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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.19.0-rc2
  • 0.19.1
    0.19.1 (2018-06-28)
    Upgrade instructions are available at
    - The currently playing track is now highlighted with an orange play icon (#832)
    - Support for importing files with no album tag (#122)
    - Redirect from / to /library when user is logged in (#864)
    - Added a SUBSONIC_DEFAULT_TRANSCODING_FORMAT env var to support clients that don't provide the format parameter (#867)
    - Added button to search for objects on Discogs (#368)
    - Added copy-to-clipboard button with Subsonic password input (#814)
    - Added opus to the list of supported mimetypes and extensions (#868)
    - Aligned search headers with search results in the sidebar (#708)
    - Clicking on the currently selected playlist in the Playlist popup will now close the popup (#807)
    - Favorites radio will not be visible if the user does not have any favorites (#419)
    - Ensure empty but optional fields in file metadata don't error during import (#850)
    - Fix broken upload for specific files when using S3 storage (#857)
    - Fixed broken translation on home and track detail page (#833)
    - Fixed broken user admin for users with non-digit or letters in their username (#869)
    - Fixed invalid file extension for transcoded tracks (#848)
    - Fixed issue with French translation for "Start radio" (#849)
    - Fixed issue with player changing height when hovering over the volume slider (#838)
    - Fixed secondary menus truncated on narrow screens (#855)
    - Fixed wrong og:image url when using S3 storage (#851)
    - Hide pod statistics on about page if those are disabled (#835)
    - Use ASCII filename before upload to S3 to avoid playback issues (#847)
    Contributors to this release (commiters and reviewers):
    - Ciarán Ainsworth
    - Creak
    - ealgase
    - Eliot Berriot
    - Esteban
    - Freyja Wildes
    - hellekin
    - Johannes H.
    - Mehdi
    - Reg
  • 0.2
    * [feature] can now import artist and releases from youtube and musicbrainz.
      This requires a YouTube API key for the search
    * [breaking] we now check for user permission before serving audio files, which requires
    a specific configuration block in your reverse proxy configuration:
  • 0.2.1
    * Now return media files with absolute URL
    * Now display CLI instructions to download a set of tracks
    * Fixed #33: sort by track position in album in API by default, also reuse that information on frontend side
    * More robust audio player and queue in various situations:
    * upgrade to latest dynamic_preferences and use redis as cache even locally
  • 0.2.2
  • 0.2.3
    - lazyloading images
    - artist browsing
    - better pagination
    - fixed multiple warnings
  • 0.2.4
    - Models: now store relese group mbid on Album model (#7)
    - Models: now bind import job to track files (#44)
    - Library: fixen broken "play all albums" button on artist cards in Artist browsing view (#43)
  • 0.2.5
    0.2.5 (2017-12-15)
    - Import: can now specify search template when querying import sources (#45)
    - Login form: now redirect to previous page after login (#2)
    - 404: a decent 404 template, at least (#48)
    - Player: better handling of errors when fetching the audio file (#46)
    - Csrf: default CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS to ALLOWED_HOSTS to avoid Csrf issues on admin (#49)
    - Django 2 compatibility, lot of packages upgrades (#47)
  • 0.2.6
    0.2.6 (2017-12-15)
    - Fixed broken Dockerfile
  • 0.20.0
  • 0.20.0-rc1
  • 0.20.1
    0.20.1 (2019-10-28)
    Upgrade instructions are available at
    Denormalized audio permission logic in a separate table to enhance performance
    With this release, we're introducing a performance enhancement that should reduce the load on the database and API
    servers (cf
    Under the hood, we now maintain a separate table to link users to the tracks they are allowed to see. This change is **disabled**
    by default, but should be enabled by default starting in Funkwhale 0.21.
    If you want to try it now, add
    ``MUSIC_USE_DENORMALIZATION=True`` to your ``.env`` file, restart Funkwhale, and run the following command::
        python rebuild_music_permissions
    This shouldn't cause any regression, but we'd appreciate if you could test this before the 0.21 release and report any unusual
    behaviour regarding tracks, albums and artists visibility.
    - Added a retry option for failed uploads (#942)
    - Added feedback via loading spinner when searching a remote library
    - Denormalized audio permission logic in a separate table to enhance performance
    - Placeholders will now be shown if no content is available across the application (#750)
    - Reduce the number of simultaneous DB connections under some deployment scenario
    - Support byYear filtering in Subsonic API (#936)
    - Ensure password input doesn't overflow outside of container (#933)
    - Fix audio serving issues under S3/nginx when signatures are enabled
    - Fix import crash when importing M4A file with no embedded cover (#946)
    - Fix tag exclusion in custom radios (#950)
    - Fixed an issue with embed player CSS being purged during build (#935)
    - Fixed escaped pod name displayed on home/about page (#945)
    - Fixed pagination in subsonic getSongsByGenre endpoint (#954)
    - Fixed style glitches in dropdowns
    - Documented how to create DB extension by hand in case of permission error during migrations (#934)
    Contributors to this release (translation, development, documentation, reviews, design):
    - Ciarán Ainsworth
    - Dag Stenstad
    - Daniele Lira Mereb
    - Eliot Berriot
    - Esteban
    - Johannes H.
    - knuxify
    - Mateus Mattei Garcia
    - Quentin PAGÈS
  • 0.21-rc1
  • 0.3
    0.2.7 (Unreleased)
    - Shortcuts: can now use the ``f`` shortcut to toggle the currently playing track
      as a favorite (#53)
    - Shortcuts: avoid collisions between shortcuts by using the exact modifier (#53)
    - Player: Added looping controls and shortcuts (#52)
    - Player: Added shuffling controls and shortcuts (#52)
    - Favorites: can now modify the ordering of track list (#50)
    - Library: can now search/reorder results on artist browsing view (#50)
    - Upgraded celery to 4.1, added endpoint logic for fingerprinting audio files
    - Fixed #56: invalidate tokens on password change, also added change password form
    - Fixed #57: now refresh jwt token on page refresh
    - removed ugly dividers in batch import list
    - Fixed a few padding issues
    - Now persist/restore queue/radio/player state automatically
    - Removed old broken imports
    - Now force tests paths
    - Fixed #54: Now use pytest everywhere \o/
    - Now use vuex to manage state for favorites
    - Now use vuex to manage state for authentication
    - Now use vuex to manage state for player/queue/radios
  • 0.3.1
    - Revamped all import logic, everything is more tested and consistend
    - Can now use Acoustid in file imports to automatically grab metadata from musicbrainz
    - Brand new file import wizard
  • 0.3.2
    - Fixed an issue in the main dockerfile
  • 0.3.3
    0.3.4 (2018-01-07)
    - Users can now create their own dynamic radios (#51)
  • 0.3.4
    0.3.4 (2018-01-07)
    - Fixed wrong URL construction in ajax call
  • 0.3.5
    0.3.5 (2018-01-07)
    - Smarter BACKEND_URL in frontend
  • 0.4
    0.4 (2018-02-18)
    - Front: ambiant colors in player based on current track cover (#59)
    - Front: simplified front dev setup thanks to webpack proxy (#59)
    - Front: added some unittests for the store (#55)
    - Front: fixed broken login redirection when 401
    - Front: Removed autoplay on page reload
    - API: Added a /instance/settings endpoint
    - Front: load /instance/settings on page load
    - Added settings to report JS and Python error to a Sentry instance
      This is disabled by default, but feel free to enable it if you want
      to help us by sending your error reports :) (#8)