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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.18.1
    0.18.1 (2019-01-29)
    Upgrade instructions are available at
    Fix Gzip compression to avoid BREACH exploit [security] [manual action required]
    In the 0.18 release, we've enabled Gzip compression by default for various
    content types, including HTML and JSON. Unfortunately, enabling Gzip compression
    on such content types could make BREACH-type exploits possible.
    We've removed the risky content-types from our nginx template files, to ensure new
    instances are safe, however, if you already have an instance, you need
    to double check that your host nginx virtualhost do not include the following
    values for the ``gzip_types`` settings::
    For convenience, you can also replace the whole setting with the following snippet::
    Many thanks to @jibec for the report!
    Fix Apache configuration file for 0.18 [manual action required]
    The way front is served has changed since 0.18. The Apache configuration can't serve 0.18 properly, leading to blank screens.
    If you are on an Apache setup, you will have to replace the `<Location "/api">` block with the following::
       <Location "/">
          # similar to nginx 'client_max_body_size 100M;'
          LimitRequestBody 104857600
          ProxyPass ${funkwhale-api}/
          ProxyPassReverse ${funkwhale-api}/
    And add some more `ProxyPass` directives so that the `Alias` part of your configuration file looks this way::
       ProxyPass "/front" "!"
       Alias /front /srv/funkwhale/front/dist
       ProxyPass "/media" "!"
       Alias /media /srv/funkwhale/data/media
       ProxyPass "/staticfiles" "!"
       Alias /staticfiles /srv/funkwhale/data/static
    In case you are using custom css and theming, you also need to match this block::
       ProxyPass "/settings.json" "!"
       Alias /settings.json /srv/funkwhale/custom/settings.json
       ProxyPass "/custom" "!"
       Alias /custom /srv/funkwhale/custom
    - Added name attributes on all inputs to improve UX, especially with password managers (#686)
    - Disable makemigrations in production and misleading message when running migrate (#685)
    - Display progress during file upload
    - Hide pagination when there is only one page of results (#681)
    - Include shared/public playlists in Subsonic API responses (#684)
    - Use proper locale for date-related/duration strings (#670)
    - Fix transcoding of in-place imported tracks (#688)
    - Fixed celery worker defaulting to development settings instead of production
    - Fixed crashing Django admin when loading track detail page (#666)
    - Fixed list icon alignement on landing page (#668)
    - Fixed overescaping issue in notifications and album page (#676)
    - Fixed wrong number of affected elements in bulk action modal (#683)
    - Fixed wrong URL in documentation for funkwhale_proxy.conf file when deploying using Docker
    - Make Apache configuration file work with 0.18 changes (#667)
    - Removed potential BREACH exploit because of Gzip compression (#678)
    - Upgraded kombu to fix an incompatibility with redis>=3
    - Added user upload documentation at
  • 0.18.2
    0.18.2 (2019-02-13)
    Upgrade instructions are available at
    - Added a 'fix_federation_ids' management command to deal with protocol/domain issues in federation
      IDs after deployments (#706)
    - Can now use a local file with FUNKWHALE_SPA_HTML_ROOT to avoid sending an HTTP request (#705)
    - Downgraded channels dependency to 2.1.6 to fix denied uploads (#697)
    - Fixed cards display issues on medium/small screens (#707)
    - Fixed Embed component name that could lead to issue when developping on OSX (#696)
    - Fixed resizing issues for album cards on artist pages (#694)
  • 0.18.3
    0.18.3 (2019-03-21)
    Upgrade instructions are available at
    Avoid mixed content when deploying mono-container behind proxy [Manual action required]
    *You are only concerned if you use the mono-container docker deployment behind a reverse proxy*
    Because of `an issue in our mono-container configuration <>`_, users deploying Funkwhale via docker
    using our `funkwhale/all-in-one` image could face some mixed content warnings (and possibly other troubles)
    when browsing the Web UI.
    This is fixed in this release, but on existing deployments, you'll need to add ``NESTED_PROXY=1`` in your container
    environment (either in your ``.env`` file, or via your container management tool), then recreate your funkwhale container.
    - Added title on hover for truncated content (#766)
    - Ask for confirmation before leaving upload page if there is a an upload in process (#630)
    - Exclude in-place imported files from quota computation (#570)
    - Truncate filename in library file table to ensure correct display of the table. (#735)
    - Avoid mixed content when deploying mono-container behind HTTPS proxy (thetarkus/docker-funkwhale#19)
    - Display new notifications immediatly on notifications page (#729)
    - Ensure cover art from uploaded files is picked up properly on existing albums (#757)
    - Fixed a crash when federating a track with unspecified position
    - Fixed broken Activity and Actor modules in django admin (#767)
    - Fixed broken sample apache configuration (#764)
    - Fixed constant and unpredictable reordering during file upload (#716)
    - Fixed delivering of local activities causing unintended side effects, such as rollbacking changes (#737)
    - Fixed escaping issues in translated strings (#652)
    - Fixed saving moderation policy when clicking on "Cancel" (#751)
    - i18n: Update page title when changing the App's language. (#511)
    - Include disc number in Subsonic responses (#765)
    - Do not send notification when rejecting a follow on a local library (#743)
    - Added documentation on mono-container docker upgrade (#713)
    - Added documentation to set up let's encrypt certificate (#745)
  • 0.19.0-rc1
    e3b0efb2 · Bump to 0.19.0-rc1 ·
  • 0.19.0-rc2
  • 0.19.0
    0.19.0 (2019-05-16)
    Upgrade instructions are available at
    Edits on tracks, albums and artists
    Funkwhale was a bit annoying when it camed to metadata. Tracks, albums and artists profiles
    were created from audio file tags, but basically immutable after that (unless you had
    admin access to Django's UI, which wasn't ideal to do this kind of changes).
    With this release, everyone can suggest changes on track, album and artist pages. Users
    with the "library" permission can review suggested edits in a dedicated interface
    and apply/reject them.
    Approved edits are broadcasted via federation, to ensure other instances get the information
    Not all fields are currently modifiable using this feature. Especially, it's not possible
    to suggest a new album cover, or reassign a track to a different album or artist. Those will
    be implemented in a future release.
    Admin UI for tracks, albums, artists, libraries and uploads
    As part of our ongoing effort to make Funkwhale easier to manage for instance owners,
    this release includes a brand new administration interface to deal with:
    - tracks
    - albums
    - artists
    - libraries
    - uploads
    You can use this UI to quickly search for any object, delete objects in batch, understand
    where they are coming from etc. This new UI should remove the need to go through Django's
    admin in the vast majority of cases (but also includes a link to Django's admin when needed).
    Artist hiding in the interface
    It's now possible for users to hide artists they don't want to see.
    Content linked to hidden artists will not show up in the interface anymore. Especially:
    - Hidden artists tracks are removed from the current queue
    - Starting a playlist will skip tracks from hidden artists
    - Recently favorited, recently listened and recently added widgets on the homepage won't include content from hidden artists
    - Radio suggestions will exclude tracks from hidden artists
    - Hidden artists won't appear in Subsonic apps
    Results linked to hidden artists will continue to show up in search results and their profile page remains accessible.
    OAuth2 authorization for better integration with third-party apps
    Funkwhale now support the OAuth2 authorization and authentication protocol which will allow
    third-party apps to interact with Funkwhale on behalf of users.
    This feature makes it possible to build third-party apps that have the same capabilities
    as Funkwhale's Web UI. The only exception at the moment is for actions that requires
    special permissions, such as modifying instance settings or moderation (but this will be
    enabled in a future release).
    If you want to start building an app on top of Funkwhale's API, please check-out
    ``_ and ``_.
    Better error handling and display during import
    Funkwhale should now be more resilient to missing tags in imported files, and give
    you more insights when something goes wrong, including the specific tags that were missing
    or invalid, and additional debug information to share in your support requests.
    This information is available in all pages that list uploads, when clicking on the button next to the upload status.
    Support for S3-compatible storages to store media files
    Storing all media files on the Funkwhale server itself may not be possible or desirable
    in all scenarios. You can now configure Funkwhale to store those files in a S3
    bucket instead.
    Check-out ``_ if you want to use
    this feature.
    Prune library command
    Users are often surprised by Funkwhale's tendency to keep track, album and artist
    metadata even if no associated files exist.
    To help with that, we now offer a ``prune_library`` management command you can run
    to purge your database from obsolete entries. `Please refer to our documentation
    for usage instructions <>`_.
    Check in-place files command
    When using in-place import with a living audio library, you'll quite often rename or
    remove files from the file system. Unfortunately, Funkwhale keeps a reference to those
    files in the database, which results in unplayable tracks.
    To help with that, we now offer a ``check_inplace_files`` management command you can run
    to purge your database from obsolete files. `Please refer to our documentation
    for usage instructions <>`_.
    - Added albums view. Similar to artists view, it's viewable by clicking on the "Albums" link on the top bar. (#356)
    - Allow artists hiding (#701)
    - Change the document title to display current track information. (#359)
    - Display a confirmation dialog when adding duplicate songs to a playlist (#784)
    - Improved error handling and display during import (#252, #718, #583, #501, #544)
    - Support embedding full artist discographies (#747)
    - Support metadata update on tracks, albums and artists and broadcast those on the federation (#689)
    - Support OAuth2 authorization for better integration with third-party apps (#752)
    - Support S3-compatible storages for media files (#565)
    - [Experimental] Added a new "Similar" radio based on users history (suggested by @gordon)
    - Added a "load more" button on artist pages to load more tracks/albums (#719)
    - Added a `check_inplace_files` management command to remove purge the database from references to in-place imported files that don't exist on disk anymore (#781)
    - Added a prune_library management command to remove obsolete metadata from the database (#777)
    - Added admin options to disable login for users, ensure related content is deleted when deleting a user account (#809)
    - Added standardized translation context for all strings in the frontend to give accurate hints to translators.
    - Added twitter:* meta tags to detect tracks and albums players automatically on more sites (#578)
      Improved responsiveness of embedded player
    - Advertise the list of supported upload extensions in the Nodeinfo endpoint (#808)
    - Better handling of follow/accept messages to avoid and recover from desync between instances (#830)
    - Better workflow for connecting to another instance (#715)
      Changing the instance used is now better integrated in the App, and it is checked that the chosen instance and the suggested instances are valid and running Funkwhale servers.
    - Bumped dependencies to latest versions (#815)
    - Descriptions will now be shown underneath user libraries (#768)
    - Don't store unhandled ActivityPub messages in database (#776)
    - Enhanced the design of the embed wizard. (!619)
    - Ensure the footer always stays at the bottom of the page
    - Expose an instance-level actor (service@domain) in nodeinfo endpoint (#689)
    - Improved readability of logo (#385)
    - Keep persistent connections to the database instead of recreating a new one for each request
    - Labels for privacy levels are now consistently grabbed from a common source instead of being hardcoded everytime they are needed.
    - Merged artist/album buttons with title text on artist and album pages (#725)
    - Now honor maxBitrate parameter in Subsonic API (#802)
    - Preload next track in queue (#572)
    - Reduced app size for regular users by moving admin-related code in a dedicated chunk (#805)
    - Removed broken/instable lyrics feature (#799)
    - Show remaining storage space during import and prevent file upload if not enough space is remaining (#550)
    - The buttons displaying an icon now always show a little divider between the icon and the text. (!620)
    - Use attributedTo instead of actor in library ActivityPub payload (#619)
    - Use network/depends_on instead of links in docker-compose.yml (!716)
    - Add missing command from contributing file (#754)
    - Add required envvar for dev environment (!668)
    - Added env variable to set AWS region and signature version to serve media without proxy (#826)
    - Allow users with dots in their usernames to request a subsonic password (#798)
    - Better handling of featuring/multi-artist tracks tagged with MusicBrainz (#782)
    - Do not consider tracks as duplicates during import if they have different positions (#740)
    - Ensure all our ActivityPub fetches are authenticated (#758)
    - Ensure correct track duration and playable status when browsing radios (#812)
    - Fixed alignement/size issue with some buttons (#702)
    - Fixed an encoding issue with instance name on about page (#828)
    - Fixed cover not showing in queue/player when playing tracks from "albums" tab (#795)
    - Fixed crashing upload processing on invalid date format (#718)
    - Fixed dev command for fake data creation (!664)
    - Fixed invalid OEmbed URL when using a local FUNKWHALE_SPA_HTML_ROOT (#824)
    - Fixed invalid required fields in Upload django's admin (#819)
    - Fixed issue with querying the albums api endpoint (#356)
    - Fixed non-transparent background for volume range on Firefox (#722)
    - Fixed overflowing input on account detail page (#791)
    - Fixed unplayable radios for anonymous users (#563)
    - Prevent skipping on file import if album_mbid is different (#772)
    - Use proper site name/domain in emails (#806)
    - Width of filter menus for radios has been set to stop text from overlapping the borders
    - Document how to use Redis over unix sockets (#770)
    Contributors to this release (commiters and translators):
    - Ale London
    - Alexander
    - Ben Finney
    - ButterflyOfFire
    - Ciarán Ainsworth
    - Damien Nicolas
    - Daniele Lira Mereb
    - Eliot Berriot
    - Elza Gelez
    - gerry_the_hat
    - gordon
    - interfect
    - jake
    - Jee
    - jovuit
    - Mélanie Chauvel
    - nouts
    - Pierrick
    - Qasim Ali
    - Quentí
    - Renon
    - Rodrigo Leite
    - Sylke Vicious
    - Thomas Brockmöller
    - Tixie
    - Vierkantor
    - Von
    - Zach Halasz
  • 0.19.1
    0.19.1 (2018-06-28)
    Upgrade instructions are available at
    - The currently playing track is now highlighted with an orange play icon (#832)
    - Support for importing files with no album tag (#122)
    - Redirect from / to /library when user is logged in (#864)
    - Added a SUBSONIC_DEFAULT_TRANSCODING_FORMAT env var to support clients that don't provide the format parameter (#867)
    - Added button to search for objects on Discogs (#368)
    - Added copy-to-clipboard button with Subsonic password input (#814)
    - Added opus to the list of supported mimetypes and extensions (#868)
    - Aligned search headers with search results in the sidebar (#708)
    - Clicking on the currently selected playlist in the Playlist popup will now close the popup (#807)
    - Favorites radio will not be visible if the user does not have any favorites (#419)
    - Ensure empty but optional fields in file metadata don't error during import (#850)
    - Fix broken upload for specific files when using S3 storage (#857)
    - Fixed broken translation on home and track detail page (#833)
    - Fixed broken user admin for users with non-digit or letters in their username (#869)
    - Fixed invalid file extension for transcoded tracks (#848)
    - Fixed issue with French translation for "Start radio" (#849)
    - Fixed issue with player changing height when hovering over the volume slider (#838)
    - Fixed secondary menus truncated on narrow screens (#855)
    - Fixed wrong og:image url when using S3 storage (#851)
    - Hide pod statistics on about page if those are disabled (#835)
    - Use ASCII filename before upload to S3 to avoid playback issues (#847)
    Contributors to this release (commiters and reviewers):
    - Ciarán Ainsworth
    - Creak
    - ealgase
    - Eliot Berriot
    - Esteban
    - Freyja Wildes
    - hellekin
    - Johannes H.
    - Mehdi
    - Reg