JS compilation error, specific variable is not defined
/label ~"Type: Bug" ~"Status: Need triage"
Steps to reproduce
- Open instance in browser (currently logged in as a user)
- Be redirected to /library
- Click on any of the tracks on the page
- Error in console shows up
What happens?
When attempting to play several songs on a FW (0.21) instance I get the following error:
Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: metadata is not defined
which when unminified links to the following code: https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/-/blob/develop/front/src/components/audio/Player.vue#L728
This is an unusual error as in the code I linked I see:
let metatata = {
title: this.currentTrack.title,
artist: this.currentTrack.artist.name,
which means that the metadata variable is defined, however in the compiled code in the browser I see:
"mediaSession"in navigator && ({
title: n.currentTrack.title,
artist: n.currentTrack.artist.name
n.currentTrack.album && (metadata.album = n.currentTrack.album.title,
metadata.artwork = [{
and as you can see metadata variable is not defined.
Funkwhale version(s) affected: 0.21 Browser: Chrome Instance configuration: Docker