diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index e341649304a282c1ea75903bd710a4844f5096c1..4182ac85387d90685047305fd0a93c5ac00159bb 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
   IMAGE_NAME: funkwhale/funkwhale
+  ALL_IN_ONE_IMAGE_NAME: funkwhale/all-in-one
   REVIEW_DOMAIN: preview.funkwhale.audio
@@ -201,6 +202,7 @@ build_front:
     - tags@funkwhale/funkwhale
     - master@funkwhale/funkwhale
     - develop@funkwhale/funkwhale
     - docker
@@ -245,6 +247,32 @@ docker_release:
     - docker-build
+  stage: deploy
+  image: bash
+  variables:
+    ALL_IN_ONE_REF: master
+    ALL_IN_ONE_ARTIFACT_URL: https://github.com/thetarkus/docker-funkwhale/archive/$ALL_IN_ONE_REF.zip
+    BUILD_PATH: all_in_one
+  before_script:
+    - docker login -u $DOCKER_LOGIN -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD
+    - (if [ "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" == "develop" ]; then ./scripts/set-api-build-metadata.sh $(echo $CI_COMMIT_SHA | cut -c 1-8); fi);
+  script:
+    - wget $ALL_IN_ONE_ARTIFACT_URL -O all_in_one.zip
+    - unzip -o all_in_one.zip -d tmpdir
+    - mv tmpdir/docker-funkwhale-$ALL_IN_ONE_REF $BUILD_PATH && rmdir tmpdir
+    - cp -r api $BUILD_PATH/src/api
+    - cp -r front $BUILD_PATH/src/front
+    - cd $BUILD_PATH
+    - ./scripts/download-nginx-template.sh src/ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
+    - docker build -t $ALL_IN_ONE_IMAGE .
+    - docker push $ALL_IN_ONE_IMAGE
+  only:
+    - develop@funkwhale/funkwhale
+    - tags@funkwhale/funkwhale
+  tags:
+    - docker-build
   # Simply publish a zip containing api/ directory
   stage: deploy
diff --git a/changes/changelog.d/614.enhancement b/changes/changelog.d/614.enhancement
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..359fd1905d507d950dc895807d07f00cd10084bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changes/changelog.d/614.enhancement
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Added alternative funkwhale/all-in-one docker image (#614)
diff --git a/changes/notes.rst b/changes/notes.rst
index 79e5158b166ff9e415aba6b4a03296236695c742..70b4df4526ba481446a18c4d39035d141cc8a455 100644
--- a/changes/notes.rst
+++ b/changes/notes.rst
@@ -184,3 +184,16 @@ and replace the ``location /api/`` and `location /` blocks by the following snip
 Replace ``${FUNKWHALE_FRONTEND_PATH}`` by the corresponding variable from your .env file,
 which should be ``/srv/funkwhale/front/dist`` by default, then reload your nginx process with
 ``sudo systemctl reload nginx``.
+Alternative docker deployment method
+Thanks to the awesome done by @thetarkus at https://github.com/thetarkus/docker-funkwhale,
+we're now able to provide an alternative and easier Docker deployment method!
+In contrast with our current, multi-container offer, this method integrates
+all Funkwhale processes and services (database, redis, etc.) into a single, easier to deploy container.
+Both method will coexist in parallel, as each one has pros and cons. You can learn more
+about this exciting new deployment option by visiting https://docs.funkwhale.audio/installation/docker.html!
diff --git a/docs/installation/docker.rst b/docs/installation/docker.rst
index 8491f7f05503f050c4e5c3d4d005c0c0f67b3cbd..a63ffee90150ee7a2cf59f802a07f004271ac050 100644
--- a/docs/installation/docker.rst
+++ b/docs/installation/docker.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,83 @@
 Docker installation
 Docker is the easiest way to get a Funkwhale instance up and running.
+We support two types of Docker deployments:
+- :ref:`Mono-container <docker-mono-container>`: all processes live in the same container (database, nginx, redis, etc.). It's easier to deploy and to integrate with container management systems like Portainer. However, it's not possible to scale this type of deployment on multiple servers.
+- :ref:`Multi-container <docker-multi-container>`: each process lives in a dedicated container. This setup is more involved but also more flexible and scalable.
+.. _docker-mono-container:
+Mono-container installation
+.. note::
+    This installation method was contributed by @thetarkus, at https://github.com/thetarkus/docker-funkwhale
+First, ensure you have `Docker <https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/>`_ installed.
+Then set up a directory for your data::
+    mkdir /srv/funkwhale
+    cd /srv/funkwhale
+Export the version you want to deploy:
+.. parsed-literal::
+    export FUNKWHALE_VERSION="|version|"
+Create an env file to store a few important configuration options:
+.. code-block:: shell
+    touch .env
+    echo "FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME=yourdomain.funkwhale" >> .env
+	echo "FUNKWHALE_PROTOCOL=https" >> .env  # or http
+	echo "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 45)" >> .env  # generate and store a secure secret key for your instance
+Then start the container:
+.. code-block:: shell
+    docker run \
+        --name=funkwhale \
+        --restart=unless-stopped \
+        --env-file=/srv/funkwhale/.env \
+        -v /srv/funkwhale/data:/data \
+        -v /path/to/your/music/dir:/music:ro \
+        -e PUID=$UID \
+        -e PGID=$GID \
+        -p 5000:80 \
+        -d \
+        funkwhale/all-in-one:$FUNKWHALE_VERSION
+.. note::
+    - ``-e PUID`` and ``-e PGID`` are optional but useful to prevent permission issues with docker volumes
+    - ``-v /path/to/your/music/dir`` should point to a path on your host were is located music you want to import in your Funkwhale instance. You can safely remove the volume if you don't want to import music that way.
+Your container should start in the background, and your instance be available at ``yourip:5000`` shortly.
+You will need an admin account to login and manage your account, create one using the following command: ``docker exec -it funkwhale manage createsuperuser``
+Useful commands:
+- You can examine the logs by running ``docker logs -f --tail=50 funkwhale``
+- You can start and stop your instance using ``docker start funkwhale`` and ``docker stop funkwhale``, respectively
+- To have a better idea of the resource usage of your instance (CPU, memory), run ``docker stats funkwhale``
+.. _docker-multi-container:
+Multi-container installation
 First, ensure you have `Docker <https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/>`_ and `docker-compose <https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/>`_ installed.
 Download the sample docker-compose file: