Install : Database migration script fails to run
(Sorry I messed up with the Gitlab interface on this issue ^^")
I was following the installation documentation for Debian at and I met a problem at the execution on the database migration script (python api/ migrate
Before this command, the documentation tells to install an extension on Postgres by executing:
sudo -u postgres psql funkwhale -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "unaccent";'
Then, the documentation tells to run in the venv and as the funkwhale the command:
python api/ migrate
For me, this command failed:
(virtualenv) funkwhale@julie-funkwhale:~$ python api/ migrate
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: ERREUR: droit refusé pour créer l'extension « unaccent »
HINT: Doit être super-utilisateur pour créer cette extension.
Sentry is attempting to send 1 pending error messages
Waiting up to 10 seconds
The workaround I came up with was to execute this command in the venv as root. I run this script as root once and then the script runs correctly with the funkwhale user.
I think this should be fixed because this workaround could be unsafe (?).
Edited by Julie Furry