Delete Library via Profile Page Not Allowing Confirm
Steps to reproduce
User Reproduction
- Visit the page at /@user/
- User Libraries: + Add new
- + Create a new libary
- Set name, i.e.: Test Library
- "Create Libary"
- Optionally add songs, but not required to reproduce
- Visit the page at /content/libraries/
- Library Details (Test Library)
- Go to the Edit Tab
- Press Delete Button
Short Reproduction
- Make a new Library
- Visit the page at /library/{ID}/edit
- Press Delete Button
What happens?
After pressing the delete button the user can see the confirmation dialog flashing up for only a second. The duration is so short that it is impossible to confirm the delete request.
What is expected?
Confirmation Dialog should stay open and allow the request to be submitted.
- 1.0.1+git.68bc76bc / Debian
- Tested on FF (82.0.1) and Chrome (86.0.4240.183) with addons disabled.
- Not effectd by library containing content
- Not affected by library permission setting
Funkwhale version(s) affected: 1.0.1
Deletion from /api/admin/music/library/ works as expected and is a valid workaround. Therefore, I'd categorise this as fairly low impact bug personally.