Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "index". Expected Number with value NaN, got Undefined
the queue is empty, I try to launch the tracks, the track goes to the queu and don't play
runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:40 [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "index". Expected Number with value NaN, got Undefined
at <QueueItem data-index=undefined index=undefined source= {id: 1, title: 'Liquid Hertz', artistName: 'AES Dana', albumTitle: 'Cosmik Chill Orange', position: 6, …} ... >
at <RecycleScroller ref="virtualList" class="virtual-list drag-container" key-field="key" ... >
at <VirtualList ref="list" list= [] component= {__name: 'QueueItem', props: {…}, emits: Array(2), __hmrId: '7687ea28', setup: ƒ, …} ... >
at <Queue>
at <BaseTransition appear=false persisted=true mode=undefined ... >
at <Transition name="queue" persisted="" >
at <App>
at <AsyncComponentWrapper>
at <Root>