return
-    }
-    this.$Audio = new window.Audio(src)
-    Cov.on(this.$Audio, 'error', () => {
-      this.state.tried++
-      this.init(src, options)
-    })
-    if (options.autoplay) {
-      this.play()
-    }
-    if (options.rate) {
-      this.$Audio.playbackRate = options.rate
-    }
-    if (options.loop) {
-      this.$Audio.loop = true
-    }
-    if (options.volume) {
-      this.setVolume(options.volume)
-    }
-    this.loadState()
-  }
-  loadState () {
-    if (this.$Audio.readyState >= 2) {
-      Cov.on(this.$Audio, 'progress', this.updateLoadState.bind(this))
-    } else {
-      Cov.on(this.$Audio, 'loadeddata', () => {
-        this.loadState()
-      })
-    }
-  }
-  updateLoadState (e) {
-    if (!this.$Audio) return
-    this.hook.loadState.forEach(func => {
-      func(this.state)
-    })
-    this.state.duration = Math.round(this.$Audio.duration * 100) / 100
-    this.state.loaded = Math.round(10000 * this.$Audio.buffered.end(0) / this.$Audio.duration) / 100
-    this.state.durationTimerFormat = time.parse(this.state.duration)
-  }
-  updatePlayState (e) {
-    this.state.currentTime = Math.round(this.$Audio.currentTime * 100) / 100
-    this.state.duration = Math.round(this.$Audio.duration * 100) / 100
-    this.state.progress = Math.round(10000 * this.state.currentTime / this.state.duration) / 100
-    this.state.durationTimerFormat = time.parse(this.state.duration)
-    this.state.currentTimeFormat = time.parse(this.state.currentTime)
-    this.state.lastTimeFormat = time.parse(this.state.duration - this.state.currentTime)
-    this.hook.playState.forEach(func => {
-      func(this.state)
-    })
-  }
-  updateHook (type, func) {
-    if (!(type in this.hook)) throw Error('updateHook: type should be playState or loadState')
-    this.hook[type].push(func)
-  }
-  play () {
-    if (this.state.startLoad) {
-      if (!this.state.playing && this.$Audio.readyState >= 2) {
-        logger.default.info('Playing track')
-        this.$Audio.play()
-        this.state.paused = false
-        this.state.playing = true
-        Cov.on(this.$Audio, 'timeupdate', this.updatePlayState.bind(this))
-        Cov.on(this.$Audio, 'ended', this.onEnded)
-      } else {
-        Cov.on(this.$Audio, 'loadeddata', () => {
-          this.play()
-        })
-      }
-    } else {
-      this.init(this.tmp.src, this.tmp.options)
-      Cov.on(this.$Audio, 'loadeddata', () => {
-        this.play()
-      })
-    }
-  }
-  destroyed () {
-    this.$Audio.pause()
-    Cov.off(this.$Audio, 'timeupdate', this.updatePlayState)
-    Cov.off(this.$Audio, 'progress', this.updateLoadState)
-    Cov.off(this.$Audio, 'ended', this.onEnded)
-    this.$Audio.remove()
-  }
-  pause () {
-    logger.default.info('Pausing track')
-    this.$Audio.pause()
-    this.state.paused = true
-    this.state.playing = false
-    this.$Audio.removeEventListener('timeupdate', this.updatePlayState)
-  }
-  setVolume (number) {
-    if (number > -0.01 && number <= 1) {
-      this.state.volume = Math.round(number * 100) / 100
-      this.$Audio.volume = this.state.volume
-    }
-  }
-  setTime (time) {
-    if (time < 0 && time > this.state.duration) {
-      return false
-    }
-    this.$Audio.currentTime = time
-  }
-export default Audio
diff --git a/front/src/audio/queue.js b/front/src/audio/queue.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4273fb9a630dd098458b532cd85f5bdb96399aba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/front/src/audio/queue.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-import Vue from 'vue'
-import _ from 'lodash'
-import logger from '@/logging'
-import cache from '@/cache'
-import config from '@/config'
-import Audio from '@/audio'
-import backend from '@/audio/backend'
-import radios from '@/radios'
-import url from '@/utils/url'
-import auth from '@/auth'
-class Queue {
-  constructor (options = {}) {
-    logger.default.info('Instanciating queue')
-    this.previousQueue = cache.get('queue')
-    this.tracks = []
-    this.currentIndex = -1
-    this.currentTrack = null
-    this.ended = true
-    this.state = {
-      looping: 0, // 0 -> no, 1 -> on  track, 2 -> on queue
-      volume: cache.get('volume', 0.5)
-    }
-    this.audio = {
-      state: {
-        startLoad: false,
-        failed: false,
-        try: 3,
-        tried: 0,
-        playing: false,
-        paused: false,
-        playbackRate: 1.0,
-        progress: 0,
-        currentTime: 0,
-        duration: 0,
-        volume: this.state.volume,
-        loaded: '0',
-        durationTimerFormat: '00:00',
-        currentTimeFormat: '00:00',
-        lastTimeFormat: '00:00'
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  cache () {
-    let cached = {
-      tracks: this.tracks.map(track => {
-        // we keep only valuable fields to make the cache lighter and avoid
-        // cyclic value serialization errors
-        let artist = {
-          id: track.artist.id,
-          mbid: track.artist.mbid,
-          name: track.artist.name
-        }
-        return {
-          id: track.id,
-          title: track.title,
-          mbid: track.mbid,
-          album: {
-            id: track.album.id,
-            title: track.album.title,
-            mbid: track.album.mbid,
-            cover: track.album.cover,
-            artist: artist
-          },
-          artist: artist,
-          files: track.files
-        }
-      }),
-      currentIndex: this.currentIndex
-    }
-    cache.set('queue', cached)
-  }
-  restore () {
-    let cached = cache.get('queue')
-    if (!cached) {
-      return false
-    }
-    logger.default.info('Restoring previous queue...')
-    this.tracks = cached.tracks
-    this.play(cached.currentIndex)
-    this.previousQueue = null
-    return true
-  }
-  removePrevious () {
-    this.previousQueue = undefined
-    cache.remove('queue')
-  }
-  setVolume (newValue) {
-    newValue = Math.min(newValue, 1)
-    newValue = Math.max(newValue, 0)
-    this.state.volume = newValue
-    if (this.audio.setVolume) {
-      this.audio.setVolume(newValue)
-    } else {
-      this.audio.state.volume = newValue
-    }
-    cache.set('volume', newValue)
-  }
-  incrementVolume (value) {
-    this.setVolume(this.state.volume + value)
-  }
-  reorder (oldIndex, newIndex) {
-    // called when the user uses drag / drop to reorder
-    // tracks in queue
-    if (oldIndex === this.currentIndex) {
-      this.currentIndex = newIndex
-      return
-    }
-    if (oldIndex < this.currentIndex && newIndex >= this.currentIndex) {
-      // item before was moved after
-      this.currentIndex -= 1
-    }
-    if (oldIndex > this.currentIndex && newIndex <= this.currentIndex) {
-      // item after was moved before
-      this.currentIndex += 1
-    }
-  }
-  append (track, index, skipPlay) {
-    this.previousQueue = null
-    index = index || this.tracks.length
-    if (index > this.tracks.length - 1) {
-      // we simply push to the end
-      this.tracks.push(track)
-    } else {
-      // we insert the track at given position
-      this.tracks.splice(index, 0, track)
-    }
-    if (!skipPlay) {
-      this.resumeQueue()
-    }
-    this.cache()
-  }
-  appendMany (tracks, index) {
-    logger.default.info('Appending many tracks to the queue', tracks.map(e => { return e.title }))
-    let self = this
-    if (this.tracks.length === 0) {
-      index = 0
-    } else {
-      index = index || this.tracks.length
-    }
-    tracks.forEach((t) => {
-      self.append(t, index, true)
-      index += 1
-    })
-    this.resumeQueue()
-  }
-  resumeQueue () {
-    if (this.ended | this.errored) {
-      this.next()
-    }
-  }
-  populateFromRadio () {
-    if (!radios.running) {
-      return
-    }
-    var self = this
-    radios.fetch().then((response) => {
-      logger.default.info('Adding track to queue from radio')
-      self.append(response.data.track)
-    }, (response) => {
-      logger.default.error('Error while adding track to queue from radio')
-    })
-  }
-  clean () {
-    this.stop()
-    radios.stop()
-    this.tracks = []
-    this.currentIndex = -1
-    this.currentTrack = null
-    // so we replay automatically on next track append
-    this.ended = true
-  }
-  cleanTrack (index) {
-    // are we removing current playin track
-    let current = index === this.currentIndex
-    if (current) {
-      this.stop()
-    }
-    if (index < this.currentIndex) {
-      this.currentIndex -= 1
-    }
-    this.tracks.splice(index, 1)
-    if (current) {
-      // we play next track, which now have the same index
-      this.play(index)
-    }
-    if (this.currentIndex === this.tracks.length - 1) {
-      this.populateFromRadio()
-    }
-  }
-  stop () {
-    if (this.audio.pause) {
-      this.audio.pause()
-    }
-    if (this.audio.destroyed) {
-      this.audio.destroyed()
-    }
-  }
-  play (index) {
-    let self = this
-    let currentIndex = index
-    let currentTrack = this.tracks[index]
-    if (this.audio.destroyed) {
-      logger.default.debug('Destroying previous audio...', index - 1)
-      this.audio.destroyed()
-    }
-    if (!currentTrack) {
-      return
-    }
-    this.currentIndex = currentIndex
-    this.currentTrack = currentTrack
-    this.ended = false
-    this.errored = false
-    let file = this.currentTrack.files[0]
-    if (!file) {
-      this.errored = true
-      return this.next()
-    }
-    let path = backend.absoluteUrl(file.path)
-    if (auth.user.authenticated) {
-      // we need to send the token directly in url
-      // so authentication can be checked by the backend
-      // because for audio files we cannot use the regular Authentication
-      // header
-      path = url.updateQueryString(path, 'jwt', auth.getAuthToken())
-    }
-    let audio = new Audio(path, {
-      preload: true,
-      autoplay: true,
-      rate: 1,
-      loop: false,
-      volume: this.state.volume,
-      onEnded: this.handleAudioEnded.bind(this),
-      onError: function (src) {
-        self.errored = true
-        self.next()
-      }
-    })
-    this.audio = audio
-    audio.updateHook('playState', function (e) {
-      // in some situations, we may have a race condition, for example
-      // if the user spams the next / previous buttons, with multiple audios
-      // playing at the same time. To avoid that, we ensure the audio
-      // still matches de queue current audio
-      if (audio !== self.audio) {
-        logger.default.debug('Destroying duplicate audio')
-        audio.destroyed()
-      }
-    })
-    if (this.currentIndex === this.tracks.length - 1) {
-      this.populateFromRadio()
-    }
-    this.cache()
-  }
-  handleAudioEnded (e) {
-    this.recordListen(this.currentTrack)
-    if (this.state.looping === 1) {
-      // we loop on the same track
-      logger.default.info('Looping on the same track')
-      return this.play(this.currentIndex)
-    }
-    if (this.currentIndex < this.tracks.length - 1) {
-      logger.default.info('Audio track ended, playing next one')
-      return this.next()
-    } else {
-      logger.default.info('We reached the end of the queue')
-      if (this.state.looping === 2) {
-        logger.default.info('Going back to the beginning of the queue')
-        return this.play(0)
-      } else {
-        this.ended = true
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  recordListen (track) {
-    let url = config.API_URL + 'history/listenings/'
-    let resource = Vue.resource(url)
-    resource.save({}, {'track': track.id}).then((response) => {}, (response) => {
-      logger.default.error('Could not record track in history')
-    })
-  }
-  previous () {
-    if (this.currentIndex > 0) {
-      this.play(this.currentIndex - 1)
-    }
-  }
-  next () {
-    if (this.currentIndex < this.tracks.length - 1) {
-      logger.default.debug('Playing next track')
-      this.play(this.currentIndex + 1)
-    }
-  }
-  toggleLooping () {
-    if (this.state.looping > 1) {
-      this.state.looping = 0
-    } else {
-      this.state.looping += 1
-    }
-  }
-  shuffle () {
-    let tracks = this.tracks
-    let shuffled = _.shuffle(tracks)
-    this.clean()
-    this.appendMany(shuffled)
-  }
-let queue = new Queue()
-export default queue
diff --git a/front/src/components/Sidebar.vue b/front/src/components/Sidebar.vue
index 68927a37b09a5e302a9dfb7ce9be44b9e7750b96..9112c258863e2f8c088197ecafba3f1b61744559 100644
--- a/front/src/components/Sidebar.vue
+++ b/front/src/components/Sidebar.vue
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     <div class="ui bottom attached tab" data-tab="queue">
       <table class="ui compact inverted very basic fixed single line table">
         <draggable v-model="queue.tracks" element="tbody" @update="reorder">
-          <tr @click="queue.play(index)" v-for="(track, index) in queue.tracks" :key="index" :class="[{'active': index === queue.currentIndex}]">
+          <tr @click="$store.dispatch('queue/currentIndex', index)" v-for="(track, index) in queue.tracks" :key="index" :class="[{'active': index === queue.currentIndex}]">
               <td class="right aligned">{{ index + 1}}</td>
               <td class="center aligned">
                   <img class="ui mini image" v-if="track.album.cover" :src="backend.absoluteUrl(track.album.cover)">
@@ -63,23 +63,23 @@
                 <template v-if="favoriteTracks.objects[track.id]">
-                  <i @click.stop="queue.cleanTrack(index)" class="pink heart icon"></i>
-                  </template
+                  <i class="pink heart icon"></i>
+                </template
-                  <i @click.stop="queue.cleanTrack(index)" class="circular trash icon"></i>
+                  <i @click.stop="cleanTrack(index)" class="circular trash icon"></i>
-      <div v-if="radios.running" class="ui black message">
+      <div v-if="$store.state.radios.running" class="ui black message">
         <div class="content">
           <div class="header">
             <i class="feed icon"></i> You have a radio playing
           <p>New tracks will be appended here automatically.</p>
-          <div @click="radios.stop()" class="ui basic inverted red button">Stop radio</div>
+          <div @click="$store.dispatch('radios/stop')" class="ui basic inverted red button">Stop radio</div>
@@ -87,24 +87,19 @@
   <div class="ui inverted segment player-wrapper">
-  <GlobalEvents
-    @keydown.r.stop="queue.restore"
-    />
-import GlobalEvents from '@/components/utils/global-events'
+import {mapState, mapActions} from 'vuex'
 import Player from '@/components/audio/Player'
 import favoriteTracks from '@/favorites/tracks'
 import Logo from '@/components/Logo'
 import SearchBar from '@/components/audio/SearchBar'
 import auth from '@/auth'
-import queue from '@/audio/queue'
 import backend from '@/audio/backend'
 import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
-import radios from '@/radios'
 import $ from 'jquery'
@@ -114,24 +109,29 @@ export default {
-    draggable,
-    GlobalEvents
+    draggable
   data () {
     return {
       auth: auth,
       backend: backend,
-      queue: queue,
-      radios,
   mounted () {
     $(this.$el).find('.menu .item').tab()
+  computed: {
+    ...mapState({
+      queue: state => state.queue
+    })
+  },
   methods: {
-    reorder (e) {
-      this.queue.reorder(e.oldIndex, e.newIndex)
+    ...mapActions({
+      cleanTrack: 'queue/cleanTrack'
+    }),
+    reorder: function (oldValue, newValue) {
+      this.$store.commit('queue/reorder', {oldValue, newValue})
diff --git a/front/src/components/audio/PlayButton.vue b/front/src/components/audio/PlayButton.vue
index 240fa498032c05c2823f0aa3d53cf2e8a7991b0f..4767255ecae8b6bb27a872614f9a4e029146ded9 100644
--- a/front/src/components/audio/PlayButton.vue
+++ b/front/src/components/audio/PlayButton.vue
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 import logger from '@/logging'
-import queue from '@/audio/queue'
 import jQuery from 'jquery'
 export default {
@@ -40,19 +39,19 @@ export default {
   methods: {
     add () {
       if (this.track) {
-        queue.append(this.track)
+        this.$store.dispatch('queue/append', {track: this.track})
       } else {
-        queue.appendMany(this.tracks)
+        this.$store.dispatch('queue/appendMany', {tracks: this.tracks})
     addNext (next) {
       if (this.track) {
-        queue.append(this.track, queue.currentIndex + 1)
+        this.$store.dispatch('queue/append', {track: this.track, index: this.$store.state.queue.currentIndex + 1})
       } else {
-        queue.appendMany(this.tracks, queue.currentIndex + 1)
+        this.$store.dispatch('queue/appendMany', {tracks: this.tracks, index: this.$store.state.queue.currentIndex + 1})
       if (next) {
-        queue.next()
+        this.$store.dispatch('queue/next')
diff --git a/front/src/components/audio/Player.vue b/front/src/components/audio/Player.vue
index c862660ad60ed0960cc5b0e66a2380810cdef9b7..fec74b3dcb26411d6cfedf4125c32d4a810ce574 100644
--- a/front/src/components/audio/Player.vue
+++ b/front/src/components/audio/Player.vue
@@ -1,104 +1,112 @@
   <div class="player">
-    <div v-if="queue.currentTrack" class="track-area ui items">
+    <audio-track
+      ref="currentAudio"
+      v-if="currentTrack"
+      :key="(currentIndex, currentTrack.id)"
+      :is-current="true"
+      :track="currentTrack">
+    </audio-track>
+    <div v-if="currentTrack" class="track-area ui items">
       <div class="ui inverted item">
         <div class="ui tiny image">
-          <img v-if="queue.currentTrack.album.cover" :src="Track.getCover(queue.currentTrack)">
+          <img v-if="currentTrack.album.cover" :src="Track.getCover(currentTrack)">
           <img v-else src="../../assets/audio/default-cover.png">
         <div class="middle aligned content">
-          <router-link class="small header discrete link track" :to="{name: 'library.tracks.detail', params: {id: queue.currentTrack.id }}">
-            {{ queue.currentTrack.title }}
+          <router-link class="small header discrete link track" :to="{name: 'library.tracks.detail', params: {id: currentTrack.id }}">
+            {{ currentTrack.title }}
           <div class="meta">
-            <router-link class="artist" :to="{name: 'library.artists.detail', params: {id: queue.currentTrack.artist.id }}">
-              {{ queue.currentTrack.artist.name }}
+            <router-link class="artist" :to="{name: 'library.artists.detail', params: {id: currentTrack.artist.id }}">
+              {{ currentTrack.artist.name }}
             </router-link> /
-            <router-link class="album" :to="{name: 'library.albums.detail', params: {id: queue.currentTrack.album.id }}">
-              {{ queue.currentTrack.album.title }}
+            <router-link class="album" :to="{name: 'library.albums.detail', params: {id: currentTrack.album.id }}">
+              {{ currentTrack.album.title }}
           <div class="description">
-            <track-favorite-icon :track="queue.currentTrack"></track-favorite-icon>
+            <track-favorite-icon :track="currentTrack"></track-favorite-icon>
-    <div class="progress-area" v-if="queue.currentTrack">
+    <div class="progress-area" v-if="currentTrack">
       <div class="ui grid">
         <div class="left floated four wide column">
-          <p class="timer start" @click="queue.audio.setTime(0)">{{queue.audio.state.currentTimeFormat}}</p>
+          <p class="timer start" @click="updateProgress(0)">{{currentTimeFormatted}}</p>
         <div class="right floated four wide column">
-          <p class="timer total">{{queue.audio.state.durationTimerFormat}}</p>
+          <p class="timer total">{{durationFormatted}}</p>
       <div ref="progress" class="ui small orange inverted progress" @click="touchProgress">
-        <div class="bar" :data-percent="queue.audio.state.progress" :style="{ 'width': queue.audio.state.progress + '%' }"></div>
+        <div class="bar" :data-percent="progress" :style="{ 'width': progress + '%' }"></div>
     <div class="two wide column controls ui grid">
-        @click="queue.previous()"
+        @click="previous"
         title="Previous track"
         class="two wide column control"
           <i :class="['ui', {'disabled': !hasPrevious}, 'step', 'backward', 'big', 'icon']" ></i>
-        v-if="!queue.audio.state.playing"
-        @click="pauseOrPlay"
+        v-if="!playing"
+        @click="togglePlay"
         title="Play track"
         class="two wide column control">
-          <i :class="['ui', 'play', {'disabled': !queue.currentTrack}, 'big', 'icon']"></i>
+          <i :class="['ui', 'play', {'disabled': !currentTrack}, 'big', 'icon']"></i>
-        @click="pauseOrPlay"
+        @click="togglePlay"
         title="Pause track"
         class="two wide column control">
-          <i :class="['ui', 'pause', {'disabled': !queue.currentTrack}, 'big', 'icon']"></i>
+          <i :class="['ui', 'pause', {'disabled': !currentTrack}, 'big', 'icon']"></i>
-        @click="queue.next()"
+        @click="next"
         title="Next track"
         class="two wide column control"
-          <i :class="['ui', {'disabled': !hasPrevious}, 'step', 'forward', 'big', 'icon']" ></i>
+          <i :class="['ui', {'disabled': !hasNext}, 'step', 'forward', 'big', 'icon']" ></i>
       <div class="two wide column control volume-control">
-        <i title="Unmute" @click="queue.setVolume(1)" v-if="currentVolume === 0" class="volume off secondary icon"></i>
-        <i title="Mute" @click="queue.setVolume(0)" v-else-if="currentVolume < 0.5" class="volume down secondary icon"></i>
-        <i title="Mute" @click="queue.setVolume(0)" v-else class="volume up secondary icon"></i>
+        <i title="Unmute" @click="$store.commit('player/volume', 1)" v-if="volume === 0" class="volume off secondary icon"></i>
+        <i title="Mute" @click="$store.commit('player/volume', 0)" v-else-if="volume < 0.5" class="volume down secondary icon"></i>
+        <i title="Mute" @click="$store.commit('player/volume', 0)" v-else class="volume up secondary icon"></i>
         <input type="range" step="0.05" min="0" max="1" v-model="sliderVolume" />
       <div class="two wide column control looping">
           title="Looping disabled. Click to switch to single-track looping."
-          v-if="queue.state.looping === 0"
-          @click="queue.state.looping = 1"
-          :disabled="!queue.currentTrack"
-          :class="['ui', {'disabled': !queue.currentTrack}, 'step', 'repeat', 'secondary', 'icon']"></i>
+          v-if="looping === 0"
+          @click="$store.commit('player/looping', 1)"
+          :disabled="!currentTrack"
+          :class="['ui', {'disabled': !currentTrack}, 'step', 'repeat', 'secondary', 'icon']"></i>
           title="Looping on a single track. Click to switch to whole queue looping."
-          v-if="queue.state.looping === 1"
-          @click="queue.state.looping = 2"
-          :disabled="!queue.currentTrack"
+          v-if="looping === 1"
+          @click="$store.commit('player/looping', 2)"
+          :disabled="!currentTrack"
           class="repeat secondary icon">
           <span class="ui circular tiny orange label">1</span>
           title="Looping on whole queue. Click to disable looping."
-          v-if="queue.state.looping === 2"
-          @click="queue.state.looping = 0"
-          :disabled="!queue.currentTrack"
+          v-if="looping === 2"
+          @click="$store.commit('player/looping', 0)"
+          :disabled="!currentTrack"
           class="repeat orange secondary icon">
-        @click="queue.shuffle()"
+        @click="shuffle()"
         :disabled="queue.tracks.length === 0"
         title="Shuffle your queue"
         class="two wide column control">
@@ -106,7 +114,7 @@
       <div class="one wide column"></div>
-        @click="queue.clean()"
+        @click="clean()"
         :disabled="queue.tracks.length === 0"
         title="Clear your queue"
         class="two wide column control">
@@ -114,79 +122,87 @@
-      @keydown.space.prevent.exact="pauseOrPlay"
-      @keydown.ctrl.left.prevent.exact="queue.previous"
-      @keydown.ctrl.right.prevent.exact="queue.next"
-      @keydown.ctrl.down.prevent.exact="queue.incrementVolume(-0.1)"
-      @keydown.ctrl.up.prevent.exact="queue.incrementVolume(0.1)"
-      @keydown.f.prevent.exact="favoriteTracks.toggle(queue.currentTrack.id)"
-      @keydown.l.prevent.exact="queue.toggleLooping"
-      @keydown.s.prevent.exact="queue.shuffle"
+      @keydown.space.prevent.exact="togglePlay"
+      @keydown.ctrl.left.prevent.exact="previous"
+      @keydown.ctrl.right.prevent.exact="next"
+      @keydown.ctrl.down.prevent.exact="$store.commit('player/incrementVolume', -0.1)"
+      @keydown.ctrl.up.prevent.exact="$store.commit('player/incrementVolume', 0.1)"
+      @keydown.f.prevent.exact="favoriteTracks.toggle(currentTrack.id)"
+      @keydown.l.prevent.exact="$store.commit('player/toggleLooping')"
+      @keydown.s.prevent.exact="shuffle"
+import {mapState, mapGetters, mapActions} from 'vuex'
 import GlobalEvents from '@/components/utils/global-events'
 import favoriteTracks from '@/favorites/tracks'
-import queue from '@/audio/queue'
-import radios from '@/radios'
 import Track from '@/audio/track'
+import AudioTrack from '@/components/audio/Track'
 import TrackFavoriteIcon from '@/components/favorites/TrackFavoriteIcon'
 export default {
   name: 'player',
   components: {
-    GlobalEvents
+    GlobalEvents,
+    AudioTrack
   data () {
     return {
-      sliderVolume: this.currentVolume,
-      queue: queue,
+      sliderVolume: this.volume,
       Track: Track,
-      favoriteTracks,
-      radios
+      favoriteTracks
   mounted () {
     // we trigger the watcher explicitely it does not work otherwise
-    this.sliderVolume = this.currentVolume
+    this.sliderVolume = this.volume
   methods: {
-    pauseOrPlay () {
-      if (this.queue.audio.state.playing) {
-        this.queue.audio.pause()
-      } else {
-        this.queue.audio.play()
-      }
-    },
+    ...mapActions({
+      pause: 'player/pause',
+      togglePlay: 'player/togglePlay',
+      clean: 'queue/clean',
+      next: 'queue/next',
+      previous: 'queue/previous',
+      shuffle: 'queue/shuffle',
+      updateProgress: 'player/updateProgress'
+    }),
     touchProgress (e) {
       let time
       let target = this.$refs.progress
-      time = e.layerX / target.offsetWidth * this.queue.audio.state.duration
-      this.queue.audio.setTime(time)
+      time = e.layerX / target.offsetWidth * this.duration
+      this.$refs.currentAudio.setCurrentTime(time)
   computed: {
-    hasPrevious () {
-      return this.queue.currentIndex > 0
-    },
-    hasNext () {
-      return this.queue.currentIndex < this.queue.tracks.length - 1
-    },
-    currentVolume () {
-      return this.queue.audio.state.volume
-    }
+    ...mapState({
+      currentIndex: state => state.queue.currentIndex,
+      playing: state => state.player.playing,
+      volume: state => state.player.volume,
+      looping: state => state.player.looping,
+      duration: state => state.player.duration,
+      queue: state => state.queue
+    }),
+    ...mapGetters({
+      currentTrack: 'queue/currentTrack',
+      hasNext: 'queue/hasNext',
+      hasPrevious: 'queue/hasPrevious',
+      durationFormatted: 'player/durationFormatted',
+      currentTimeFormatted: 'player/currentTimeFormatted',
+      progress: 'player/progress'
+    })
   watch: {
-    currentVolume (newValue) {
+    volume (newValue) {
       this.sliderVolume = newValue
     sliderVolume (newValue) {
-      this.queue.setVolume(parseFloat(newValue))
+      this.$store.commit('player/volume', newValue)
diff --git a/front/src/components/audio/Search.vue b/front/src/components/audio/Search.vue
index 5c902e5e5abba8e1472feff9cfae3af269e1641e..2811c2b5c4f58ca71f8c5c55c239ffcf41c0e5d6 100644
--- a/front/src/components/audio/Search.vue
+++ b/front/src/components/audio/Search.vue
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 import logger from '@/logging'
-import queue from '@/audio/queue'
 import backend from '@/audio/backend'
 import AlbumCard from '@/components/audio/album/Card'
 import ArtistCard from '@/components/audio/artist/Card'
@@ -54,8 +53,7 @@ export default {
         artists: []
       backend: backend,
-      isLoading: false,
-      queue: queue
+      isLoading: false
   mounted () {
diff --git a/front/src/components/audio/Track.vue b/front/src/components/audio/Track.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77d5ecc32701d7bcf6b52fce5984644a612ba46d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/front/src/components/audio/Track.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+  <audio
+    ref="audio"
+    :src="url"
+    @error="errored"
+    @progress="updateLoad"
+    @loadeddata="loaded"
+    @timeupdate="updateProgress"
+    @ended="ended"
+    preload>
+  </audio>
+import {mapState} from 'vuex'
+import backend from '@/audio/backend'
+import auth from '@/auth'
+import url from '@/utils/url'
+// import logger from '@/logging'
+export default {
+  props: {
+    track: {type: Object},
+    isCurrent: {type: Boolean, default: false}
+  },
+  computed: {
+    ...mapState({
+      playing: state => state.player.playing,
+      currentTime: state => state.player.currentTime,
+      duration: state => state.player.duration,
+      volume: state => state.player.volume,
+      looping: state => state.player.looping
+    }),
+    url: function () {
+      let file = this.track.files[0]
+      if (!file) {
+        this.$store.dispatch('player/trackErrored')
+        return null
+      }
+      let path = backend.absoluteUrl(file.path)
+      if (auth.user.authenticated) {
+        // we need to send the token directly in url
+        // so authentication can be checked by the backend
+        // because for audio files we cannot use the regular Authentication
+        // header
+        path = url.updateQueryString(path, 'jwt', auth.getAuthToken())
+      }
+      return path
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    errored: function () {
+      this.$store.dispatch('player/trackErrored')
+    },
+    updateLoad: function () {
+    },
+    loaded: function () {
+      this.$store.commit('player/duration', this.$refs.audio.duration)
+      if (this.isCurrent) {
+        this.$store.commit('player/playing', true)
+        this.$refs.audio.play()
+      }
+    },
+    updateProgress: function () {
+      if (this.$refs.audio) {
+        this.$store.dispatch('player/updateProgress', this.$refs.audio.currentTime)
+      }
+    },
+    ended: function () {
+      if (this.looping === 1) {
+        this.setCurrentTime(0)
+        this.$refs.audio.play()
+      }
+      this.$store.dispatch('player/trackEnded', this.track)
+    },
+    setCurrentTime (t) {
+      if (t < 0 | t > this.duration) {
+        return
+      }
+      this.updateProgress(t)
+      this.$refs.audio.currentTime = t
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    playing: function (newValue) {
+      if (newValue === true) {
+        this.$refs.audio.play()
+      } else {
+        this.$refs.audio.pause()
+      }
+    },
+    volume: function (newValue) {
+      this.$refs.audio.volume = newValue
+    }
+  }
+<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
+<style scoped>
diff --git a/front/src/components/audio/album/Card.vue b/front/src/components/audio/album/Card.vue
index ce5e832e2794a4288a673460244434f30945615f..4c803b29cc704fbc7e05258bfe595ee9b6908d99 100644
--- a/front/src/components/audio/album/Card.vue
+++ b/front/src/components/audio/album/Card.vue
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
-import queue from '@/audio/queue'
 import backend from '@/audio/backend'
 import TrackFavoriteIcon from '@/components/favorites/TrackFavoriteIcon'
 import PlayButton from '@/components/audio/PlayButton'
@@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ export default {
   data () {
     return {
       backend: backend,
-      queue: queue,
       initialTracks: 4,
       showAllTracks: false
diff --git a/front/src/components/radios/Button.vue b/front/src/components/radios/Button.vue
index b334dce561183cb32a06ba8ce5b6955f202ef244..4bf4279890d05f39ac06a350164b9c2101747068 100644
--- a/front/src/components/radios/Button.vue
+++ b/front/src/components/radios/Button.vue
@@ -9,33 +9,28 @@
-import radios from '@/radios'
 export default {
   props: {
     type: {type: String, required: true},
     objectId: {type: Number, default: null}
-  data () {
-    return {
-      radios
-    }
-  },
   methods: {
     toggleRadio () {
       if (this.running) {
-        radios.stop()
+        this.$store.dispatch('radios/stop')
       } else {
-        radios.start(this.type, this.objectId)
+        this.$store.dispatch('radios/start', {type: this.type, objectId: this.objectId})
   computed: {
     running () {
-      if (!radios.running) {
+      let state = this.$store.state.radios
+      let current = state.current
+      if (!state.running) {
         return false
       } else {
-        return radios.current.type === this.type & radios.current.objectId === this.objectId
+        return current.type === this.type & current.objectId === this.objectId
diff --git a/front/src/components/radios/Card.vue b/front/src/components/radios/Card.vue
index 1e496324aa893518ca2728fcf6f9f19c168bc9c1..dc8a24ff3c2e31d901ee11fb27eceb976ca7e819 100644
--- a/front/src/components/radios/Card.vue
+++ b/front/src/components/radios/Card.vue
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
-import radios from '@/radios'
 import RadioButton from './Button'
 export default {
@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ export default {
   computed: {
     radio () {
-      return radios.types[this.type]
+      return this.$store.getters['radios/types'][this.type]
diff --git a/front/src/main.js b/front/src/main.js
index f153635121ececa77e909defc6defccc8d00c938..eb714976fa4ff46c943e66ca03c0e74496a09583 100644
--- a/front/src/main.js
+++ b/front/src/main.js
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import router from './router'
 import VueResource from 'vue-resource'
 import auth from './auth'
 import VueLazyload from 'vue-lazyload'
+import store from './store'
 window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery')
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ auth.checkAuth()
 new Vue({
   el: '#app',
+  store,
   template: '<App/>',
   components: { App }
diff --git a/front/src/radios/index.js b/front/src/radios/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b468830863f1a443a987149128495413b7b5f000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/front/src/radios/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-import Vue from 'vue'
-import config from '@/config'
-import logger from '@/logging'
-import queue from '@/audio/queue'
-const CREATE_RADIO_URL = config.API_URL + 'radios/sessions/'
-const GET_TRACK_URL = config.API_URL + 'radios/tracks/'
-var radios = {
-  types: {
-    random: {
-      name: 'Random',
-      description: "Totally random picks, maybe you'll discover new things?"
-    },
-    favorites: {
-      name: 'Favorites',
-      description: 'Play your favorites tunes in a never-ending happiness loop.'
-    },
-    'less-listened': {
-      name: 'Less listened',
-      description: "Listen to tracks you usually don't. It's time to restore some balance."
-    }
-  },
-  start (type, objectId) {
-    this.current.type = type
-    this.current.objectId = objectId
-    this.running = true
-    let resource = Vue.resource(CREATE_RADIO_URL)
-    var self = this
-    var params = {
-      radio_type: type,
-      related_object_id: objectId
-    }
-    resource.save({}, params).then((response) => {
-      logger.default.info('Successfully started radio ', type)
-      self.current.session = response.data.id
-      queue.populateFromRadio()
-    }, (response) => {
-      logger.default.error('Error while starting radio', type)
-    })
-  },
-  stop () {
-    this.current.type = null
-    this.current.objectId = null
-    this.running = false
-    this.session = null
-  },
-  fetch () {
-    let resource = Vue.resource(GET_TRACK_URL)
-    var self = this
-    var params = {
-      session: self.current.session
-    }
-    return resource.save({}, params)
-  }
-Vue.set(radios, 'running', false)
-Vue.set(radios, 'current', {})
-Vue.set(radios.current, 'objectId', null)
-Vue.set(radios.current, 'type', null)
-Vue.set(radios.current, 'session', null)
-export default radios
diff --git a/front/src/store/index.js b/front/src/store/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afd6e3f84cd6d53002359f7b496b427fa33540f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/front/src/store/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import Vue from 'vue'
+import Vuex from 'vuex'
+import queue from './queue'
+import radios from './radios'
+import player from './player'
+export default new Vuex.Store({
+  modules: {
+    queue,
+    radios,
+    player
+  }
diff --git a/front/src/store/player.js b/front/src/store/player.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74b0b9f9ea72dcbc38d0c3cefc6fa90d1647fc49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/front/src/store/player.js
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import Vue from 'vue'
+import config from '@/config'
+import logger from '@/logging'
+import time from '@/utils/time'
+export default {
+  namespaced: true,
+  state: {
+    playing: false,
+    volume: 0.5,
+    duration: 0,
+    currentTime: 0,
+    errored: false,
+    looping: 0 // 0 -> no, 1 -> on  track, 2 -> on queue
+  },
+  mutations: {
+    volume (state, value) {
+      value = parseFloat(value)
+      value = Math.min(value, 1)
+      value = Math.max(value, 0)
+      state.volume = value
+    },
+    incrementVolume (state, value) {
+      value = parseFloat(state.volume + value)
+      value = Math.min(value, 1)
+      value = Math.max(value, 0)
+      state.volume = value
+    },
+    duration (state, value) {
+      state.duration = value
+    },
+    errored (state, value) {
+      state.errored = value
+    },
+    currentTime (state, value) {
+      state.currentTime = value
+    },
+    looping (state, value) {
+      state.looping = value
+    },
+    playing (state, value) {
+      state.playing = value
+    },
+    toggleLooping (state) {
+      if (state.looping > 1) {
+        state.looping = 0
+      } else {
+        state.looping += 1
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  getters: {
+    durationFormatted: state => {
+      return time.parse(Math.round(state.duration))
+    },
+    currentTimeFormatted: state => {
+      return time.parse(Math.round(state.currentTime))
+    },
+    progress: state => {
+      return Math.round(state.currentTime / state.duration * 100)
+    }
+  },
+  actions: {
+    incrementVolume (context, value) {
+      context.commit('volume', context.state.volume + value)
+    },
+    stop (context) {
+    },
+    togglePlay ({commit, state}) {
+      commit('playing', !state.playing)
+    },
+    trackListened ({commit}, track) {
+      let url = config.API_URL + 'history/listenings/'
+      let resource = Vue.resource(url)
+      resource.save({}, {'track': track.id}).then((response) => {}, (response) => {
+        logger.default.error('Could not record track in history')
+      })
+    },
+    trackEnded ({dispatch}, track) {
+      dispatch('trackListened', track)
+      dispatch('queue/next', null, {root: true})
+    },
+    trackErrored ({commit, dispatch}) {
+      commit('errored', true)
+      dispatch('queue/next', null, {root: true})
+    },
+    updateProgress ({commit}, t) {
+      commit('currentTime', t)
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/front/src/store/queue.js b/front/src/store/queue.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a0b7dd7979471f647dd5743602fb1b8fd5ea0bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/front/src/store/queue.js
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+import logger from '@/logging'
+import _ from 'lodash'
+export default {
+  namespaced: true,
+  state: {
+    tracks: [],
+    currentIndex: -1,
+    ended: true,
+    previousQueue: null
+  },
+  mutations: {
+    currentIndex (state, value) {
+      state.currentIndex = value
+    },
+    ended (state, value) {
+      state.ended = value
+    },
+    splice (state, {start, size}) {
+      state.tracks.splice(start, size)
+    },
+    tracks (state, value) {
+      state.tracks = value
+    },
+    insert (state, {track, index}) {
+      state.tracks.splice(index, 0, track)
+    },
+    reorder (state, {oldIndex, newIndex}) {
+      // called when the user uses drag / drop to reorder
+      // tracks in queue
+      if (oldIndex === state.currentIndex) {
+        state.currentIndex = newIndex
+        return
+      }
+      if (oldIndex < state.currentIndex && newIndex >= state.currentIndex) {
+        // item before was moved after
+        state.currentIndex -= 1
+      }
+      if (oldIndex > state.currentIndex && newIndex <= state.currentIndex) {
+        // item after was moved before
+        state.currentIndex += 1
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  getters: {
+    currentTrack: state => {
+      return state.tracks[state.currentIndex]
+    },
+    hasNext: state => {
+      return state.currentIndex < state.tracks.length - 1
+    },
+    hasPrevious: state => {
+      return state.currentIndex > 0
+    }
+  },
+  actions: {
+    append (context, {track, index, skipPlay}) {
+      index = index || context.state.tracks.length
+      if (index > context.state.tracks.length - 1) {
+        // we simply push to the end
+        context.commit('insert', {track, index: context.state.tracks.length})
+      } else {
+        // we insert the track at given position
+        context.commit('insert', {track, index})
+      }
+      if (!skipPlay) {
+        context.dispatch('resume')
+      }
+      // this.cache()
+    },
+    appendMany (context, {tracks, index}) {
+      logger.default.info('Appending many tracks to the queue', tracks.map(e => { return e.title }))
+      if (context.state.tracks.length === 0) {
+        index = 0
+      } else {
+        index = index || context.state.tracks.length
+      }
+      tracks.forEach((t) => {
+        context.dispatch('append', {track: t, index: index, skipPlay: true})
+        index += 1
+      })
+      context.dispatch('resume')
+    },
+    cleanTrack ({state, dispatch, commit}, index) {
+      // are we removing current playin track
+      let current = index === state.currentIndex
+      if (current) {
+        dispatch('player/stop', null, {root: true})
+      }
+      if (index < state.currentIndex) {
+        dispatch('currentIndex', state.currentIndex - 1)
+      }
+      commit('splice', {start: index, size: 1})
+      if (current) {
+        // we play next track, which now have the same index
+        dispatch('currentIndex', index)
+      }
+    },
+    resume (context) {
+      if (context.state.ended | context.rootState.player.errored) {
+        context.dispatch('next')
+      }
+    },
+    previous (context) {
+      if (context.state.currentIndex > 0) {
+        context.dispatch('currentIndex', context.state.currentIndex - 1)
+      }
+    },
+    next ({state, dispatch, commit, rootState}) {
+      if (rootState.player.looping === 1) {
+        // we loop on the same track, this is handled directly on the track
+        // component, so we do nothing.
+        return logger.default.info('Looping on the same track')
+      }
+      if (rootState.player.looping === 2 && state.currentIndex >= state.tracks.length - 1) {
+        logger.default.info('Going back to the beginning of the queue')
+        return dispatch('currentIndex', 0)
+      } else {
+        if (state.currentIndex < state.tracks.length - 1) {
+          logger.default.debug('Playing next track')
+          return dispatch('currentIndex', state.currentIndex + 1)
+        } else {
+          commit('ended', true)
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    currentIndex ({commit, state, rootState, dispatch}, index) {
+      commit('ended', false)
+      commit('player/errored', false, {root: true})
+      commit('currentIndex', index)
+      if (state.tracks.length - index <= 2 && rootState.radios.running) {
+        dispatch('radios/populateQueue', null, {root: true})
+      }
+    },
+    clean ({dispatch, commit}) {
+      dispatch('player/stop', null, {root: true})
+      // radios.stop()
+      commit('tracks', [])
+      dispatch('currentIndex', -1)
+      // so we replay automatically on next track append
+      commit('ended', true)
+    },
+    shuffle ({dispatch, commit, state}) {
+      let shuffled = _.shuffle(state.tracks)
+      commit('tracks', [])
+      dispatch('appendMany', {tracks: shuffled})
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/front/src/store/radios.js b/front/src/store/radios.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9c429876a4ff974635de9f73062dd2597237209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/front/src/store/radios.js
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import Vue from 'vue'
+import config from '@/config'
+import logger from '@/logging'
+const CREATE_RADIO_URL = config.API_URL + 'radios/sessions/'
+const GET_TRACK_URL = config.API_URL + 'radios/tracks/'
+export default {
+  namespaced: true,
+  state: {
+    current: null,
+    running: false
+  },
+  getters: {
+    types: state => {
+      return {
+        random: {
+          name: 'Random',
+          description: "Totally random picks, maybe you'll discover new things?"
+        },
+        favorites: {
+          name: 'Favorites',
+          description: 'Play your favorites tunes in a never-ending happiness loop.'
+        },
+        'less-listened': {
+          name: 'Less listened',
+          description: "Listen to tracks you usually don't. It's time to restore some balance."
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  mutations: {
+    current: (state, value) => {
+      state.current = value
+    },
+    running: (state, value) => {
+      state.running = value
+    }
+  },
+  actions: {
+    start ({commit, dispatch}, {type, objectId}) {
+      let resource = Vue.resource(CREATE_RADIO_URL)
+      var params = {
+        radio_type: type,
+        related_object_id: objectId
+      }
+      resource.save({}, params).then((response) => {
+        logger.default.info('Successfully started radio ', type)
+        commit('current', {type, objectId, session: response.data.id})
+        commit('running', true)
+        dispatch('populateQueue')
+      }, (response) => {
+        logger.default.error('Error while starting radio', type)
+      })
+    },
+    stop ({commit}) {
+      commit('current', null)
+      commit('running', false)
+    },
+    populateQueue ({state, dispatch}) {
+      if (!state.running) {
+        return
+      }
+      let resource = Vue.resource(GET_TRACK_URL)
+      var params = {
+        session: state.current.session
+      }
+      let promise = resource.save({}, params)
+      promise.then((response) => {
+        logger.default.info('Adding track to queue from radio')
+        dispatch('queue/append', {track: response.data.track}, {root: true})
+      }, (response) => {
+        logger.default.error('Error while adding track to queue from radio')
+      })
+    }
+  }