#!/bin/sh set -eu # This script is meant for quick & easy install via: # $ sh -c "$(curl -sSL https://get.funkwhale.audio/)" # # If Ansible step fails with ascii decore error, ensure you have a locale properly set on # your system e.g apt-get install -y locales locales-all export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" funkwhale_version="${FUNKWHALE_VERSION-funkwhale_version_placeholder}" funkwhale_hostname="${FUNKWHALE_DOMAIN-}" funkwhale_admin_email="${FUNKWHALE_ADMIN_EMAIL-}" funkwhale_admin_username="${FUNKWHALE_ADMIN_USERNAME-}" ansible_flags="${ANSIBLE_FLAGS- --diff}" ansible_version="${ANSIBLE_VERSION-2.8.2}" customize_install="${CUSTOMIZE_INSTALL-}" skip_confirm="${SKIP_CONFIRM-}" is_dry_run=${DRY_RUN-false} min_python_version_major="3" min_python_version_minor="5" base_path="/srv/funkwhale" ansible_conf_path="$base_path/ansible" ansible_bin_path="$HOME/.local/bin" ansible_funkwhale_role_version="${ANSIBLE_FUNKWHALE_ROLE_VERSION-master}" ansible_funkwhale_role_path="${ANSIBLE_FUNKWHALE_ROLE_PATH-}" funkwhale_systemd_after="" total_steps="4" echo setup() { if [ "$funkwhale_version" = 'funkwhale_version_placeholder' ]; then echo "No FUNKWHALE_VERSION found and the script didn't include a default one." echo "Relaunch the script with FUNKWHALE_VERSION=yourdesiredversion" exit 1 fi yesno_prompt() { local default="${3-}" local __resultvar=$1 local result="" local options="yes/no" if [ "$default" = "yes" ]; then local options="YES/no" fi if [ "$default" = "no" ]; then local options="yes/NO" fi while true do read -p "$2 [$options]: " result if [ ! -z "$default" ] && [ -z "$result" ]; then result="$default" fi case $result in [Yy]* ) result="true"; break;; [Nn]* ) result="false"; break;; "" ) result="true"; break;; *) echo "Please answer [y]es or [n]o";; esac done eval $__resultvar="'$result'" } echo if [ -z "$funkwhale_hostname" ]; then read -p "Enter your desired Funkwhale domain (e.g funkwhale.example): " funkwhale_hostname fi if [ -z "$funkwhale_admin_username" ]; then read -p "Enter the username for the admin account (leave empty to skip account creation) " funkwhale_admin_username fi if [ -z "$funkwhale_admin_email" ]; then read -p "Enter the email used for the admin user (and Let's Encrypt certificate): " funkwhale_admin_email fi if [ -z "$customize_install" ]; then yesno_prompt customize_install "The complete installation will setup Nginx, Certbot, PostgresQL and Redis. Do you want customize what is installed?" "no" fi if [ "$customize_install" = "true" ]; then yesno_prompt funkwhale_nginx_managed 'Install and manage Nginx and Certbot?' 'yes' yesno_prompt funkwhale_database_managed 'Install and manage PostgreSQL?' 'yes' if [ "$funkwhale_database_managed" = "false" ]; then read -p "Enter your database configuration, (e.g postgresql://user@localhost:5432/database_name): " funkwhale_database_url funkwhale_systemd_after="funkwhale_systemd_after: " fi yesno_prompt funkwhale_redis_managed 'Install and manage Redis?' 'yes' if [ "$funkwhale_redis_managed" = "false" ]; then read -p "Enter your redis configuration, (e.g redis:// " funkwhale_redis_url funkwhale_systemd_after="funkwhale_systemd_after: " fi yesno_prompt funkwhale_systemd_managed 'Install and manage systemd services files?' 'yes' yesno_prompt funkwhale_disable_django_admin 'Disable access to API admin dashboard?' 'no' else funkwhale_nginx_managed="true" funkwhale_database_managed="true" funkwhale_redis_managed="true" funkwhale_disable_django_admin="false" funkwhale_systemd_managed="true" fi echo echo "Installation summary:" echo echo "- version: $funkwhale_version" echo "- domain: $funkwhale_hostname" echo "- Admin username: $funkwhale_admin_username" echo "- Admin email: $funkwhale_admin_email" echo "- Manage nginx and certbot: $funkwhale_nginx_managed" echo "- Manage redis: $funkwhale_redis_managed" echo "- Manage systemd unit files: $funkwhale_systemd_managed" if [ "$funkwhale_redis_managed" = "false" ]; then echo " - Custom redis configuration: $funkwhale_redis_url" fi echo "- Manage PostgreSQL: $funkwhale_database_managed" if [ "$funkwhale_database_managed" = "false" ]; then echo " - Custom PostgreSQL configuration: $funkwhale_database_url" fi if [ "$funkwhale_disable_django_admin" = "true" ]; then echo "- Disabled access to API admin dashboard" fi if [ "$is_dry_run" = "true" ]; then echo "Running with dry-run mode, your system will be not be modified (apart from Ansible installation)." echo "Rerun with DRY_RUN=false for a real install." fi; echo if [ -z "$skip_confirm" ]; then yesno_prompt proceed 'Do you want to proceed with the installation?' 'yes' case $proceed in [Nn]* ) echo "Aborting script."; exit 1;; *) echo "Please answer yes or no";; esac fi } semver_parse() { major="${1%%.*}" minor="${1#$major.}" minor="${minor%%.*}" patch="${1#$major.$minor.}" patch="${patch%%[-.]*}" } get_python_version () { python_version="" if [ -x "$(command -v python3)" ]; then python_version=$(python3 -c 'import sys; print(".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])))') fi } has_sufficient_python_version() { python_ok="" semver_parse "$1" if [ "$major" -ge "$min_python_version_major" ] && [ "$minor" -ge "$min_python_version_minor" ]; then python_ok="true" fi } install_packages() { package_manager="apt-get" if [ "$package_manager" = 'apt-get' ]; then $package_manager update $package_manager install -y "$@" fi } do_install() { setup echo '[Beginning installation]' echo "[1/$total_steps] Checking python3 version" get_python_version should_install_python="1" if [ ! -z "$python_version" ]; then has_sufficient_python_version "$python_version" if [ ! -z "$python_ok" ]; then echo "[1/$total_steps] $python_version with sufficient version found, skipping" should_install_python="0" fi fi if [ -z "$python_version" ]; then echo "[1/$total_steps] Python3 not found, installing" install_packages python3 python3-pip elif [ "$should_install_python" -eq "1" ]; then echo "[1/$total_steps] Python $python_version found, $min_python_version_major.$min_python_version_minor needed, upgrading" install_packages python3 python3-pip else echo "[1/$total_steps] Found Python $python_version, skipping upgrade" fi init_ansible if [ "$is_dry_run" = "false" ]; then run_playbook configure_server fi if [ "$is_dry_run" = "true" ]; then echo "Rerun with DRY_RUN=false for a real install." else echo "Done!" echo " - Everything was installed in the $base_path directory" if [ ! -z "$funkwhale_admin_username" ]; then echo " - Created a superuser account with username $funkwhale_admin_username and the password you supplied" fi if [ "$funkwhale_nginx_managed" = "true" ]; then echo " - Your Funkwhale server is now up and running at https://$funkwhale_hostname" else echo " - To complete the installation, you need to setup an Nginx or Apache2 reverse proxy: https://docs.funkwhale.audio/installation/index.html#reverse-proxy" fi echo " - You can run management commands by calling $base_path/manage, e.g $base_path/manage import_files" echo " - Edit your pod configuration in $ansible_conf_path/playbook.yml and apply the changes with: sudo $ansible_conf_path/reconfigure" echo ' - To upgrade to the latest version, run: sudo sh -c "$(curl -sSL https://get.funkwhale.audio/upgrade.sh)"' fi } init_ansible() { echo "[2/$total_steps] Installing ansible dependencies..." install_packages curl git python3-pip python3-apt python3-psycopg2 sudo locales locales-all echo "[2/$total_steps] Installing Ansible..." pip3 install --user ansible=="$ansible_version" echo "[2/$total_steps] Creating ansible configuration files in $ansible_conf_path..." mkdir -p "$ansible_conf_path" cd "$ansible_conf_path" cat <<EOF >ansible.cfg [defaults] # Needed to use become with unprevileged users, # see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/become.html#becoming-an-unprivileged-user #allow_world_readable_tmpfiles=true EOF if [ "$ansible_funkwhale_role_path" = '' ]; then cat <<EOF >requirements.yml - src: git+https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/ansible name: funkwhale version: $ansible_funkwhale_role_version EOF else mkdir -p "$ansible_conf_path/roles" echo "roles_path = $ansible_conf_path/roles" >> ansible.cfg echo "Symlinking local version of the ansible role: $ansible_funkwhale_role_path to $ansible_conf_path/roles/funkwhale" rm -f "$ansible_conf_path/roles/funkwhale" ln -s "$ansible_funkwhale_role_path" "$ansible_conf_path/roles/funkwhale" fi cat <<EOF >playbook.yml - hosts: funkwhale_servers roles: - role: funkwhale funkwhale_hostname: $funkwhale_hostname funkwhale_version: $funkwhale_version funkwhale_letsencrypt_email: $funkwhale_admin_email # Add any environment variables to the generated .env by uncommenting and editing the lines below # then execute ./reconfigure # funkwhale_env_vars: # - "EMAIL_CONFIG=smtp+tls://user@:password@youremail.host:587" # - "MYCUSTOM_ENV_VAR=test" EOF if [ "$funkwhale_nginx_managed" = "false" ]; then cat <<EOF >>playbook.yml funkwhale_nginx_managed: false EOF fi if [ "$funkwhale_database_managed" = "false" ]; then cat <<EOF >>playbook.yml funkwhale_database_managed: false funkwhale_database_url: $funkwhale_database_url EOF fi if [ "$funkwhale_redis_managed" = "false" ]; then cat <<EOF >>playbook.yml funkwhale_redis_managed: false funkwhale_redis_url: $funkwhale_redis_url EOF fi if [ "$funkwhale_systemd_managed" = "false" ]; then cat <<EOF >>playbook.yml funkwhale_systemd_managed: false EOF fi cat <<EOF >reconfigure #!/bin/sh # reapply playbook with existing parameter # Useful if you changed some variables in playbook.yml exec $ansible_bin_path/ansible-playbook -i $ansible_conf_path/inventory.ini $ansible_conf_path/playbook.yml -u root $ansible_flags EOF chmod +x ./reconfigure if [ "$funkwhale_redis_managed" = "false" ]; then cat <<EOF >>playbook.yml funkwhale_redis_url: $funkwhale_redis_url EOF fi if [ ! -z "$funkwhale_systemd_after" ]; then cat <<EOF >>playbook.yml $funkwhale_systemd_after EOF fi cat <<EOF >inventory.ini [funkwhale_servers] ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 EOF if [ "$ansible_funkwhale_role_path" = '' ]; then echo "[2/$total_steps] Downloading Funkwhale playbook dependencies" $ansible_bin_path/ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -f else echo "[2/$total_steps] Skipping playbook dependencies, using local role instead" fi } run_playbook() { cd "$ansible_conf_path" echo "[3/$total_steps] Installing Funkwhale using ansible playbook in $ansible_conf_path..." playbook_command="$ansible_bin_path/ansible-playbook -i $ansible_conf_path/inventory.ini $ansible_conf_path/playbook.yml -u root $ansible_flags" if [ "$is_dry_run" = "true" ]; then playbook_command="$playbook_command --check" echo "[3/$total_steps] Skipping playbook because DRY_RUN=true" return 0 fi echo "[3/$total_steps] Applying playbook with:" echo " $playbook_command" $playbook_command } configure_server() { echo "[4/$total_steps] Running final server configuration…" echo "[4/$total_steps] Creating simple management script at $base_path/manage" cat <<EOF >$base_path/manage #!/bin/sh set -eu sudo -u funkwhale -E $base_path/virtualenv/bin/python $base_path/api/manage.py \$@ EOF chmod +x $base_path/manage if [ -z "$funkwhale_admin_username" ]; then echo "[4/$total_steps] Skipping superuser account creation" else echo "[4/$total_steps] Creating superuser account…" echo " Please input the password for the admin account password" LOGLEVEL=error sudo -u funkwhale -E $base_path/virtualenv/bin/python \ $base_path/api/manage.py createsuperuser \ --email $funkwhale_admin_email \ --username $funkwhale_admin_username \ -v 0 fi } # wrapped up in a function so that we have some protection against only getting # half the file during "curl | sh" do_install