From 2fe403ed9a8d6d8f2bf336f6cc3902a09853c443 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eliot Berriot <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2019 17:59:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] See #662: documentation about i18n / contexts, and first
 contextualized strings

 CONTRIBUTING.rst                          | 156 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 front/src/components/audio/PlayButton.vue |  32 +++--
 front/src/components/auth/Signup.vue      |  25 ++--
 3 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst
index 19f034b9fb..35a0ebddf3 100644
@@ -353,12 +353,160 @@ Internationalization
 We're using to manage i18n in the project.
-When working on the front-end, any end-user string should be translated
-using either ``<translate>yourstring</translate>`` or ``$gettext('yourstring')``
+When working on the front-end, any end-user string should be marked as a translatable string,
+with the proper context, as described below.
+Translations in HTML
+Translations in HTML use the ``<translate>`` tag::
+    <template>
+      <div>
+        <h1><translate :translate-context="'Content/Profile/Header'">User profile</translate></h1>
+        <p>
+          <translate
+            :translate-context="'Content/Profile/Paragraph'"
+            :translate-params="{username: 'alice'}">
+            You are logged in as %{ username }
+          </translate>
+        </p>
+         <p>
+          <translate
+            :translate-context="'Content/Profile/Paragraph'"
+            translate-plural="You have %{ count } new messages, that's a lot!"
+            :translate-n="unreadMessagesCount"
+            :translate-params="{count: unreadMessagesCount}">
+            You have 1 new message
+          </translate>
+        </p>
+      </div>
+    </template>
+Anything between the `<translate>` and `</translate>` delimiters will be considered as a translatable string.
+You can use variables in the translated string via the ``:translate-params="{var: 'value'}"`` directive, and reference them like this:
+``val value is %{ value }``.
+For pluralization, you need to use ``translate-params`` in conjunction with ``translate-plural`` and ``translate-n``:
+- ``translate-params`` should contain the variable you're using for pluralization (which is usually shown to the user)
+- ``translate-n`` should match the same variable
+- The ``<translate>`` delimiters contain the non-pluralized version of your string
+- The ``translate-plural`` directive contains the pluralized version of your string
+Translations in javascript
+Translations in javascript work by calling the ``this.$*gettext`` functions::
+    export default {
+      computed: {
+        strings () {
+          let tracksCount = 42
+          let playButton = this.$pgettext('Sidebar/Player/Button/Verb, Short', 'Play')
+          let loginMessage = this.$pgettext('*/Login/Message', 'Welcome back %{ username }')
+          let addedMessage = this.$npgettext('*/Player/Message', 'One track was queued', '%{ count } tracks were queued', tracksCount)
+          console.log(this.$gettextInterpolate(addedMessage, {count: tracksCount}))
+          console.log(this.$gettextInterpolate(loginMessage, {username: 'alice'}))
+        }
+      }
+    }
+The first argument of the ``$pgettext`` and ``$npgettext`` functions is the string context.
+Translation contexts provided via the ``translate-context`` directive and the ``$pgettext`` and ``$npgettext`` are never shown to end users
+but visible by Funkwhale translators. They help translators where and how the strings are used,
+especially with short or ambiguous strings, like ``May``, which can refer a month or a verb.
+While we could in theory use free form context, like ``This string is inside a button, in the main page, and is a call to action``,
+Funkwhale use a hierarchical structure to write contexts and keep them short and consistents accross the app. The previous context,
+rewritten correctly would be: ``Content/Home/Button/Call to action``.
+This hierarchical structure is made of several parts:
+- The location part, which is required and refers to the big blocks found in Funkwhale UI where the translated string is displayed:
+    - ``Content``
+    - ``Footer``
+    - ``Menu``
+    - ``Modal``
+    - ``Sidebar``
+    - ``*`` for strings that are not tied to a specific location
+- The feature part, which is required, and refers to the feature associated with the translated string:
+    - ``About``
+    - ``Admin``
+    - ``Album``
+    - ``Artist``
+    - ``Home``
+    - ``Login``
+    - ``Moderation``
+    - ``Player``
+    - ``Playlist``
+    - ``Notifications``
+    - ``Radio``
+    - ``Settings``
+    - ``Signup``
+    - ``Track``
+    - ``Queue``
+    - ``*`` for strings that are not tied to a specific feature
+- The component part, which is required and refers to the type of element that contain the string:
+    - ``Button``
+    - ``Card``
+    - ``Dropdown``
+    - ``Form``
+    - ``Header``
+    - ``Help text``
+    - ``Icon``
+    - ``Input``
+    - ``Image``
+    - ``Label``
+    - ``Link``
+    - ``List item``
+    - ``Message``
+    - ``Paragraph``
+    - ``Placeholder``
+    - ``Tab``
+    - ``Table``
+    - ``Title``
+    - ``Tooltip``
+    - ``*`` for strings that are not tied to a specific component
+The detail part, which is optional and refers to the contents of the string itself, such as:
+    - ``Call to action``
+    - ``Verb``
+    - ``Short``
+Here are a few examples of valid context hierarchies:
+- ``Sidebar/Player/Button/Title``
+- ``Content/Home/Button/Call to action``
+- ``Footer/*/Help text``
+- ``*/*/*/Verb, Short``
+- ``Modal/Playlist/Button``
+It's possible to nest multiple component parts to reach a higher level of detail:
+- ``Sidebar/Queue/Tab/Title``
+- ``Content/*/Button/Title``
+- ``Content/*/Table/Header``
+- ``Footer/*/List item/Link``
+- ``Content/*/Form/Help text``
+Collecting translatable strings
+If you want to ensure your translatable strings are correctly marked for translation,
+you can try to extract them.
 Extraction is done by calling ``yarn run i18n-extract``, which
-will pull all the strings from source files and put them in a PO file.
+will pull all the strings from source files and put them in a PO files.
+You can then inspect the PO files to ensure everything is fine (but don't commit them, it's not needed).
 Contributing to the API
diff --git a/front/src/components/audio/PlayButton.vue b/front/src/components/audio/PlayButton.vue
index 07cb1f585a..425d0a1d73 100644
--- a/front/src/components/audio/PlayButton.vue
+++ b/front/src/components/audio/PlayButton.vue
@@ -7,15 +7,23 @@
       :class="buttonClasses.concat(['ui', {loading: isLoading}, {'mini': discrete}, {disabled: !playable}])">
       <i :class="[playIconClass, 'icon']"></i>
-      <template v-if="!discrete && !iconOnly"><slot><translate>Play</translate></slot></template>
+      <template v-if="!discrete && !iconOnly"><slot><translate :v-context="'*/Queue/Button/Label/Short, Verb'">Play</translate></slot></template>
     <div v-if="!discrete && !iconOnly" :class="['ui', {disabled: !playable}, 'floating', 'dropdown', {'icon': !dropdownOnly}, {'button': !dropdownOnly}]">
       <i :class="dropdownIconClasses.concat(['icon'])"></i>
       <div class="menu">
-        <button class="item basic" ref="add" data-ref="add" :disabled="!playable" @click.stop.prevent="add" :title="labels.addToQueue"><i class="plus icon"></i><translate>Add to queue</translate></button>
-        <button class="item basic" ref="addNext" data-ref="addNext" :disabled="!playable" @click.stop.prevent="addNext()" :title="labels.playNext"><i class="step forward icon"></i><translate>Play next</translate></button>
-        <button class="item basic" ref="playNow" data-ref="playNow" :disabled="!playable" @click.stop.prevent="addNext(true)" :title="labels.playNow"><i class="play icon"></i><translate>Play now</translate></button>
-        <button v-if="track" class="item basic" :disabled="!playable" @click.stop.prevent="$store.dispatch('radios/start', {type: 'similar', objectId:})" :title="labels.startRadio"><i class="feed icon"></i><translate>Start radio</translate></button>
+        <button class="item basic" ref="add" data-ref="add" :disabled="!playable" @click.stop.prevent="add" :title="labels.addToQueue">
+          <i class="plus icon"></i><translate :v-context="'*/Queue/Dropdown/Button/Label/Short'">Add to queue</translate>
+        </button>
+        <button class="item basic" ref="addNext" data-ref="addNext" :disabled="!playable" @click.stop.prevent="addNext()" :title="labels.playNext">
+          <i class="step forward icon"></i><translate :v-context="'*/Queue/Dropdown/Button/Label/Short'">Play next</translate>
+        </button>
+        <button class="item basic" ref="playNow" data-ref="playNow" :disabled="!playable" @click.stop.prevent="addNext(true)" :title="labels.playNow">
+          <i class="play icon"></i><translate :v-context="'*/Queue/Dropdown/Button/Label/Short'">Play now</translate>
+        </button>
+        <button v-if="track" class="item basic" :disabled="!playable" @click.stop.prevent="$store.dispatch('radios/start', {type: 'similar', objectId:})" :title="labels.startRadio">
+          <i class="feed icon"></i><translate :v-context="'*/Queue/Dropdown/Button/Label/Short'">Start radio</translate>
+        </button>
@@ -61,18 +69,18 @@ export default {
   computed: {
     labels () {
       return {
-        playNow: this.$gettext('Play now'),
-        addToQueue: this.$gettext('Add to current queue'),
-        playNext: this.$gettext('Play next'),
-        startRadio: this.$gettext('Play similar songs')
+        playNow: this.$pgettext('*/Queue/Dropdown/Button/Title', 'Play now'),
+        addToQueue: this.$pgettext('*/Queue/Dropdown/Button/Title', 'Add to current queue'),
+        playNext: this.$pgettext('*/Queue/Dropdown/Button/Title', 'Play next'),
+        startRadio: this.$pgettext('*/Queue/Dropdown/Button/Title', 'Play similar songs')
     title () {
       if (this.playable) {
-        return this.$gettext('Play...')
+        return this.$pgettext('*/Queue/Button/Title', 'Play...')
       } else {
         if (this.track) {
-          return this.$gettext('This track is not available in any library you have access to')
+          return this.$pgettext('*/Queue/Button/Title', 'This track is not available in any library you have access to')
@@ -179,7 +187,7 @@ export default {
       if (tracks.length < 1) {
-      let msg = this.$ngettext('%{ count } track was added to your queue', '%{ count } tracks were added to your queue', tracks.length)
+      let msg = this.$npgettext('*/Queue/Message', '%{ count } track was added to your queue', '%{ count } tracks were added to your queue', tracks.length)
       this.$store.commit('ui/addMessage', {
         content: this.$gettextInterpolate(msg, {count: tracks.length}),
         date: new Date()
diff --git a/front/src/components/auth/Signup.vue b/front/src/components/auth/Signup.vue
index 815f0253a7..685be288db 100644
--- a/front/src/components/auth/Signup.vue
+++ b/front/src/components/auth/Signup.vue
@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
   <main class="main pusher" v-title="labels.title">
     <section class="ui vertical stripe segment">
       <div class="ui small text container">
-        <h2><translate>Create a funkwhale account</translate></h2>
+        <h2><translate :v-context="'Content/Signup/Header'">Create a funkwhale account</translate></h2>
           :class="['ui', {'loading': isLoadingInstanceSetting}, 'form']"
           <p class="ui message" v-if="!$store.state.instance.settings.users.registration_enabled.value">
-            <translate>Registration are closed on this instance, you will need an invitation code to signup.</translate>
+            <translate :v-context="'Content/Signup/Form/Message'">Registration are closed on this instance, you will need an invitation code to signup.</translate>
           <div v-if="errors.length > 0" class="ui negative message">
-            <div class="header"><translate>We cannot create your account</translate></div>
+            <div class="header"><translate :v-context="'Content/Signup/Form/Message'">We cannot create your account</translate></div>
             <ul class="list">
               <li v-for="error in errors">{{ error }}</li>
           <div class="field">
-            <label><translate>Username</translate></label>
+            <label><translate :v-context="'Content/Signup/Form/Label'">Username</translate></label>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
           <div class="field">
-            <label><translate>Email</translate></label>
+            <label><translate :v-context="'Content/Signup/Form/Label'">Email</translate></label>
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
           <div class="field">
-            <label><translate>Password</translate></label>
+            <label><translate :v-context="'Content/Signup/Form/Label'">Password</translate></label>
             <password-input v-model="password" />
           <div class="field" v-if="!$store.state.instance.settings.users.registration_enabled.value">
-            <label><translate>Invitation code</translate></label>
+            <label><translate :v-context="'Content/Signup/Form/Label'">Invitation code</translate></label>
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
           <button :class="['ui', 'green', {'loading': isLoading}, 'button']" type="submit">
-            <translate>Create my account</translate>
+            <translate :v-context="'Content/Signup/Form/Button'">Create my account</translate>
@@ -94,12 +94,13 @@ export default {
   computed: {
     labels() {
-      let title = this.$gettext("Sign Up")
-      let placeholder = this.$gettext(
+      let title = this.$pgettext("*/Signup/Title", "Sign Up")
+      let placeholder = this.$pgettext(
+        "Content/Signup/Form/Placeholder",
         "Enter your invitation code (case insensitive)"
-      let usernamePlaceholder = this.$gettext("Enter your username")
-      let emailPlaceholder = this.$gettext("Enter your email")
+      let usernamePlaceholder = this.$pgettext("Content/Signup/Form/Placeholder", "Enter your username")
+      let emailPlaceholder = this.$pgettext("Content/Signup/Form/Placeholder", "Enter your email")
       return {