diff --git a/changes/changelog.d/272.feature b/changes/changelog.d/272.feature
index 8a14193704f2ca1b835fc674967036a7a336e6d3..58d4f758467d7f091089a02246db9af9a64f2b4f 100644
--- a/changes/changelog.d/272.feature
+++ b/changes/changelog.d/272.feature
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
 Audio transcoding is back! (#272)
-Audio transcoding is back!
-After removal of our first, buggy transcoding implementation, we're proud to announce
-that this feature is back. It is enabled by default, and can be configured/disabled
-in your instance settings!
-This feature works in the browser, with federated/non-federated tracks and using Subsonic clients.
-Transcoded tracks are generated on the fly, and cached for a configurable amount of time,
-to reduce the load on the server.
diff --git a/changes/changelog.d/308.feature b/changes/changelog.d/308.feature
index 7e968ef461212ded9359a4ecf6370ed9520f4414..7771f40e896e1caf7ed908da80bdcbc4b287e12b 100644
--- a/changes/changelog.d/308.feature
+++ b/changes/changelog.d/308.feature
@@ -1,25 +1 @@
 Store licensing and copyright information from file metadata, if available (#308)
-Licensing and copyright information
-Funkwhale is now able to parse copyright and license data from file and store
-this information. Apart from displaying it on each track detail page,
-no additional behaviour is currently implemented to use this new data, but this
-will change in future releases.
-License and copyright data is also broadcasted over federation.
-License matching is done on the content of the ``License`` tag in the files,
-with a fallback on the ``Copyright`` tag.
-Funkwhale will successfully extract licensing data for the following licenses:
-- Creative Commons 0 (Public Domain)
-- Creative Commons 1.0 (All declinations)
-- Creative Commons 2.0 (All declinations)
-- Creative Commons 2.5 (All declinations and countries)
-- Creative Commons 3.0 (All declinations and countries)
-- Creative Commons 4.0 (All declinations)
-Support for other licenses such as Art Libre or WTFPL will be added in future releases.
diff --git a/changes/changelog.d/578.feature b/changes/changelog.d/578.feature
index 3fff0bd09a7b364d3b7069a3e18cacf89dfc32e1..3d98dd71b05464d9e5513d89825985551db3d53a 100644
--- a/changes/changelog.d/578.feature
+++ b/changes/changelog.d/578.feature
@@ -1,48 +1 @@
 Allow embedding of albums and tracks available in public libraries via an <iframe> (#578)
-Iframe widget to embed public tracks and albums [manual action required]
-Funkwhale now support embedding a lightweight audio player on external websites
-for album and tracks that are available in public libraries. Important pages,
-such as artist, album and track pages also include OpenGraph tags that will
-enable previews on compatible apps (like sharing a Funkwhale track link on Mastodon
-or Twitter).
-To achieve that, we had to tweak the way Funkwhale front-end is served. You'll have
-to modify your nginx configuration when upgrading to keep your instance working.
-**On docker setups**, edit your ``/srv/funkwhale/nginx/funkwhale.template`` and replace
-the ``location /api/`` and `location /` blocks by the following snippets::
-    location / {
-        include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf;
-        # this is needed if you have file import via upload enabled
-        client_max_body_size ${NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE};
-        proxy_pass   http://funkwhale-api/;
-    }
-    location /front/ {
-        alias /frontend/;
-    }
-The change of configuration will be picked when restarting your nginx container.
-**On non-docker setups**, edit your ``/etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf`` file,
-and replace the ``location /api/`` and `location /` blocks by the following snippets::
-    location / {
-        include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf;
-        # this is needed if you have file import via upload enabled
-        client_max_body_size ${NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE};
-        proxy_pass   http://funkwhale-api/;
-    }
-    location /front/ {
-        alias ${FUNKWHALE_FRONTEND_PATH}/;
-    }
-Replace ``${FUNKWHALE_FRONTEND_PATH}`` by the corresponding variable from your .env file,
-which should be ``/srv/funkwhale/front/dist`` by default, then reload your nginx process with
-``sudo systemctl reload nginx``.
diff --git a/changes/changelog.d/626.enhancement b/changes/changelog.d/626.enhancement
index 8f2f20100dc9507dcb77188b1f2d0cd608f78c26..cacf4f81ab4685f210f2e81967b02b40fcf4a0f0 100644
--- a/changes/changelog.d/626.enhancement
+++ b/changes/changelog.d/626.enhancement
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
 Load env file in config/.env automatically to avoid sourcing it by hand (#626)
-Automatically load .env file
-On non-docker deployments, earlier versions required you to source
-the config/.env file before launching any Funkwhale command, with ``export $(cat config/.env | grep -v ^# | xargs)``
-This led to more complex and error prode deployment / setup.
-This is not the case anymore, and Funkwhale will automatically load this file if it's available.
diff --git a/changes/changelog.d/front-performance.enhancement b/changes/changelog.d/front-performance.enhancement
index 03ca0e47861919cf8f8980c7e24481cc0f86da7f..f3105932fe3251ba617bcfeecdae846e99441fe5 100644
--- a/changes/changelog.d/front-performance.enhancement
+++ b/changes/changelog.d/front-performance.enhancement
@@ -1,51 +1,2 @@
 Improved front-end performance by stripping unused dependencies, reducing bundle size
 and enabling gzip compression
-Enable gzip compression [manual action suggested]
-Gzip compression will be enabled on new instances by default
-and will reduce the amount of bandwidth consumed by your instance.
-If you with to benefit from gzip compression on your instance,
-edit your reverse proxy virtualhost file (located at ``/etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf``) and add the following snippet
-in the server block, then reload your nginx server::
-    server {
-        # ... exiting configuration
-        # compression settings
-        gzip on;
-        gzip_comp_level    5;
-        gzip_min_length    256;
-        gzip_proxied       any;
-        gzip_vary          on;
-        gzip_types
-            application/atom+xml
-            application/javascript
-            application/json
-            application/ld+json
-            application/activity+json
-            application/manifest+json
-            application/rss+xml
-            application/vnd.geo+json
-            application/vnd.ms-fontobject
-            application/x-font-ttf
-            application/x-web-app-manifest+json
-            application/xhtml+xml
-            application/xml
-            font/opentype
-            image/bmp
-            image/svg+xml
-            image/x-icon
-            text/cache-manifest
-            text/css
-            text/plain
-            text/vcard
-            text/vnd.rim.location.xloc
-            text/vtt
-            text/x-component
-            text/x-cross-domain-policy;
-        # end of compression settings
-    }
diff --git a/changes/changelog.d/moderation-tools.feature b/changes/changelog.d/moderation-tools.feature
index 4b3e670caad95dbeb6c82a2ecefc1f44a2234534..acc10726e9cff662e31d744a52e8604d390c12e5 100644
--- a/changes/changelog.d/moderation-tools.feature
+++ b/changes/changelog.d/moderation-tools.feature
@@ -1,20 +1,2 @@
 First set of instance level moderation tools (#580, !521)
-Instance-level moderation tools
-This release includes a first set of moderation tools that will give more control
-to admins about the way their instance federate with other instance and accounts on the network.
-Using these tools, it's now possible to:
-- Browse known accounts and domains, and associated data (storage size, software version, etc.)
-- Purge data belonging to given accounts and domains
-- Block or partially restrict interactions with any account or domain
-All those features are usable using a brand new "moderation" permission, meaning
-you can appoints one or nultiple moderators to help with this task.
-I'd like to thank all Mastodon contributors, because some of the these tools are heavily
-inspired from what's being done in Mastodon. Thank you so much!
diff --git a/changes/notes.rst b/changes/notes.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b4e847eb596ee717549f34491424bb2c2f34808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changes/notes.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+Next release notes
+.. note::
+    Those release notes refer to the current development branch and are reset
+    after each release.
+Audio transcoding is back!
+After removal of our first, buggy transcoding implementation, we're proud to announce
+that this feature is back. It is enabled by default, and can be configured/disabled
+in your instance settings!
+This feature works in the browser, with federated/non-federated tracks and using Subsonic clients.
+Transcoded tracks are generated on the fly, and cached for a configurable amount of time,
+to reduce the load on the server.
+Automatically load .env file
+On non-docker deployments, earlier versions required you to source
+the config/.env file before launching any Funkwhale command, with ``export $(cat config/.env | grep -v ^# | xargs)``
+This led to more complex and error prode deployment / setup.
+This is not the case anymore, and Funkwhale will automatically load this file if it's available.
+Licensing and copyright information
+Funkwhale is now able to parse copyright and license data from file and store
+this information. Apart from displaying it on each track detail page,
+no additional behaviour is currently implemented to use this new data, but this
+will change in future releases.
+License and copyright data is also broadcasted over federation.
+License matching is done on the content of the ``License`` tag in the files,
+with a fallback on the ``Copyright`` tag.
+Funkwhale will successfully extract licensing data for the following licenses:
+- Creative Commons 0 (Public Domain)
+- Creative Commons 1.0 (All declinations)
+- Creative Commons 2.0 (All declinations)
+- Creative Commons 2.5 (All declinations and countries)
+- Creative Commons 3.0 (All declinations and countries)
+- Creative Commons 4.0 (All declinations)
+Support for other licenses such as Art Libre or WTFPL will be added in future releases.
+Enable gzip compression [manual action suggested]
+Gzip compression will be enabled on new instances by default
+and will reduce the amount of bandwidth consumed by your instance.
+If you with to benefit from gzip compression on your instance,
+edit your reverse proxy virtualhost file (located at ``/etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf``) and add the following snippet
+in the server block, then reload your nginx server::
+    server {
+        # ... exiting configuration
+        # compression settings
+        gzip on;
+        gzip_comp_level    5;
+        gzip_min_length    256;
+        gzip_proxied       any;
+        gzip_vary          on;
+        gzip_types
+            application/atom+xml
+            application/javascript
+            application/json
+            application/ld+json
+            application/activity+json
+            application/manifest+json
+            application/rss+xml
+            application/vnd.geo+json
+            application/vnd.ms-fontobject
+            application/x-font-ttf
+            application/x-web-app-manifest+json
+            application/xhtml+xml
+            application/xml
+            font/opentype
+            image/bmp
+            image/svg+xml
+            image/x-icon
+            text/cache-manifest
+            text/css
+            text/plain
+            text/vcard
+            text/vnd.rim.location.xloc
+            text/vtt
+            text/x-component
+            text/x-cross-domain-policy;
+        # end of compression settings
+    }
+Instance-level moderation tools
+This release includes a first set of moderation tools that will give more control
+to admins about the way their instance federate with other instance and accounts on the network.
+Using these tools, it's now possible to:
+- Browse known accounts and domains, and associated data (storage size, software version, etc.)
+- Purge data belonging to given accounts and domains
+- Block or partially restrict interactions with any account or domain
+All those features are usable using a brand new "moderation" permission, meaning
+you can appoints one or nultiple moderators to help with this task.
+I'd like to thank all Mastodon contributors, because some of the these tools are heavily
+inspired from what's being done in Mastodon. Thank you so much!
+Iframe widget to embed public tracks and albums [manual action required]
+Funkwhale now support embedding a lightweight audio player on external websites
+for album and tracks that are available in public libraries. Important pages,
+such as artist, album and track pages also include OpenGraph tags that will
+enable previews on compatible apps (like sharing a Funkwhale track link on Mastodon
+or Twitter).
+To achieve that, we had to tweak the way Funkwhale front-end is served. You'll have
+to modify your nginx configuration when upgrading to keep your instance working.
+**On docker setups**, edit your ``/srv/funkwhale/nginx/funkwhale.template`` and replace
+the ``location /api/`` and `location /` blocks by the following snippets::
+    location / {
+        include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf;
+        # this is needed if you have file import via upload enabled
+        client_max_body_size ${NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE};
+        proxy_pass   http://funkwhale-api/;
+    }
+    location /front/ {
+        alias /frontend/;
+    }
+The change of configuration will be picked when restarting your nginx container.
+**On non-docker setups**, edit your ``/etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf`` file,
+and replace the ``location /api/`` and `location /` blocks by the following snippets::
+    location / {
+        include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf;
+        # this is needed if you have file import via upload enabled
+        client_max_body_size ${NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE};
+        proxy_pass   http://funkwhale-api/;
+    }
+    location /front/ {
+        alias ${FUNKWHALE_FRONTEND_PATH}/;
+    }
+Replace ``${FUNKWHALE_FRONTEND_PATH}`` by the corresponding variable from your .env file,
+which should be ``/srv/funkwhale/front/dist`` by default, then reload your nginx process with
+``sudo systemctl reload nginx``.
diff --git a/docs/installation/index.rst b/docs/installation/index.rst
index 0b530c096aed1debe47a1840568c8b7fe2949dc7..6ad60022b924733449777c3e776528612dda2950 100644
--- a/docs/installation/index.rst
+++ b/docs/installation/index.rst
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Funkwhale packages are available for the following platforms:
 Running Funkwhale on the develop branch
-Traditional deployments are done using specific releases. However, you
+Traditional deployments are done using tagged releases. However, you
 may want to benefits from the latest change available, or the help detect
 bugs before they are included in actual releases.
@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ You simply need to use ``export FUNKWHALE_VERSION=develop``
 in the installation and upgrade process instead of a real version number,
 as we build artifacts on the development branch the same way we do for releases.
+It's also recommended to check out the `develop release notes <https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/blob/develop/changes/notes.rst>_` before upgrading,
+since you may have to apply manual actions for your instance to continue to work. Such actions are labelled with ``[manual action required]`` in the releases notes.
 .. _frontend-setup:
 Frontend setup